Sorry if this is the wrong kind of account support to post here, but I couldn't find an "auctions support" thread.
Anyways, I got to sign up so I can log into the auctions. But when I submit my registraion info, it tells me that the email address is already in the databse.
"Wtf?" I think to myself. Maybe my forum login and auction login are tied together. So I try logging in with that information.
"The login details you have submitted are invalid. Please try again."
Okay..... now what?
Posted: February 1st, 2007, 8:59 am
Tault_admin Total Posts: 29974 Joined: November 9th, 2002, 9:57 am
Tault_admin's Reps:1444
Our new auction site is almost done you should see a large release shortly if all goes well