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Billed but never resubcribed : General & Trouble Shooting

Posted: March 22nd, 2007, 6:22 am
tault_qetesh's Reps:
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I havent been here for years, yet I was just charged again for a full year.

I never renewed this account, and I want it canceled and never be charged again. Your site is cool, but I don't want to be a member or charged for any memberships.

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Posted: March 22nd, 2007, 10:05 am

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Location: Corona, California
Joined: March 1st, 2005, 12:13 pm
lilfisher's Reps: 63
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great news for you, we do not do automatic renewals anymore and haven't had it part of the site since the end of 2005.

if it was checked before it trys to send it to an paypal account which is no longer valid so you are not charged. to prevent the annoying trying to get charged please go to your paypal account, look at the first payment you made and un-check reoccurring subscription

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Posted: March 23rd, 2007, 10:10 pm
davidteo's Reps:
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I had the same problem 2006. My account was auto-charged without my awareness. For my case, just god damn delete/erase/remove my account please. My expired date is 29/March/2007.

God, I cannot believe that this service cannot be un-subscribed. I cannot log into my paypal anymore. And stop pusing the FAULT to paypal. Isnt the best way out is to ensure that our account is deleted in Tault Unleased??? We can always re-subscribe another free account if we wants to.

Least we feel comfortable that we will never be charge again.

Need some answers please.. and Stop Erasing My forum post. I am patience enough.

login name : davidteo.

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Posted: March 24th, 2007, 10:27 am

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Location: Corona, California
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we can not auto-charge your account unless you put in a valid paypal account and choose to purchase the account. that means that you agreed to purchase the service. you knew full and well back in 2005 that we had a reoccurring subscription as it was in the purchase agreement and on the forums in quite a few places back then

as i said the paypal account that we used to use is no longer a valid paypal account so you cant be charged by it. your paypal will try to send money to an account that is not valid which then will be bounced back saying it could not complete the transaction. i said how to unsubscribe by going into your paypal and uncheck the reoccurring subscription. if you can no longer access your paypal now would be as good a time as any to do a password recovery then so you can access it. not only to end the reoccurring subscription but so you can close it if you no longer use it or be able to use it if you want to for other purposes. only people who have this problem are people who subscribed in 2005 which you had to because of the end date of your subscription being in the future. i subscribed in 2005 and when the change was done i removed my reoccurring subscription personally so i wouldn't be caught off guard by another payment. i would show you the transaction details and how to stop it exactly but unfortunately i deleted that old paypal account.

now to go back to the answer you wanted but the topic was moved to the trash by someone. to get your money back pm tault_admin with the transaction details and he will issue you a refund, dont worry about the payment again because once a refund is issued by default the persons paypal/credit card is blacklisted.

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Posted: March 28th, 2007, 5:52 am
davidteo's Reps:
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Good post. At least it clear up my misunderstading on how it works.

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