(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))):
07/08/05 07:53:44 AM
***** XUnleashed Trace Log Started: Friday, July 08, 2005 07:53:44
07/08/05 07:53:44 AM Registered XUnleashed Controls...
07/08/05 07:53:44 AM Registered XUnleashed IPPacketSniffer......
07/08/05 07:53:45 AM Registered XUScriptHelper...
07/08/05 07:53:45 AM XUnleashed Client: Click Play to begin...
07/08/05 07:53:47 AM XUnleashed Client: Updating 3rd Party Plugins and Services...
07/08/05 07:53:47 AM XUnleashed Client: Patching Wyvern's FFXi Servicer
07/08/05 07:53:47 AM XUnleashed Client: Retrieving the file: update
07/08/05 07:53:47 AM XUnleashed Client: Redirecting to alternate patch server. . .
07/08/05 07:53:48 AM XUnleashed Client: Patching complete. . .
07/08/05 07:53:48 AM WARNING: Stealth DLL temporarily dissabled!!!!
07/08/05 07:53:48 AM XUnleashed Client: Connecting to XUnleashed...
07/08/05 07:53:48 AM XUnleashed Client: Authenticating User...
07/08/05 07:53:48 AM XUnleashed Client: Connected. . .
07/08/05 07:53:48 AM Using Standard Hooking. . .
07/08/05 07:53:48 AM XUnleashed Client: Launching. . .
07/08/05 07:53:52 AM Found Target Process: pol.exe
07/08/05 07:53:52 AM Initializing COM Objects. . .
07/08/05 07:53:54 AM WARNING: CoInitialize returned: RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE
07/08/05 07:54:51 AM FOUND: Direct3DCreate8
07/08/05 07:54:51 AM Starting Services. . .
07/08/05 07:54:51 AM ------->FOUND A StandardSERVICE: XUnleashed Windows Input Service
07/08/05 07:54:51 AM CXUWinInput::Initialize()
07/08/05 07:54:51 AM ------->FOUND A StandardSERVICE: XUnleashed TCP/IP Packet Sniffer
07/08/05 07:54:51 AM CPacketSniffer::Initialize()
07/08/05 07:54:51 AM Starting the 3rd Party Services...
07/08/05 07:54:51 AM ------->FOUND A 3rd Party Service: Wyvern's FFXi Servicer
07/08/05 07:54:51 AM Starting Plugins. . .
07/08/05 07:54:51 AM ------->FOUND A STANDARD Plugin: XUnleashed V2 Triggers
07/08/05 07:54:51 AM Loading Window Schema. . .
07/08/05 07:54:52 AM ------->FOUND A STANDARD Plugin: XUnleashed V2 Macros
07/08/05 07:54:52 AM Loading Window Schema. . .
07/08/05 07:54:52 AM ------->FOUND A STANDARD Plugin: XUnleashed V2 Scripts
07/08/05 07:54:52 AM Loading Window Schema. . .
07/08/05 07:54:52 AM Force Borderless Windowed Mode ON
07/08/05 07:54:52 AM Attempting to lock onto Client. . .
07/08/05 07:54:52 AM FOUND: Direct3D8::CreateDevice()
07/08/05 07:54:53 AM FOUND: DirectInput8::CreateDevice()
07/08/05 07:54:54 AM FOUND: Direct3DDevice8::Present
07/08/05 07:54:54 AM Initializing DX8 BackBuffers...
07/08/05 07:56:10 AM Stopping Plugins. . .
07/08/05 07:56:10 AM Stopping Services. . .
07/08/05 07:56:10 AM CPacketSniffer::Terminate()
07/08/05 07:56:10 AM CXUWinInput::Terminate()
07/08/05 07:56:10 AM Exiting XUnleashed. . .
07/08/05 07:56:10 AM Unlocking client
OK, above is my log file. I logged into FFXI with only dialog checked and then I tried pressing Ctrl-ins-minus and i saw that it did minimize something, but I couldnt see exactly what because it was behind the game screen (saw it for a split second then FFXI came back to the front)
Tried alt-tab after that and still cant bring anything up in front of the game screen. When this happens I see what I want to bring up for like a couple milliseconds, but then the FFXI game screen come back up in front of everything.
Edit: Apparently same problem as this guy.
http://www.taultunleashed.com/phpBB2/vi ... hp?t=21585