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FFXI Password Recovery : General & Trouble Shooting

Posted: March 26th, 2007, 3:42 am
nohrin's Reps:
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Recently my Account was just hacked by a keylogger i was unaware in my windower. I used that windower for serveral months but just recently i could no longer log into FFXI. Tried contacting SE but they are of no help and cant seem to do anything about it. I dont know what kind of crack pots SE hires but they obviuosly are ppl who dont know crap. Anyway i read a little bit later about the FFXI trojan that searches for ID password etc... was just wondering if there is any other way to get back my account other than SE.. I'm not a computer person i just a noob lol. Maybe someone who knows what the hell to do or understands and can back hack that SoB who took my account. I'm desperate. i dont want to see 4 lvl 75's down the drain all my hard work... ; ; pls feedback is welcome and suggestions anything at all.

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Posted: March 26th, 2007, 5:33 pm

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I would contact sony about this one. Say someone hacked your account and you should be fine. Dont say you gave out your info as you can get in trouble for that.

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Posted: March 26th, 2007, 11:43 pm

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they should be able to reset the password if all the info is correct but the person prob changed the cc. once that is done nothing you can do to get the account back. the trojan to steal the passwords was done by a friend of mine for fun (he never stole an account with it but reset some passwords and sent the person an e-mail the new one). well really it went on your computer and searched it for the password. SE stupidly did NOT encrypt the password at all so it was easy to get it. that was before SE patched it because people complained

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Posted: March 27th, 2007, 3:34 pm

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lilfisher (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
SE stupidly did NOT encrypt the password at all so it was easy to get it.

Are you shitting me? Ha, I guess it was to hard to make a MD5 Hash of the password and then do comparisons. Its incredible that FFXI was actually sold- more incredibly: there was a monthly fee; their servers were ridiculously bad.

EX-TU member. For my own reasons, I will no longer play a role as an active member. Goodbye.

RIP kourath. 5/21/08

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Posted: June 2nd, 2008, 11:15 pm
demongibber's Reps:
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I just had this happen to me recently now i tried SE like the gentleman/lady (idk) before and well tbh no one picked up the phone or the website for 3 days now 2 hours on each so yea im starting to think SE support is fake but id like some help getting my account back cause i really really dont want to start over again

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Posted: June 3rd, 2008, 1:27 am
kagami's Reps:
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You can contact the Special Task Force you know...

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