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Just like everyone else paid and cant login... : General & Trouble Shooting

Posted: August 19th, 2006, 12:56 am
new02jedi's Reps:
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I know it may be soon seeing i paid like an hour ago but i thought these kinda things were automatic?

MOD EDIT: removed for your premium safety

theres that just in case

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Posted: August 19th, 2006, 1:50 am

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lilfisher's Reps: 63
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please pm tault_admin the information and do not post it up. it is automatic if you use paypal but it seems you used verisign which requires tault_admin to have to add you manually

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Posted: August 19th, 2006, 8:39 am
new02jedi's Reps:
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ok i did it, thank you lilfisher i appreciate it, i hope tault gets to it soon :P

i guess i get a reg code too or something?? I gave tault the information awhile ago at about 1230 not to be impatient or anything but how long does it take for him to "upgrade" the account?

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Posted: August 19th, 2006, 12:30 pm

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it depends when tault_admin logs in. he usually logs in every 6-12 hours and checks the forums and pm's and does accounts. you no longer need a reg code as we have left xunleashed 3.995 and now are in i believe 4.3 which just needs your forum login.

wait just seeing you are a premium user now :)

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Posted: August 19th, 2006, 10:47 pm

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Im always on its just the fact i get alot of pms daily so you have to wait till i can get to them.

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