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No help : General & Trouble Shooting

Posted: December 23rd, 2006, 6:50 pm
latinknight68's Reps:
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hello I posted for some help yesturday and i guess no one wants to help me with my problem. I can'T launch XU, i payed to join this site becouse i thouhgt it was cool. but i geuss i was wrong.Can't someone help me.

Can anyone help? I installed XU as discribed and after it does the updates,i pressed launched and accept then launch again and nothing. I read all the FAQ and all the ask the pros,also the trouble shooting forums and nothing answers my problem. I am installing this for the game guildwars. here is some of my info: OS is windows XP pro,AMD ATHLON 64 processor 2800+ Socket 754.GYGABYTE i-DNA gEforce series motherboard,1g of ram,ASUS EN7300GS NVIVIA 128mb ddr2 videocard,blaster Audigy se soundcard,sata 200g harddrive.I just joined todays ago and can't enjoy this program. i am a paying member so can anyone help.



P.S. I did trie restarting it after the updates then hitting launch again and nothing only XU DLL programs keep poping up in the folder. i then trie to delete the folder to reinstall again it won't delete , i have to go to safemode to delete folder,becouse tiit said program is inuse or locked somthing like that.

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Posted: December 23rd, 2006, 7:09 pm

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kourath's Reps: 23
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in regards to the not getting any help ysterday:
the problem is, everyone here is just like you. most of us have no clue about XU, and quite frankley, a lot of us stopped using it because it is rather flakey. Most people here, as i have observed, come here, post here, for the unique community. also, there is a lot of info (guides, cheats, exploits) and standalones here. my point is that this site is not all about xunleashed, and thats becoming clearer as everything is starting to move into Exhume, or standalones programmed in 3rd party languages. dont get me wrong XU is great, its just that your probably not going to get the out of the box working senario.

as for getting help on getting XU to work, i hope you get some.

if in fact you are truly disgruntled about the service here, you can invoke the "7-day satisfaction guarantee" just PM tault_admin

EX-TU member. For my own reasons, I will no longer play a role as an active member. Goodbye.

RIP kourath. 5/21/08

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Posted: December 23rd, 2006, 7:20 pm
latinknight68's Reps:
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i appreicate your replie i think your right. i think ill work on other think that the site has to offer and for Exhume from what i was reading doesn't work on Guildwars.



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Posted: January 7th, 2008, 2:51 pm
rasco420's Reps:
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:( i created a free account here and it wont let me see any of the free gw bots and it sayes i have to make a paid account plz help

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