please help. i paid for a subscription but can't log in. i'm having to use a free account to post this. i got the payment info in my e-mail and the transaction has already been posted on my card.
please help
Posted: August 24th, 2007, 12:58 pm
Tault_admin Total Posts: 29974 Joined: November 9th, 2002, 9:57 am
Tault_admin's Reps:1444
Send me a pm if you haven't and we can fix it asap.
Posted: August 25th, 2007, 1:45 pm
spookd Total Posts: 43 Joined: December 9th, 2006, 2:14 pm
spookd's Reps:0
same situation for me here as well, i sent a PM however it will not move from the outbox to the sentbox so I am unsure if it was actually sent.
Posted: August 26th, 2007, 2:50 pm
Tault_admin Total Posts: 29974 Joined: November 9th, 2002, 9:57 am
Tault_admin's Reps:1444