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READ THIS BEFORE POSTING : General & Trouble Shooting

Posted: August 10th, 2005, 11:37 am

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So sometimes people have problems with their accounts however following these steps might fix your problem in the first place so you wont have to post.

I should have premium but it shows me as a regular member

Make sure you did these 4 things first.

1. You have a premium account shown under your subscription information page.
2. You have a normal account also created under your subscription information page. (if not create one)
3. You didnt pay using something that takes a few days to verify as if so you will have to wait till its verified.
4. Make sure you wait a hour tops for the database to properly give your account premium access.
5. Make sure you didnt pay with an echeck. Because it needs to clear until premium access will be given.

If you did all 3 of those things do the following.

1. Send a private msg to Tault_admin with the following
- paypal email address
- If you where a member before July 2005 (say if you where a tault or xunleashed user)
- Exact problems you are having.
- Include your paypal subscription receipt to xunleashed in the pm to.

I joined but where is my xunleashed login information.

1. Read the left page as it gives you a link

http://www.taultunleashed.com/phpbb2/vi ... hp?t=21040

that link has everything you need for getting your xunleashed information.

Last edited by Tault_admin on November 10th, 2007, 4:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Posted: January 4th, 2006, 5:15 pm
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Where do I dowload Xunleash??? The place I found says the site does not exits anymore?? My paypal e-mail account is figujua@chrobinson.com

Posted: January 4th, 2006, 5:23 pm

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look around and you will find the client. i will post the link up in a min if an admin doesnt get to it before me. xunleashed doesnt exist anymore it is now taultunleashed but it is still the xunleashed client. we are also i believe upgrading to exhume

Click to buy a premium account

Posted: January 4th, 2006, 7:43 pm

Total Posts: 29974
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Fileserver went down. Should be up shortly. Sorry for the delay.

Posted: January 12th, 2006, 12:07 pm

Total Posts: 29974
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Im confused this post is locked. If it was a renewal and you forgot to cancel we dont allow renewals anymore.

Secondly if you wanted a refund within the time period of 7 days thats fine.

Thirdly if you did multiple payments accidently just pm me with your problem and we can fix it.

Forgot to lock this post.

Its locked now.

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