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Script for eq2 runs really slow : General & Trouble Shooting

Posted: July 14th, 2005, 9:21 am
chuckie2784's Reps:
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Is there a setting i missed when using the harvester bot 4.xx on this computer it runs like 50x slower than if i where to run it on the computer next to it and the one next to it has a sloweer wirelss network car to the same router this computer is hardwired into.

It runs slow in that when looking for waypoints or nodes it tends to run past them while looking for them and does not find them till they have ran too far and fallen off of a clif and this does not happen on other comp with same script so i have racked my brain and cant figure it out.

Lemme know if yall got any ideas thanks

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Posted: July 14th, 2005, 10:28 am
asdf's Reps:
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Sounds like you have a intel processor.

Hyper threading is a major problem with that processor and xu hates it.

Go into your task manager.. (ctrl-ins-delete) and find the eq2 process. Right click and go into processor affinity. Make sure you only have 1 (ONE) processor checked. Uncheck one if you have 2+ checked.

If eq2 dissappears, you checked the wrong one. Go back in to the task manager, and swap processors.

That will speed things up around 500% faster for running scripts.

PS this should be a sticky in the eq2 forums (NOTE MODS)

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