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VG - Sigil's Crafting Developer, Answers Some Questions : Vanguard News

Posted: April 5th, 2007, 7:18 pm

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Q: Will chests in houses hold items separately from the housing furniture (aka, show) items? Meaning, can I make full use of the chest caparicty in storing stuff that needs to be stored, or will furniture take away from the storage limit? I ask because, I can already forsee many large t5 houses with nothing in them but chests, since putting in furniture would take away from storage space, like it does now.

A: Items in chests are separate from items in your house. Chests do count as an item in your house and there is a limit to the number of chests you can place in your house.

Q: Are there quests for Outfitters for Qalian Housing?

A: No. The Qalian house style does not support a need for outfitter items.

Q: Is anything currently planned for allowing players to upgrade thier house. If they have a T4 house they can 'upgrade' it to T5 without having to tear it entirely down and start entirely from scratch?

A: In the plans. Code is looking at it now.

Q: How large will storage chests be for the houses and are there more then 1 size? I see that a T3 house may have 3 chests and a T5 hosue may have 5 chests... are they the same size chests? If there are different 'tiered' chests can you place 3 T5 chests in a T3 house? What are the current size plans for the chests?

A: There are currently 3 tiers of chest (10, 25, 40 slots). You can place a Tier 5 chest in a Tier 3 house.

Q: What kind of functionality will guild halls offer? Teleporters? Bankers? Repair Merchants? Aside from the trophy any buffs? Crafting resources (fuels etc)? Will hanging out at the Guild Hall give you any benefit? Will the guild hall have guild storage that officers may flag for access rights?

A: Guild Halls are just really big houses. We are working on Guild Headquarters functionality which can exist at any house owned by a guild member that is flagged as the guild HQ. This will include many of the things you list.

Q: Currently Sloops and Caravels seem to move the same speed. Is this is an oversight? Could be get a speed boost based on tier?

A: In the future, we'll re-evaluate speeds when we add additional functionality. For now, depth and size the primary difference makers.

Q: Are we going to be given more color options overall for our boats down the line? The current colors are nice, but more variety is desireable as this game matures

A: Over time, additional colors, figureheads and cabins can be added into the game and quickly hooked up. The system was designed to allow for lots of additional variation over time.

Q: Can we please grant players the ability to right click on boats to get Crafter Name, Owner Name and boat stat information (Speed, Depth, etc)

A: Under consideration.

Q: How long till we get varying wind directions?

A: Not sure where it is on the schedule. It is on the there, I just don't know when code will have the resources to implement.

Q: This is the first I have head about differing figureheads. Are you saying ships can be modified, or simply constructed differently?

A: During construction you can select the paint (all 3 tiers), figurehead (caravel and galleon), and cabin (galleon). There are currently 117 different ships you can craft.

Qalia has 4 different figureheads. Two are just designs. There is a pretty nice looking horse (Brega) and a squid (Swashti).
Thestra has two the one you already have (Caia) and another one (Mara) which I'm sure many people will think is the coolest in the game.
Kojan has 3 different figureheads. Two are designs and one is very nice (Hakuso).

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