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Crafting Bot : VGExtreme General Discussion

Posted: July 10th, 2007, 11:34 am
gamemaker's Reps:
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Hey guys... I am almost done with a working crafting bot (few bugs to work out) I will post it asap.

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Posted: July 10th, 2007, 2:36 pm

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Sounds awesome gamemaker. Looks like someone is working towards a lifetime account haha.

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Posted: July 18th, 2007, 1:27 am
bashes's Reps:
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Sweet , i am a noob when it comes to useing any of the programs here so i hope your script will make things simple to craft bot, for i still havent understanded yet how to use any script for that matter. I was just seeking a program i could just start point and click and poof have an auto crafter to do Work Orders :O)

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Posted: July 22nd, 2007, 7:14 am
unruly1's Reps:
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I am REALLY looking forward to this!! Cant wait to try it out!! any word on progress?

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Posted: July 23rd, 2007, 10:09 pm

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gamemaker any status udpates?

Use Search first, ask questions later!

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Posted: July 26th, 2007, 4:52 pm
keedog79's Reps:
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Wow been waiting for this for a while. Any update? Or is everyone just keeping there bots to themselves?

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Posted: July 27th, 2007, 11:47 am
blackout's Reps:
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I've written one that just grinds out work orders, and it's worked quite well, I've gotten from 15 to 29 with it. However it runs a bit slower then if you were to grind it out itself, but it's very consistent, but it does have it's bugs.

The reason why I haven't released it to the general public is that I don't have time to answer questions about it, or getting around to even fixing some of the more annoying bugs (it's just a hobby of mine). It's just something that works on my system, so therefore it's made my 25 dollar investment worth it.

If I can convince wyv to put in some diplomacy API into vgextreme, I would love to code a bot for that too, since my wrists are starting to hurt!

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Posted: August 29th, 2007, 10:05 pm

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August 29, 2007

--Added Crafting.ActionName
--Added Crafting.StepName

If you use ActionName or ActionDescription, be SURE you have the step populated (ie /craftingselectstep xx) first!!!

Use Search first, ask questions later!

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Posted: September 3rd, 2007, 8:02 pm

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September 2, 2007

NOTE: See included Inlcludes/VGParley.vbs on how to use them!
NOTE: See included Inlcludes/VGCrafting.vbs on how to use them!

--Added Crafting Functions
'Function Crafting_AvailableWorkOrderName 'Returns the name of the work order you have selected from the taskmaster
'Function Crafting_AvailableWorkOrderDescription 'Returns the description of the work order you have selected from the taskmaster
'Function Crafting_AvailableWorkOrderDifficulty 'Returns the Difficulty of the work order you have selected from the taskmaster
'Function Crafting_AvailableWorkOrderSkill 'Returns the skill of the work order you have selected from the taskmaster
'Function Crafting_AvailableWorkOrderNeededItems 'Returns what the work order requires to be constructed from the work order you have selected from the taskmaster

--Added Parley Functions
'function Parley_Inspire 'Returns the amount of inspire you currently have
'function Parley_OpponentInspire 'Returns the amount of inspirey our opponent has
'function Parley_Demand 'Returns the amount of demand you currently have
'function Parley_OpponentDemand 'Returns the amount of demand your opponent has
'function Parley_Reason 'Returns the amount of reason you currently have
'function Parley_OpponentReason 'Returns the amount of reason your opponent has
'function Parley_Flatter 'Returns the amount of flatter you currently have
'function Parley_OpponentFlatter 'Returns the amount of flatter your opponent has
'function Parley_Type ' Returns the type of parley you have initiated (entertainment, civic, etc)
'function Parley_Points 'Returns the dialog points you currently have
'function Parley_OpponentPoints 'Returns the dialog points your opponent has
'function Parley_Status 'Returns the purple sticker showing how much you are progressing to the goal
'function Parley_OpponentName 'Returns who you are currently conversing with
'function Parley_hasWon 'Returns True/False if you won the parley
'function Parley_hasLost 'Returns True/False if you lost the parley
'function Parley_inParley 'Returns True/False if you are currently in a parley
'function Parley_hasOpponentPassed 'Returns True/False if the opponent decided to "Listen"
'function Parley_hasPlayerPassed 'Returns True/False if you decided to "Listen"
'function Parley_CardCooldown(int_card) 'Returns the cooldown rounds remaining on the card (Zero-Based index - first card is 0)

Use Search first, ask questions later!

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