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How to set a timer routine correctly ?!? : VGExtreme General Discussion

Posted: March 26th, 2007, 9:31 am

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all time i have same problem to set timers for buffs in VGExtreme.
here a little example of my bot to see if i doing it correct:

(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))):
'*'''''''''''''''''''''''''''  MAIN LOOP ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''*'
Dim CurrentTime
Dim Timer15   ' Ward
Dim Diff15
Dim Timer30  'Renewal     
Dim Diff30   
Dim Timer60   ' all other buffs
Dim Diff60   
Dim Timer61   ' all other buffs
Dim Diff61

CurrentTime = Minute(Now)
Timer15 = Minute(Now) 
Timer30 = Minute(Now)
Timer60 = Minute(Now) 
Timer61 = Minute(Now)       




also in the main checking for buffs..
now the buff section:

(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))):

'*''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Buffs  ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''*'
function CHECK_BUFFS

        Diff15 = Minute(Now) - Timer15          'Ward
        If (Diff15 >= 1) then
        Sleep 3000
      Log.DebugLog " Buffing Ward_Shield"
            VGSEndText HOTKEY_Ward
            Sleep 3000
                        Timer15 = Minute(Now)
        end if

        Diff30 = Minute(Now) - Timer30           'Renewal
        If (Diff30 >= 10) then
          Sleep 3000
      Log.DebugLog " Buffing Renewal"
            VGSEndText BUFF_Renewal     ' Reneval III 
           Sleep 3000   
            Timer30 = Minute(Now)
        end if

        Diff60 = Minute(Now) - Timer60           'ALL other buffs
        If (Diff60 >= 20) then
      Log.DebugLog " Buffing Bestowal"
            VGSEndText BUFF_Bestowal        ' Buffs I     
            Sleep 3000
         Log.DebugLog " Buffing Resolution"
            VGSEndText BUFF_Resolution    ' Buffs II   
            Sleep 3000
         Log.DebugLog " Buffing Endowment"
            VGSEndText BUFF_Endowment   ' Buffs III
         Sleep 3000
         Log.DebugLog " Buffing Spirit_Ressist"
         VGSEndText BUFF_Spirit_Ressist   ' Buffs IIII
         Sleep 3000
            Timer60 = Minute(Now)
        end if
       Diff61 = Minute(Now) - Timer61           'ALL other buffs
        If (Diff60 >= 21) then
         Sleep 3000
      Log.DebugLog " Buffing_Power_of_Reprisal "
            VGSEndText BUFF_Power_of_Reprisal 
            Sleep 2000
         Timer61 = Minute(Now)
        end if

end function

also my problem is sometimes work and sometimes not, WHY !!!
i getting crazy from test and test and test from test.

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Posted: March 26th, 2007, 10:14 am

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Set the first time during setup.

(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))):
START_TIME = Minute(Now)

This is what you would check every time you want to see if it is time to buff.

(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))):
  DIFF_TIME = Minute(Now) - START_TIME + 1
    If DIFF_TIME < 1 Then
        DIFF_TIME = DIFF_TIME + 60
    End If

Then when DIFF_TIME gets to the time that you wan to buff, buff then set
(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))):
START_TIME = Minute(Now)

The thing that is messing you up I'm pretty sure is that lets say Start_time is 58 then five minutes later current time is going to be 3 which is going to give you a negative 55.
So If you check to see if Diff_time is less than 1 you add 60 to it.
In the same situation it will show five minutes has passed which is correct.

Another thing that had been causing trouble is set a sleep before you cast the buff, just to make sure your able to cast.

I also added a check to make sure the buffs had been actually cast by setting a flag when you buff.
Then when the timer reached 55 minutes it double checks your buffs.

Since adding all that I have not had any problems getting buffs on the bot.

It is all redone in the Blood Mage 2.3 I uploaded yesterday.

We are suppose to be able to see what all effects are on a character soon, it will make buffing a lot easier.
It will be nice as well to see if you invis or not on the Blood Mage.

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Posted: March 26th, 2007, 10:44 am

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for example:

in top of skript:
(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))):
Dim CurrentTime
Dim Timer15   ' Ward
Dim Diff15
Dim Timer30  'Renewal     
Dim Diff30   
Dim Timer60   ' all other buffs
Dim Diff60   
Dim Timer61   ' all other buffs
Dim Diff61

CurrentTime = Minute(Now)
Timer15 = Minute(Now)
Timer30 = Minute(Now)
Timer60 = Minute(Now)
Timer61 = Minute(Now)   

buff section:

(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))):

'*''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Buffs  ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''*'
function CHECK_BUFFS

        Diff15 = Minute(Now) - Timer15          'Ward
        If (Diff15 >= 1) then
        Sleep 3000
      Log.DebugLog " Buffing Ward_Shield"
            VGSEndText HOTKEY_Ward
            Sleep 3000
                        Timer15 = Minute(Now)
        end if

        Diff30 = Minute(Now) - Timer30           'Renewal
        If (Diff30 >= 10) then
          Sleep 3000
      Log.DebugLog " Buffing Renewal"
            VGSEndText BUFF_Renewal     ' Reneval III
           Sleep 3000   
            Timer30 = Minute(Now)
        end if

        Diff60 = Minute(Now) - Timer60           'ALL other buffs
        If (Diff60 >= 20) then
      Log.DebugLog " Buffing Bestowal"
            VGSEndText BUFF_Bestowal        ' Buffs I     
            Sleep 3000
         Log.DebugLog " Buffing Resolution"
            VGSEndText BUFF_Resolution    ' Buffs II   
            Sleep 3000
         Log.DebugLog " Buffing Endowment"
            VGSEndText BUFF_Endowment   ' Buffs III
         Sleep 3000
         Log.DebugLog " Buffing Spirit_Ressist"
         VGSEndText BUFF_Spirit_Ressist   ' Buffs IIII
         Sleep 3000
            Timer60 = Minute(Now)
        end if
       Diff61 = Minute(Now) - Timer61           'ALL other buffs
        If (Diff60 >= 21) then
         Sleep 3000
      Log.DebugLog " Buffing_Power_of_Reprisal "
            VGSEndText BUFF_Power_of_Reprisal
            Sleep 2000
         Timer61 = Minute(Now)
        end if

end function

in mainloop:

(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))):


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Posted: March 26th, 2007, 10:53 am

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Here is a little bit of my Vanguard SKills Object (class) and how i do skills
This first snippit is how I loaded each skill. NOTE: Since this is a timer forum thread, I have set GIft of ardor to a time a long time ago.. so its immediately ready. the first time i need it, after that the PERFORMSKILL FUnction handles resetting the timer.

(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))):
'             VG SKILLS OBJECT .VBS
' Currently there are 25 Skills on file

Dim objVGSkill
Set objVGSkill = New VGSkill

' One skill
objVGSkill.SkillName(0) = "Gift of Ardor III"
objVGSkill.SkillRefresh(0) = 60
objVGSkill.SkillRange(0) = 25
objVGSkill.SkillEnergy(0) = 54 f
objVGSkill.SkillEndurance(0) = 0
objVGSkill.SkillCastTime(0) = 0
objVGSkill.KeyMapping(0) = ""
objVGSkill.SkillLastUsedTime(0) = "2/25/2007 11:01:42 PM"  ' since its refresh is so damn long

' two skill
objVGSkill.SkillName(1) = "Power of the Grave I"
objVGSkill.SkillRefresh(1) = 0
objVGSkill.SkillRange(1) = 25
objVGSkill.SkillEnergy(1) = 19
objVGSkill.SkillEndurance(1) = 0
objVGSkill.SkillCastTime(1) = 0
objVGSkill.KeyMapping(1) = ""
objVGSkill.SkillLastUsedTime(1) = Now

' 3 skill
objVGSkill.SkillName(2) = "Power of the Grave II"
objVGSkill.SkillRefresh(2) = 0
objVGSkill.SkillRange(2) = 25
objVGSkill.SkillEnergy(2) = 30 ' not sure
objVGSkill.SkillEndurance(2) = 0
objVGSkill.SkillCastTime(2) = 0
objVGSkill.KeyMapping(2) = ""
objVGSkill.SkillLastUsedTime(2) = Now

This little bit is the class define itselt

(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))):

Class VGSkill
' Set theseindexes to +1 of the last known index (example VGSKills(1) then set it to 2
' declare private class variable
Dim m_SkillName(3)
Dim m_Refresh(3)
Dim m_Range(3)
Dim m_Energy(3)
Dim m_Endurance(3)
Dim m_CastTime(3)
Dim m_KeyMapping(3)
Dim m_LastUsedTime(3)

' declare the property
Public Property Get SkillName(i)
  SkillName = m_SkillName(i)
End Property

Public Property Let SkillName (i,strSkillName)
  m_SkillName(i) = strSkillName
End Property

' declare the property
Public Property Get SkillRefresh(i)
  SkillRefresh = m_Refresh(i)
End Property

Public Property Let SkillRefresh (i,strSkillRefresh)
  m_Refresh(i) = strSkillRefresh
End Property

' declare the property
Public Property Get SkillRange(i)
  SkillRange = m_Range(i)
End Property

Public Property Let SkillRange (i,strSkillRange)
  m_Range(i) = strSkillRange
End Property

' declare the property
Public Property Get SkillEnergy(i)
  SkillEnergy = m_Energy(i)
End Property

Public Property Let SkillEnergy (i,strSkillEnergy)
  m_Energy(i) = strSkillEnergy
End Property

' declare the property
Public Property Get SkillEndurance(i)
  SkillEndurance = m_Endurance(i)
End Property

Public Property Let SkillEndurance (i,strSkillEndurance)
  m_Endurance(i) = strSkillEndurance
End Property

' declare the property
Public Property Get SkillCastTime(i)
  SkillCastTime = m_CastTime(i)
End Property

Public Property Let SkillCastTime (i,strSkillCastTime)
  m_CastTime(i) = strSkillCastTime
End Property

' declare the property
Public Property Get KeyMapping(i)
  KeyMapping = m_KeyMapping(i)
End Property

Public Property Let KeyMapping (i,strSkillKeyMapping)
  m_KeyMapping(i) = strSkillKeyMapping
End Property

' declare the property
Public Property Get SkillLastUsedTime(i)
  SkillLastUsedTime = m_LastUsedTime(i)
End Property

Public Property Let SkillLastUsedTime(i,strSkillLastUsedTime)
  m_LastUsedTime(i) = strSkillLastUsedTime
End Property

End Class

And this is my perform skill function

(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))):

' Here down is the original,
Function PerformSkill(SkillName) 'Casts a spell or performs a skill
    PerformSkill = false ' initialize
    Dim CurrentTime         ' holds the time at the attempt to cast   
    Dim TimeSinceLastCast     ' holds the seconds since last cast
    'loop through and find the skill in the object
       for i = 0 to 3  ' set this to however many objects are in your VGSKills Object in
         ' Find the Skill

         if objVGSkill.SkillName(i) = SkillName then
               UpdateDebugInfo "Found Skill" & SkillName           

                            ' Now check to see if the skill can be cast (skill timer)
                             CurrentTime = Now   ' get the now time.
                             UpdateDebugInfo "Current time is " & CurrentTime
                             TimeSinceLastCast = DateDiff("s", objVGSkill.SkillLastUsedTime(i), CurrentTime)   'Calcualte the seconds since last cast
                             if (TimeSinceLastCast => objVGSkill.SkillRefresh(i)  ) then
                              UpdateDebugInfo "Time since last cast good"

                                ' check for Energy
                                if (getPlayerPower => objVGSkill.SkillEnergy(i)  ) then
                                   UpdateDebugInfo "Energy good"
                                    ' check for Endurance               
                                    if (getPlayerEndurance => objVGSkill.SkillEndurance(i)  ) then
                                    UpdateDebugInfo "Endurance good"
                                        ' Check if Range is good
                                        if (getTargetDistance() <= objVGSkill.SkillRange(i)  ) then
                                        UpdateDebugInfo "Mob Is within Range "

                                                    ' GO ahead and send the hot key
                                             VGSendText( objVGSkill.KeyMapping(i) )
                                             PerformSkill = true 
                                             ' Reset the skills last used timer
                                             objVGSkill.SkillLastUsedTime(i) = Now   
                                             ' Must wait 2 seconds for skill Manditory timer to refresh.
                                             ' check the skills cast time, and subtract 2 from it if its longer
                                             ' if the SKill cast time is over 2 seconds, do nothing, other wise wait itout
                                             if ( objVGSkill.SkillCastTime(i) > 2 ) then   
                                                 ' DO nothing its already time to cast
                                             end if

                                             if (PerformSkill = true ) then   
                                                 UpdateDebugInfo SkillName & " Performed Sucessfully "                                       
                                                    UpdateDebugInfo SkillName & " Failed "                                       
                                             end if
                                         end if
                                     end if                             
                                end if                             
                             end if 
         end if                                                   

end function

Thats how i did it for handling timers in the casting and performing of skills, Hopwfully it answeres your question,One of these days i will post my bots, the problem is my code is Very hard to read and Setup...

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Posted: March 26th, 2007, 11:34 am

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Everytime you figure the difference you need to check to see if they number is negative if it is add 60 to it.

Diff15 = Minute(Now) - Timer15 'Ward

If Diff15 < 0 then
Diff15 = Diff15 + 60
End If

Do this for every timer check you have.

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Posted: March 26th, 2007, 12:20 pm

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binafus (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
Everytime you figure the difference you need to check to see if they number is negative if it is add 60 to it.

Diff15 = Minute(Now) - Timer15 'Ward

If Diff15 < 0 then
Diff15 = Diff15 + 60
End If

Do this for every timer check you have.

what means that +60 ?

60= 60 minutes?

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Posted: March 26th, 2007, 12:53 pm

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Start Time = 10 at ten after the hour
15 minutes later we do a Minute(Now) it would 25 after.
So your equation would work right and get buffs.

25 - 10 = 15 then buff ur 15 minute buff.

But if Start Time = 55 at 55 minutes after the hour.
Then 15 minutes later you do a Minute(Now) it would be 10 after so your equation would look like.

10 - 55 = -45 Which would never reach your buff timer

So you check for a negative number and if so you add 60

10 - 55 = -45
Diff = -45 + 60 = 15 minutes which would be correct.

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Posted: March 26th, 2007, 1:05 pm

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.. works now...

Last edited by kumpel100 on April 1st, 2007, 4:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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