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Move Harvest Move... : VGExtreme General Discussion

Posted: October 1st, 2007, 1:52 pm
atomx1211's Reps:
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ok I am wanting to set up a harvest bot... exclusivley for harvesting and with the K.I.S.S. thought in mind.

I was thinking something like this...

Function MoveAndGrab

goToLoc X , Y (1) (This would be the first set of nodes)
sendCommand("/targetnextnode") (This would target the node)
getTargetNode() (A true/false on if target aquired)
ifTargetNode() = False
goToNextLocOnList (takes you to next Loc if no node is aquired or if all in area are on blacklist)
ifTargetNode() = True
isNodeHarvestable() (This would send back a true/false on if it had been harvested already or not.)
ifNodeHarvestable() = True
runFunction "Grab"
ifNodeHarvestable() = False
blacklistNode X , Y tillNextCycle (This would blacklist the node till it returns to this waypoint so it dosnt just target the used up node over and over again thus resulting in a neverending loop)
ReturnToCommand , sendCommand("/targetnextnode") (this would run the cycle at this way point over again searching for more nodes if it grabs a already harvested node)

Function Grab (remember when this function would be ran you will already have a node that IS harvestable)

goToLoc(Node) >=4 (this would move you to less than or = to 4 meters of targed node)
sendCommand ("/attack") (resulting in harvesting node)
pause 13000 (pausing for 13seconds for harvesting time)
sendCommand ("/endharvesting") (just incase it's a glitched node...)
pause 100 (alowing time for command to be sent)
sendCommand ("/lootall") (looting all the items on the node...)
goBackToLoc X , Y (This would return you to your starting location for this run of the list eg. lacation 1 or 2 just depending whichone you are currently suspost to be at)
runFunction "Move&Grab" atCurrentLocation


Thats it in a nutshell ofcourse if you wanted it to be really indepth I would put in a def. function that wold run if your toon got attacked/jumped.

it would be set up to run that list of functions at each point and clear the blacklist at each point also so you don't have good nodes blacklisted when you return to that point and only continue on to the next location after
a) all nodes blacklisted
b) no nodes targeted (requires all blacklisted to be met as well for no target.)

So what do you guys/girls think is it possiable and if so can you help me out with the script I will do all the fine tuning and tweeking of the script for user release I just would like some basic help getting started!

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Posted: November 4th, 2007, 7:13 am

Total Posts: 375
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Joined: October 24th, 2005, 12:29 pm
kumpel100's Reps: 969
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you mostly need a fighting routine too so take my example from the past going with them to lvl 50 adventure and 500 reaping/skinning:

http://www.taultunleashed.com/phpbb2/ab ... oT_v_.html

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