user01 (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
I built a small heal bot, and I noticed that it reports HP/MaxHP as -1 for the third to fifth group member.
(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))):
For i = 0 to (VG.GroupMemberCount - 1)
Log.DebugLog(i & "/" & VG.GroupMemberCount & ": " & VG.GroupMember(i).HP & "/" & VG.GroupMember(i).MaxHP)
I know it gives -1 as a default if the group member slot is empty; I assume you're testing this with a full group...?
If they are indeed broken, send a PM to wyvernx. I'll also mention this to him since he's actively trying to fix all the broken vg functions.