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VGExtreme Class Questions : VGExtreme General Discussion

Posted: June 3rd, 2007, 9:11 am

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1) All the methods return a float that demonstrates distance. What is the definition of distance? How does it relate to this distance that I see in game under my target?

1) The hasProperties (Counter, Finisher, Rescue) do these only return true if the player has an active ability that can be used? Or does it simply mean that the player has these abilities in general.

2) What is the hasVirtue used for? Is it the same across all classes or does it refer to only classes like the Cleric and Paladin for turning undead
and stuff like that?

3) What is the difference between isAggro and isAttacking? Ok, sAttacking is relatively straightforward, but how does isAggro different?

4) What do you do with isValid? I mean, a real world example.

5) I'm assuming Type referrs to Class for players, is that true? If so, do we have any sort of mapping between the classes and the numeric Types?


Same questions as with the PLAYER CLASS. Are there any differences?

1) strDifficulty property, do you have list of possible return values? And how does it relate to both POINTS and LEVEL?


1) angleDiff - has to do with headings? Based on 360 Degrees? What does it tell me given two different headings?

2) getFaceDegress - what does this tell me? What would be a practical use?

3) MoveTo takes, x, y, distance, and stoprunning. I assume stoprunning means to switch from run to walk mode? I'm most interested in what distance does. Does it mean "move to towards that coordinate for this distance"?


1) Would it be possible to implement a queue in the class and allow us to programatically read lines off the queue?

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Posted: June 6th, 2007, 5:39 pm

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Posted: June 6th, 2007, 6:02 pm

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i forwarded this one along to the techs :)

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Posted: June 6th, 2007, 8:37 pm

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1) All the methods return a float that demonstrates distance. What is the definition of distance? How does it relate to this distance that I see in game under my target?

I think it is distance returned * 100 = in game distance.

1) The hasProperties (Counter, Finisher, Rescue) do these only return true if the player has an active ability that can be used? Or does it simply mean that the player has these abilities in general.

Most of these are bugged currently.

2) What is the hasVirtue used for? Is it the same across all classes or does it refer to only classes like the Cleric and Paladin for turning undead
and stuff like that?

Bugged currently.

3) What is the difference between isAggro and isAttacking? Ok, sAttacking is relatively straightforward, but how does isAggro different?
is aggro means it will attack if you get close to it. isattacking means it is currently attacking something.

4) What do you do with isValid? I mean, a real world example.
I used it originally for something else. Pretty much now all you have to do is if Mob.GUID = 0, then its a invalid/ghost/bugged mob.

5) I'm assuming Type referrs to Class for players, is that true? If so, do we have any sort of mapping between the classes and the numeric Types?

Yea see the VGService.vbs for defs.

Same questions as with the PLAYER CLASS. Are there any differences?

Yea see above.

1) strDifficulty property, do you have list of possible return values? And how does it relate to both POINTS and LEVEL?

Dont remember them all. Target a few things and call it. Its things like NO_EXP, P1 P2 etc. Think colors. Grey = NO_EXP, etc.

1) angleDiff - has to do with headings? Based on 360 Degrees? What does it tell me given two different headings?

Yep, -/+ your heading to the mob. + = left, - = right I think.

2) getFaceDegress - what does this tell me? What would be a practical use?

What degrees do you need to turn to face a particuar mob. Used is custom turning functions to use timed turning.

3) MoveTo takes, x, y, distance, and stoprunning. I assume stoprunning means to switch from run to walk mode? I'm most interested in what distance does. Does it mean "move to towards that coordinate for this distance"?

No, stop running (true/false) when you are within distance of x,y.

1) Would it be possible to implement a queue in the class and allow us to programatically read lines off the queue?

Maybe, but its all you. Take the log and create a VBS class etc that does just that.

Use Search first, ask questions later!

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