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Full Screen DirectX : Developer's Corner

Posted: July 30th, 2003, 7:48 am
dvdavid2001's Reps:
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How to get the VB window appeared over the full screen DirectX application?

Any solution is welcomed, .xml, .dll or anything.

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Posted: July 30th, 2003, 8:05 am
WyvernX's Reps:
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You cannot show the vb window directly. You have to use the XU .xml interfaces. If you download some of the sample code, you will see what I am talking about.

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Posted: July 30th, 2003, 8:06 am
dvdavid2001's Reps:
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Thank you very much for the prompt reply.

I am newbie to this site. Can you show me the link? Thank you very much

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Posted: July 30th, 2003, 8:08 am
Admin's Reps:
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All plugins are required to have sourcecode to be listed in the plugins section. Click on the All Forums button above. Then on the XUnleashed Downloadable Plugins and Services. In that forum, you will find several plugins that you can choose to browse and look at the sourcecode.

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Posted: July 30th, 2003, 8:11 am
dvdavid2001's Reps:
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I could not believe on how prompt you are replying to me.

Well, I have seen many plugins, but now I am confused. Do I need to pay for that?

Another problem is that the message is too technical for me as a business player.
Any suggestions? I just want to show a simple window

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Posted: July 30th, 2003, 8:17 am
Admin's Reps:
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Yes, you must subscribe to use XUnleashed. Only Premium members are given login registration keys to use the product. You can read the "What Is XUnleashed?" thread for more information.

<a href="http://xunleashed.dyndns.org:81/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=2653">What is XUnleashed Anyway?</a>

Premium members are also entitled to other benefits as well. Currently this includes entering into the plugin contest what will begin in august, as well as being able to claim award prizes in the Empires 1000AD game. Other benefits are being worked on as well, but those are secret.. :)

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Posted: July 30th, 2003, 8:21 am
dvdavid2001's Reps:
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Okay, I will read it and decide by tommorow whether to subscribe or not.

Are you available 24 hours?

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Posted: July 30th, 2003, 8:23 am
dvdavid2001's Reps:
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So basically, my problem is solved right? but well, I have implemented a VB application, can I embed it?

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Posted: July 30th, 2003, 8:35 am
Admin's Reps:
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Not exactly. We are adding more and more of the internal vb controls, not all controls are supported at this time. We have buttons, checkboxes, one line edit boxes, statictext, and a listbox(limited). We will be adding more, but these are on a request/priority basis.

Some vb applications are very easy to convert, some are more difficult. What exactly do you have, and what does it do?

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Posted: July 31st, 2003, 8:00 am
dvdavid2001's Reps:
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Thank you,

I have one VB application that is used to register at PayPal

Is that possible?

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Posted: July 31st, 2003, 8:08 am
Admin's Reps:
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I would probably say yes, if the visual controls are simple. Ie, edit boxes, static text, buttons, etc. . . as stated above.

You will have to make some minor changes, to include an interface that is used for XU to interact with your plugin. There are examples in the plugins forums on how to create a basic plugin.

The only thing you have to be careful of are functions that take a long time to process. Ie, your game screen will freeze while it is processing. Now, to get around that, you can put the function into a background process, again, there are examples in the plugins forums on how to do that also.

I hope that helps.

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Posted: July 31st, 2003, 8:12 am
dvdavid2001's Reps:
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Thank you.

Well, it contains simple components as you said but it also contains many modules. Will that affect it?

Can you tell me in more detail how should I do that?

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Posted: July 31st, 2003, 8:13 am
dvdavid2001's Reps:
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I am willing to pay more to you if you can tell me in very detail on how to do it perhpas by being the member of this site (premium member).

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Posted: July 31st, 2003, 8:20 am
dvdavid2001's Reps:
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Emmm, can you direct me which plugin should I see (the name)? I am sorry but I am totally newbie to this area and environment.

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Posted: July 31st, 2003, 9:23 am
Admin's Reps:
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Take a look at some of these:

http://xunleashed.dyndns.org:81/forum/f ... ORUM_ID=19

Out of curiosity, what exactly woudl you want your plugin to do?

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