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EVE Guides - Quick Mining for Budding Miners : EVE Online Guides | Free EVE Guides

Posted: January 3rd, 2008, 4:35 pm

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Quick Mining for Budding Miners

This is a very simple tip that will help you mine incredibly faster;

1) You must have a ship with at least 2+ turret hardpoints
2) You must have a large frigate with 3000+ m3 Cargo

Please note, these are two different ships; the ship I would recom-
mend would be a Bestower (Hauler), and a Tormentor (Miner); or
any similar ship.

The reason I recommend the Tormentor is because of its bonus:

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Special Ability: 5% bonus to cargo capacity and 20% bonus to mining
laser yield per level. -60% mining laser capacitor use.

Also it is important that you have at least the following:

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Mining rank III

Refining rank IV

Hull Upgrades rank III-V

Now the ore you are going to aim for is Pyroxeres, but try and find its
higher-Archy; Solid Pyroxeres. The ore itself is not valuable, but its
yield of minerals that is refined from it can make you a fortune as a
budding miner. Heres the break down:

Pyroxeres : (found in 1.0 - 0.6 systems; stay with 1.0 - 0.8)
82% Tritanium, 11% Mexallon, 6% Pyerite, 1% Nocxium

This yield is higher with Solid Pyroxeres by 5-10%.

Here is what you do:

1) Equip the Hauler with 3 Expanded Cargohold I's
2) Also equip the miner shuttle with 2 of these
3) Equip the miner with two EP-S Gaussian I Excavation I Pulse
4) Equip the hauler with a Offensive Turret
(In case of people trying to steal your ore, don't pod kill!)
5) Put both of the ships in the nearest station of where you want
to mine, and bookmark it.

Now when mining with the miner do this:

1) Bookmark the location
2) Lock on the asteroid
3) Click both lasers
4) Wait for cargo to fill now right-click on the ore, jettison cargo
5) Right-click the cargo which should be next to your ship, and
click Set name
6) Set the name to Eves current time (located bottom left screen)

You have an hour and a half until the cargo disappears; now repeat the
steps until either; there is no more of the desired ore within 1.4k M or
you have only 15 minutes left before the first cargo you jettisoned

Now fly back quickly to the station and switch ships; now fly back to
the bookmarked location (found in People & Places; Places tab), and
then find your cargo, right-click; open cargo, open your ships cargo;
then drag and drop, and repeat until all the canisters have been loaded.


Mine in a high rated system with CONCORD around (0.7-1.0)

Mine in places that are relatively empty (no players or pirates)

Don't go shooting people that steal your ore; they could have came
in a Rookie ship, then when you destroy it they will come back in
a stronger ship and kill you; only do it when you are sure they are a

DO NOT POD KILL; it is illegal and CONCORD will come after

Also, don't attack first (if you decided to attack), let them take at
least one cargo and then you can attack them.


Though people can steal your ore, its really rare; though there it a
risk, it is over shadowed by an awesome reward.

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Check out my EVE Online Scamming Blog: http://isktaker.wordpress.com

Have any questions? Email me: lethal.tault@gmail.com

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Posted: January 3rd, 2008, 5:33 pm

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Hey hey lethal. Moving on to a new game :)

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Posted: January 4th, 2008, 2:37 pm

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Yep, my life could not be fulfilled without an MMO O.O, strange isn't it? I am going to try and bring the Eve section back lol.

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Check out my EVE Online Scamming Blog: http://isktaker.wordpress.com

Have any questions? Email me: lethal.tault@gmail.com

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Posted: January 21st, 2008, 4:49 am

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I might join you in that crusade Lethal heh.
I might also add that if you find a good belt you use a lot, its worth buying a Giant Secure Container and anchoring it there. Stops people from stealing your ore and will never dissappear on you.

Quick links:
EQ2 Script Catalogue
X-Unleashed / Exhume Installation Guide

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Posted: January 22nd, 2008, 5:01 pm

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Tault_nazeroth (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
its worth buying a Giant Secure Container and anchoring it there. Stops people from stealing your ore and will never dissappear on you.

Strictly speaking, can't they just destroy your GSC? Sure you get kill rights for 15(?) mins, but there are serious hosers out there! *lol* Just saying, while it's a good idea to stop thieves, it's not a foolproof way to protect your ore (IIRC).

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Posted: January 23rd, 2008, 12:13 am

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Tault_eq_muse (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
Tault_nazeroth (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
its worth buying a Giant Secure Container and anchoring it there. Stops people from stealing your ore and will never dissappear on you.

Strictly speaking, can't they just destroy your GSC? Sure you get kill rights for 15(?) mins, but there are serious hosers out there! *lol* Just saying, while it's a good idea to stop thieves, it's not a foolproof way to protect your ore (IIRC).

Well yeah, but they loose status AND money from the ammo they're using. Its not very common. Definately a lot less common than ore thievers.

Quick links:
EQ2 Script Catalogue
X-Unleashed / Exhume Installation Guide

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Posted: January 23rd, 2008, 12:12 pm

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what kind of money does that yield? Ie all that cheap stuff. 20K ? New to the game, just kinda toying around with stuff. Been just running missions for now for money, but I have an osprey a friend gave to me to try mining with.

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Posted: January 23rd, 2008, 3:50 pm

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You can make about a million an hour if you can fit out a ship like a destroyer with 5 or 6 miners.

Quick links:
EQ2 Script Catalogue
X-Unleashed / Exhume Installation Guide

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Posted: January 25th, 2008, 1:18 pm

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Moved to confirmed

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Posted: January 27th, 2008, 10:32 pm
exiliant's Reps:
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Just a side note a GSC takes quite a bit to take down and most people would not waste their time doing it..

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Posted: February 1st, 2008, 5:09 pm

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Tault_nazeroth (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
I might join you in that crusade Lethal heh.
I might also add that if you find a good belt you use a lot, its worth buying a Giant Secure Container and anchoring it there. Stops people from stealing your ore and will never dissappear on you.

I don't use GSC, people can hack them, and in place over .7; people can just walk off with them, just use the jettison; it holds 23k m3 cargo space; and you have an hour and a half to get approx. 10k m3.

Also, can I get my buckies? I don't use them, but it just looks cool lol.

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Check out my EVE Online Scamming Blog: http://isktaker.wordpress.com

Have any questions? Email me: lethal.tault@gmail.com

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Posted: April 19th, 2008, 11:37 pm
yoshyusmc's Reps:
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Look what I do may not be feasible for the non working types, but I have a second account. EVE Online will run great on a good gaming rig with all premium features enabled. Open up two clients (I have two lcds) and you can switch between your hauler and your miner.
Jettison a can and only leave one in there between your miner character and your hauler character. Ore thieves have no chance of ganking your stuff.
I would also like to know what frigate are you using with 3000m3 of cargo space?

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Posted: April 20th, 2008, 6:58 am
eliwitt's Reps:
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Ore thieves can still eaisly gank your stuff, I just made off with a corp's white glaze mining jetcan, they had a Rokh and Drake sitting on top of the can as well, me in my badger. Just start the warp, then in the half second before you actually enter warp, drag the stuff to cargo, pow you stole it and they cant do jack about it.

Made me about 10 mil in 10 sec =D

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