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EVE Guides - The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Volume 1 : EVE Online Guides | Free EVE Guides

Posted: January 14th, 2008, 2:33 pm

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The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Volume 1

Understanding Mining and its Benefits
By Lethal, representing the [DSGE] Corp since 1-1-2008


[1] Introduction to Mining
[2] Status to die for
[3] Gold Digging, literally
[4] Mining for the Budding Miner


[1] Introduction to Mining

Mining is one of the most profitable, and dangerous professions in Eve.
We here at the Hitchhiker Corporation wish best for you and your
travels, so we have mindlessly thrown together this guide for you.

Mining is divided into four sectors:

Mining (Mining common/uncommon ore, 0.5+ rating for CONCORD)
Deep Core Mining (Mining for rare, requiring special turrets)
Deep Space Mining (Areas with 0.4- or Lawless CONCORD rating)
Ice Mining

Mining is the most common for budding miners or people who want a
quick profit. Deep Core Mining is for those who want to strike it rich,
but is does require expensive equipment and a vessel. Deep Space
Mining is perhaps the most profitable, and the most dangerous; in
fact it is so dangerous that going alone into lawless space is suicide.
Ice Mining is extremely valuable for stations, as it keeps them cool;
haha you get it?, thus there is a constant demand for Ice.

In this volume, Mining will be broken down as best as we can; which
we can do pretty damn well, the next few volumes will include infor-
mation on the next mining types.


[2] Status to die for

Corporations always have a dedicated miner(s) to pull in HUGE profit
for them to use. Most of the time they require basic needs, but to
pull in the big dough you will be required to go into lower rating solar
systems. This is a good and bad thing, the good thing is that you can
make excellent amounts of money; the bad thing is that you might
get blown up. Note NPCs don’t destroy Capsules, but players will;
Outlaws typically hang around the 0.6 and lower systems, the lower
the rating, the more there are. Here are something’s to ask of your
corporation, if they say no; dump them, after all its your arse:

1) Ask some of the folks with those fancy-pansy Battlecruisers
(BC) to help you, by accompanying you to these areas.
2) Ask if any of them has defensive parts that you may install
i.e.; shields, turrets, force fields.
3) Travel in groups of 3+; two miners and one experienced BC

When traveling in groups try not to mine the exact same thing
between the group. Unless your corporation is picky, try and aim for
an ore that is valuable without refining it, and one that mines for ore
that has tremendous value when refined (Ex. Scordite); that way you
reek instant profit, while building up a storage for the corporation or
for selling.


[3] Gold Digging, literally

Ore Break-down

Veldspar = 100% Tritanium

Scordite = 67% Tritanium, 33% Pyerite

Plagioclase = 50% Pyerite, 25% Tritanium, 25% Mexallon

Pyroxeres = 82% Tritanium, 11% Mexallon, 6% Pyerite, 1% Nocxium

Omber = 42% Tritanium, 42% Isogen, 16% Pyerite

Kernite = 50% Mexallon, 25% Tritanium, 25% Isogen

Jaspet = 40% Mexallon, 20% Tritanium, 20% Pyerite, 20% Nocxium

Hemorphite = 49% Nocxium, 24% Tritanium, 24% Isogen, 3% Zydrine

Hedbergite = 65% Isogen, 32% Nocxium, 3% Zydrine

Gneiss = 40% Isogen, 20% Tritanium, 20% Mexallon, 20% Zydrine

Ochre = 50% Nocxium, 25% Tritanium, 25% Zydrine

Spodumain = 72% Tritanium, 14% Pyerite, 14% Megacyte

Crokite = 50% Zydrine, 25% Tritanium, 25% Nocxium

Bistot = 50% Zydrine, 25% Pyerite, 25% Megacyte

Arkonor = 42% Megacyte, 37% Tritanium, 21% Zydrine

Mercoxit = 100% Morphite

Sometimes the 7-10 jumps can be worth its wait in ISK, refine or not,
but sometimes hauling your cargo to other stations helps, if the ore
you want is near that station; setup shop there and mine.


When looking at a 9-20 jump trade with high value; look for other
opportunity's that require less jumps, but that has a close to average
yield as the higher jump. You can spend a longer time jump to one
place for an instant high yield, or spend that same time making lesser
jumps for multiple trades for less time, think on it.


[4] Mining for the Budding Miner

1) You must have a ship with at least 2+ turret hardpoints
2) You must have a large frigate with 3000+ m3 Cargo

Please note, these are two different ships; the ship I would recom-
mend would be a Bestower (Hauler), and a Tormentor (Miner); or
any similar ship.

The reason I recommend the Tormentor is because of its bonus:

(!empty($user->lang['IMAGE'])) ? $user->lang['IMAGE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'IMAGE')))

Special Ability: 5% bonus to cargo capacity and 20% bonus to mining
laser yield per level. -60% mining laser capacitor use.

Also it is important that you have at least the following:

(!empty($user->lang['IMAGE'])) ? $user->lang['IMAGE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'IMAGE')))

Mining rank III

Refining rank IV

Hull Upgrades rank III-V

Now the ore you are going to aim for is Pyroxeres, but try and find its
higher-Archy; Solid Pyroxeres. The ore itself is not valuable, but its
yield of minerals that is refined from it can make you a fortune as a
budding miner. Heres the break down:

Pyroxeres : (found in 1.0 - 0.6 systems; stay with 1.0 - 0.8)
82% Tritanium, 11% Mexallon, 6% Pyerite, 1% Nocxium

This yield is higher with Solid Pyroxeres by 5-10%.

Here is what you do:

1) Equip the Hauler with 3 Expanded Cargohold I's
2) Also equip the miner shuttle with 2 of these
3) Equip the miner with two EP-S Gaussian I Excavation I Pulse
4) Equip the hauler with a Offensive Turret
(In case of people trying to steal your ore, don't pod kill!)
5) Put both of the ships in the nearest station of where you want
to mine, and bookmark it.

Now when mining with the miner do this:

1) Bookmark the location
2) Lock on the asteroid
3) Click both lasers
4) Wait for cargo to fill now right-click on the ore, jettison cargo
5) Right-click the cargo which should be next to your ship, and
click Set name
6) Set the name to Eves current time (located bottom left screen)

You have an hour and a half until the cargo disappears; now repeat the
steps until either; there is no more of the desired ore within 1.4k M or
you have only 15 minutes left before the first cargo you jettisoned

Now fly back quickly to the station and switch ships; now fly back to
the bookmarked location (found in People & Places; Places tab), and
then find your cargo, right-click; open cargo, open your ships cargo;
then drag and drop, and repeat until all the canisters have been loaded.


Mine in a high rated system with CONCORD around (0.7-1.0)

Mine in places that are relatively empty (no players or pirates)

Don't go shooting people that steal your ore; they could have came
in a Rookie ship, then when you destroy it they will come back in
a stronger ship and kill you; only do it when you are sure they are a

DO NOT POD KILL; it is illegal and CONCORD will come after

Also, don't attack first (if you decided to attack), let them take at
least one cargo and then you can attack them.


Though people can steal your ore, its really rare; though there it a
risk, it is over shadowed by an awesome reward.


Hope you enjoyed The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Volume 1; we at the humble corporation wish you well.

- Lethal

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Check out my EVE Online Scamming Blog: http://isktaker.wordpress.com

Have any questions? Email me: lethal.tault@gmail.com

Last edited by lethal on August 3rd, 2008, 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Posted: January 14th, 2008, 5:28 pm

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Great guide moved to confirmed

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Posted: February 9th, 2008, 9:05 pm

Total Posts: 1352
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Updated: Corrected some grammar, fixed a number.

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Check out my EVE Online Scamming Blog: http://isktaker.wordpress.com

Have any questions? Email me: lethal.tault@gmail.com

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Posted: April 19th, 2008, 11:32 pm
yoshyusmc's Reps:
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This is not a very good mining guide. Alot of your facts are wrong, and I would like to know what Frigate you use that has 3000m3 of cargo space? If you meant Industrial then you need to fix that. Noob miners should stay in 1.0-09 where there are no npc pirate spawns. Once you can upgrade to a mining Cruiser like an Osprey, then you can go into 0.8-0.5 with some decent defensive setups, where you will be attacked by more deadlier npcs but still protected by Concord.

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Posted: August 3rd, 2008, 3:08 pm

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yoshyusmc (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
This is not a very good mining guide. Alot of your facts are wrong, and I would like to know what Frigate you use that has 3000m3 of cargo space? If you meant Industrial then you need to fix that. Noob miners should stay in 1.0-09 where there are no npc pirate spawns. Once you can upgrade to a mining Cruiser like an Osprey, then you can go into 0.8-0.5 with some decent defensive setups, where you will be attacked by more deadlier npcs but still protected by Concord.

In EVE, Rewards out shines Risk, it is a matter of personal play style, I have done what is in this guide and have profited off it without trouble, though some people may encounter such troubles, I have other aspects such as a corporation to help me out.

Of course, I do not play EVE anymore at the time being, so some things may have changed; be free to post it here so I may edit it in.

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Check out my EVE Online Scamming Blog: http://isktaker.wordpress.com

Have any questions? Email me: lethal.tault@gmail.com

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