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[Tutorial] How to find Everquest 2 addresses | Finding Heat : EverQuest 2 General Discussions - Page 2

Posted: October 10th, 2009, 10:12 am

Total Posts: 34
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i woold like to know if some one can make a tutorial for find the speed pointer

i can find the value but don't manage to find is pointer

Thank by advance

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Posted: October 15th, 2009, 10:10 pm

Total Posts: 224
Location: Author of EQ2 Advanced Teleporter
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bhhunter (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
Most of these are server-side and not can't be changed.

Very much correct! The only useful 'editable' addresses are X, Y, and Z coordinates (hense teleporting) and your speed variable. All other variables my program uses only READ the memory addresses for displaying purposes.

(!empty($user->lang['QUOTE'])) ? $user->lang['QUOTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'QUOTE'))):
this is a dead program the maker has left the game and will no longer support it

The program is not entirely "dead" as you put it. All that is wrong is the memory addresses need to be updated. All the user has to do is download the appropriate .reg file (registry file) from my teleporter thread (here). Once the user has downloaded the appropriate file all they have to do is right click the file and click 'edit' which will then open the file in notepad. Then using the knowledge you obtain from self experience and this tutorial you can find your own memory addresses and put them into the file you have opened in notepad. Once you modified the desired memory locations save the file. Once saved, double click the .reg file and a message will pop-up confirming if you want to add the information to the registry. Once the file has been imported into the registry AND providing the memory addresses you have found are accurate, the advanced teleporter I made will function again. So as you see, the program is not dead. The only true way to make the teleporter dead is for Sony to change the variables to function server side which they have yet to do since day 1 as this has always been possible. Or they can implement a third party hacking protection software such as gameguard/nProtect....but... I really do not see them doing that either.

As for me "leaving the game", I will set the record straight by saying that as of right now I do not intend to reactivate my account as I never played the game, I just hacked the game. I initially got my account because a member (from another site) asked me to create him a personal hack and I accepted. So with the account he gave me I created his private hack along with my advanced teleporter. In between creating my teleporter I was not finished and decided to add one month to the game with my own money to make a completed hack and allow end users to updated the program their selves. Then when I ran out of time a kind user from this site gave me 2 trial accounts and I used those to add other features to the teleporter. Sadly after the last trial ran out, I no longer had an active account and could no longer add more features or provide updated memory addresses. So with that, I have moved onto other games and am no currently working on this new MMORPG called AION and may release something for that. However pertaining to EverQuest 2, I would be more than happy to update it. I just need to have an active account of some kind. Hope that clarifies a few things for those curious.

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Posted: November 5th, 2009, 1:35 pm

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Hey you are awsome for making this program, i love it, i am in the process of learning how to get these address i am reading the tut u made and will be more than happy to help out. So what am tryig to say here is TEACH ME MAN TEACH ME ..lol

I hope you decide to stick around this is a awsome game.

Can u please make a Tutortial for the Speed and the X,Y,Z Cords Please you have had a lot of request for it please. i just need the pointers i have located the run address but i am lost on the pointers i have been reading all the links that you have left on these post but pointers are still lacking for me.

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Posted: March 28th, 2011, 5:54 pm

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Tutorial updated. I decided to do screenshots instead of a video.

As stated in the tutorial, if enough people request that I make a tutorial about how to find Speed and Coordinates specifically to Everquest 2. I may consider doing it.

Well, let me know what you think of this tutorial.

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