[Tutorial] How to find Everquest 2 addresses | Finding Heat
To show users how to find memory addresses in Everquest 2. The memory address we will be finding is "Heat" which can be found in the persona window in Everquest 2. To open the persona window in Everquest 2 press the "P" button providing your keys are the default settings.
Cheat Engine 5.5 which can be downloaded here.
Everquest 2
Everquest 2 character
In-game items that will change your heat (so you can equip and un-equip the items to change the heat variable)
1: Open Everquest 2
2: Open Cheat Engine
3: Attach Cheat Engine to EverQuest2.exe
4: Go into Everquest 2 and check what your heat is at in the persona window.
5: Go into Cheat Engine and search that value, in this case its 2109. To save you time, I have already determined what the value type is. For these variables, they are stored as 2-Bytes. So make sure you change your value type to 2-Byte, otherwise from here on out, it will not work.
6: Go into Everquest 2 and equip or un-equip an item to change your heat value.
7: Go into Cheat Engine and filter your search with the new value. In this case, the new value is: 2511.
8: Now we narrowed our search down to two addresses. One green address and one black address. Now for those who know a little about Cheat Engine, we WANT green addresses. To put it in simple terms, green addresses never change and black addresses do. Meaning when you restart the program green addresses will be the same as last time whereas black addresses will be different everytime.
9: Add both of the addresses to the window below. (Highlight both of the addresses and hit the red arrow, or double click each address separately)
10: Go back into Everquest 2 and equip or un-equip items to cause your Heat number to change. In this picture it was changed to 1506.
11: Go back into Cheat Engine and verify that the number has changed with it. In this case, it has changed. Which is what we want. Now I am going to show you why we choose green addresses over black addresses.
12: Before we go any further, rename the addresses so we better understand them. In this example I am naming them as "Green Address: Heat" and "Black Address: Heat"
13: Now Quit Everquest 2.
14: Start Everquest 2 back up and log in.
We are doing this so the memory address for Heat changes on us and to verify that the address we found still reads the right number.
15: Once Everquest 2 is loaded and your character is logged in, go back to Cheat Engine and re-attach it to Everquest 2 like we did in step 3. A dialog will show as shown in the picture below. Click yes to keep the addresses we were using.
16: Now look at our two addresses. The green address matches our heat value whereas the black address has changed.
17: So now we know that we have our Heat address and everytime we restart Everquest 2, our green address will always show the correct value (unless Sony updates the game, obviously). We also know why we want green addresses and not black addresses, simply because they change everytime the game restarts.
Thats it! Easy as pie, hey? Well not always... I saved you all a bunch of time already knowing what the value type is. When you are searching for variables, you may have to try every value type before you find the correct one. Also,
MOST variables are not found in this matter, for they are what I call "evil pointers". And ironically, Speed, X, Y, and Z coordinates are "evil pointers". So I am sorry to say that if you follow this tutorial you will NOT be able to find Speed, X, Y, and Z coordinates.
However, if enough people request that I make a tutorial specific to finding Speed, X, Y, and Z coordinates I might consider doing so.
Seeing as that is what most people will want, to get started I suggest doing Cheat Engines Step 8 tutorial : Multi-Level Pointers. Step 8 is almost exactly the same process in finding Speed and the Coordinates. However before you even begin to do that tutorial I would
HIGHLY suggest doing the tutorials step 1 - 7. Reason being is so you have a general grasp on what Cheat Engine can do. Once you reach step 8 you might have some difficulties so here is a
link that will help guide you through it.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please post!
Tutorial done by Pursuited on July 19. 2009.