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HarvestBot 4.xx : EverQuest 2 Premium Discussions

Posted: June 17th, 2005, 12:32 pm
psouza4's Reps:
User avatar
thewatcher has asked if I'd like to take over this project, so I decided I would and have posted the first of many updates to HarvestBot.

You can get HarvestBot 4.00 at: http://www.xunleashed.com/dload.php?act ... ile_id=176

Release notes:

(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))):
06-17-05 psouza4
   Added 'Forward' INI setting (different from old setting) which is used
      to move forward slightly to disengage autorun instead of moving
      backwards.  This movement is much more lifelike and fluid and
      will help mask the bot some.
   Added 'HotbarReset' INI setting which is tied into a clean-up operation
      when the bot shuts down to set your hotkeys to whichever hotkey
      row # you want.
   Added 'LogFileOverride' INI setting.
   Added 'NodeStopType' INI setting to allow you to use strict or relaxed
      movements when running to a resource node.  When set to 'strict',
      you will stop when you reach nodes.  When set to 'relaxed', there
      may be some more fluid movements (but movements that can run you
      off of cliffs, into water, etc.).   
   Added 'Server' INI setting.
   Added 'RelaxedRadius' INI setting to configure whether or not to allow
      the bot to move slightly out of waypoint radius settings if a
      node is detected within a distance from 15 (pretty close) from
      where you are currently standing.
   Added 'Reply' INI setting.
   Added a line of display text to show current location and distance
      (from waypoint) information.
   Added a line of display text to show running harvest counts for raws,
      uncommons, rares, collection items, and total items.
   Added a movement type parameter to waypoint settings in the INI file.
   Added a reply chatkey setting that allows you to pause the bot using
      the Reply key in addition to the normal chat pause.  This secondary
      chatkey can pause the bot but will not resume the bot (so you
      don't have to worry about typing a word with the letter 'R' in it
      and having the bot resume in the middle of your chat text).
   Added a simple log toggle when the bot is started so the correct log file
      can be detected and used.  You will notice the bot send /log to
      the game twice to turn off and on the log (or on and off, if you
      didn't have it on to begin with).  This fixes a bug with EQ2 that
      uses the wrong log file if you had logging on when you left the
      game and then reconnected.
   Added a turn-around check when attempting to target a resource node that
      has been found and traveled to.  Sometimes the bot may pass the
      node it is trying to harvest or the node is on a hill and can't
      be targeted without rotating the camera angle.
   Added a waypoint stop feature to allow instant / abrupt stops for waypoints
      which will allow precise movements.  It should be far easier to
      path in difficult terrain with this setting, but the bot will look
      less lifelike.  This feature can be used independantly on each
   Cleaned up some text when moving, buffing, and identifying pets.
   Fixed buff countdown display from appearing if the bot is configured to
      not use buffs.
   Fixed backwards/forward jump timing so getting stuck may not be such a
      big problem anymore.  Also made the but try and jump every other
      time it was stuck to get unstuck faster.
   Fixed chat pause/resume feature to be a little smoother.  It was
      previously having problems with multiple pauses during the same
      bot run.
   Fixed several problems where the correct log file may not be opened as
      well as allowing multiple configuration options for specifying
      the specific log file using both manual and automatic methods.
   Moved display text to the top of the screen to occupy less space.
   Optimized resource-locating function to be slightly faster and produce
      some status text.  Also corrected a bug that prevented some
      valid nodes from being targeted correctly.
   Renamed 'Forward' INI setting to 'AutoRun'.
   Renamed 'MaxHarvestAttempts' INI setting to 'MaxHarvests'.
   Renamed 'SleepBetweenHarvests' INI setting to 'WaitBetween'.
   Renumbered resources list in INI file from 0-9 to 1-10, since the other
      lists in the INI file were already 1-based rather than 0-based.
   Rewrote INI config file notes and comments.


Last edited by Guest on June 17th, 2005, 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Posted: June 17th, 2005, 2:20 pm
nammit's Reps:
User avatar
Hi psouza4

Got a small problem,

I've set up some waypoints and double checked the locs but it seems to just run to 0,0, range 0.

my usewaypoints is true and numofpoints is correct. Its got me stumped any ideas?


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Posted: June 17th, 2005, 2:53 pm
psouza4's Reps:
User avatar
nammit";p="67189 (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
I've set up some waypoints and double checked the locs but it seems to just run to 0,0, range 0.

my usewaypoints is true and numofpoints is correct. Its got me stumped any ideas?

Let's see your INI file and I'll see what I can do to help you out. Be sure to edit out personally-identifying information (character name, server, etc.)

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Posted: June 17th, 2005, 3:38 pm
nammit's Reps:
User avatar
;; Configuration file for HarvestBot version 3.12b
;; Written by:
;; Retsek 04-19-2005 - 05-01-2005
;; thewatcher 04-27-2005 - 06-02-2005
;; psouza4 06-17-2005 - forward
;; For updates and revision history, please read Changelog.txt.

;; (1) Be sure to set this INI file carefully or the bot will not run correctly, or even not at all.
;; (2) Change your view controls to be 'Avatar relative' instead of 'View relative' or you will run
;; backwards and such. You can change that setting at:
;; Options -> Controls -> View Options -> Free look controls
;; (3) Never stop the bot using the F12 key. This has a devastating effect on XUnleashed and can
;; cause instability in the EverQuest II game client, including crashing it. Use the [Del] key
;; or whatever other key you setup below.
;; (4) It's been reported that Norton Antivirus can seriously impact game performance, causing the
;; bot to run extremely slow. You may wish to enable it.
;; (5) If the bot crashes for any reason or you've accidently pressed F12 to abort it, you may wish
;; to completely restart the EverQuest II game client. Starting it again can cause instabilities.
;; This does not happen when the bot is shut down using the configured shutdown key.
;; (6) XUnleashed TCP/IP sniffer plugin must be disabled (no check in the checkbox) before you
;; launch EverQuest II. Also be sure that you're using alternative hooking.
;; (7) To start the script, open the Scripts window (by dragging your mouse to the bottom of
;; the EverQuest II game screen). The script selection arrows, use compatibility mode
;; checkbox, and Start / Stop button will not work unless you have a game window behind
;; them. This is a known problem with EverQuest II, so be sure to open the Persona window
;; or Journal window and move them behind the XUnleashed Scripts window so you can select
;; The HarvestBot script and start it. Be sure to start it in compatibility mode.

;; DebugLevel 1-10 Generally 8 is a good setting you are not debugging. 1 to turn
;; off all but the extreme basics. 10 will generate a lot of debug info.
;; EQ2Path <directory> Full path to the directory where EverQuest II is installed.
;; AvoidPlayers True / False If True, this will mark a node bad if another player is nearby
;; (within a range of 7 from node).
;; CampOnEnd True / False If True, the bot will /quit desktop once harvesting ends.
;; EraseBadSpawns True / False If True, will erase bad spawn locations when moving to a new location.
;; ClosestFirst True / False If True, will harvest the closest node first.
;; If False, will harvest nodes based on priority instead.
;; MaxHarvests # How many times should we attempt to harvest a node before
;; marking it bad and moving on.
;; RunToRange # How close do we get to what we are running to before we stop and
;; consider ourselves 'there'. Use caution when changing this.
;; WaitBetween # How long to stop and wait between each attempt to harvest a node.
;; This value is in centiseconds, so 450 = 4.5 seconds.
;; QuitOnTimeout True / False Stop bot if you have not harvested in (Timeout) minutes. Requires
;; configuring (Timeout) to a value in minutes.
;; QuitOnTells True / False Do you want to /quit desktop if you receive a tell?
;; NOTE: if you set PlayOnTells to True, then QuitOnTells
;; does nothing. You can have one or the other, but not both.
;; PlayOnTells True / False Do you want the bot to play a sound if you receive a tell?
;; If so, specify a filename for (TellSound). This sound file
;; must be in .WAV format and must be in the XUnleashed scripts
;; folder.
;; NOTE: if you set PlayOnTells to True, then QuitOnTells
;; does nothing. You can have one or the other, but not both.
;; Hotbar 0-9 Hotbar row # to use, assuming you have hotkeys set up for harvesting
;; actions. If you do not, or do not want to use hotkeys, set this
;; to 0 and the bot will /useability the harvesting actions instead
;; although this is somewhat slower.
;; HotbarReset 0-9 Hotbar row # to reset back to upon shutdown. If (Hotbar) above is
;; set to 0, this setting has no effect.
;; DefaultZone <zonename> If the zone name could not be detected automatically (very rare),
;; the bot will use the zone name defined here. This usually only happens
;; after a recent patch and memory locations have been changed -- although
;; in that event, it's very likely the bot simply won't work anyway.
DebugLevel = 8
EQ2Path = C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest II
AvoidPlayers = True
CampOnEnd = False
EraseBadSpawns = True
ClosestFirst = False
MaxHarvests = 10
RunToRange = 8
WaitBetween = 300
QuitOnTimeout = False
Timeout = 15
QuitOnTells = False
PlayOnTells = True
TellSound = ding.wav
Hotbar = 5
HotbarReset = 0
DefaultZone = The Feerrott

;; Here you configure your keys, The AutoRun key must be set, preferably to
;; {NumLock}, but some other keys will work too. {Up} doesn't, for example.
;; NearestPC is the key to target the nearest pc, normally F7
;; You can also reconfigure your jump key if needed.
;; Chat is the key you wish to pause the bot and chat with, {ENTER} is a good
;; choice because it also starts the chat at the same time.
;; Shutdown is the key to stop the bot, please use this instead of F12
;; since F12 aborts the bot and prevents a clean shutdown and releasing of
;; memory as well as closing files.
;; PetSpellName is the name of the spell to cast your pet. If you have no pet
;; you can safely ignore this. If you do have a pet, the bot will find it
;; if you have it up when you start the bot and the bot will try to recast
;; the pet if it it disappears.

AutoRun = ]
Forward = W
Backward = S
Left = A
Right = D
Jump = {SPACE}
NearestPC = {F7}
Chat = {Ins}
Reply = R
ShutdownBot = {Del}
PetSpellName = Tellurian Soldier

;; NODETYPE 1-10 Priority (the lower, the more priority a node has over others)
;; True / False Do you want to harvest this type of node?
;; 0-9 Hotkey button to press if you are using hotkeys
;; True / False Continue to harvest this node if the node type becomes trivial
;; for your skill level?
;; IMPORTANT NOTE: do not set two node types to the same priority, if
;; you do, the bot will ignore the first setting and not
;; harvest this type of node. It may actually crash the
;; bot as well.
;; (P.S.: 'MISC' is used for severed bone for most situations)

ORE = 1, True, 3, True
STONE = 2, True, 3, True
COLLECT = 3, False, 6, False
WOOD = 4, True, 2, True
DEN = 5, False, 4, False
ROOTS = 6, True, 1, True
SHRUB = 7, True, 1, True
FUNGI = 8, True, 1, True
FISH = 9, False, 5, False
MISC = 10, False, 2, False

;; This section is for defining options specific to your characters. Set the
;; section name to your character's first name: i.e. [JohnDoe]
;; The name must be spelled correctly!
;; Server Your server name (used to locate your log file)
;; LogFileOverride Set this to the path of your log file starting with "logs\". You can
;; leave this blank to have the bot auto-detect where the log file is.
;; Example: logs\Lucan DLere\eq2log_JohnDoe.txt
;; NumofBuffs The number of buffs you want the bot to maintain
;; Buff# Name of buff, duration (in minutes), casting time (in seconds)

Server = xxxxxxx
LogFileOverride =
Numofbuffs = 1
buff1 = spirit of the wolf, 30, 4

;; Zone sections
;; [zonename] [<zone name>] Each section must be named for the zone it refers to.
;; The name must be spelled completely and correctly, with
;; brackets surrounding the name.
;; UseWayPoints True / False Should we use waypoints or should we just wander around randomly?
;; RelaxedRadius True / False If we harvest something within a waypoint's radius and then find
;; another node nearby (distance less than 15) but it's technically
;; outside of the waypoint's radius, should we harvest that node
;; too (relaxed)? If not, the bot will follow the waypoint's radius
;; strictly.
;; MaxWander # If (UseWayPoints) is False, this value sets a maximum radius
;; around your starting point and will not wander outside of
;; that area.
;; NumOfPoints # Set this to the number of waypoints you are going to define for
;; this zone.
;; waypoint# X, Y, R, MVT Set X and Y to the waypoint coordinants (ignore middle /loc
;; value for height).
;; Set R to the maximum radius you want to harvest nodes in around
;; this waypoint. If a resource distance is outside of the radius
;; for the waypoint you are currently at, it will be skipped.
;; Set MVT to a movement type. This is optional and can be left out
;; entirely. If you want to move to this waypoint and stop immediately
;; when you arrive, set it to "direct". This can be very useful when
;; trying to set waypoints that cross bridges and other precise movements.
;; Direct movement type makes your bot look less lifelike, though, and
;; should be avoided when possible.
;; nodetype resource Set to the exact name of the nodes that match the node types in this zone.

[The Forest Ruins]
UseWayPoints = False
RelaxedRadius = False
MaxWander = 100
NodeStopType = relaxed
NumOfPoints = 24
;; This set of waypoints will path you from the entrance of the zone completely around the keep
;; ignoring any nodes found within it. Notice that some waypoints have a radius of 0. These
;; are only travel nodes to help path to that location.
waypoint1 = 906, -562, 35
waypoint2 = 952, -562, 35
waypoint3 = 996, -575, 45
waypoint4 = 1014, -622, 10
waypoint5 = 1033, -607, 15
waypoint6 = 1055, -594, 30
waypoint7 = 1075, -595, 30
waypoint8 = 1090, -605, 0, direct
waypoint9 = 1105, -655, 30
waypoint10 = 1117, -708, 0, direct
waypoint11 = 1138, -733, 0, direct
waypoint12 = 1172, -749, 50
waypoint13 = 1140, -811, 50
waypoint14 = 1083, -840, 50
waypoint15 = 1075, -814, 15
waypoint16 = 1019, -825, 40
waypoint17 = 971, -815, 50
waypoint18 = 958, -757, 50
waypoint19 = 956, -703, 40
waypoint20 = 948, -661, 30
waypoint21 = 956, -641, 20
waypoint22 = 984, -635, 15
waypoint23 = 1004, -622, 10
waypoint24 = 992, -591, 35
FUNGI = natural herb garden
ORE = blemished ore
FISH = array of fish
ROOTS = damp roots
DEN = creature den
SHRUB = natural garden
WOOD = aged arbor
STONE = unearthed stones
MISC = withered bones

UseWayPoints = False
RelaxedRadius = False
MaxWander = 100
NodeStopType = relaxed
Numofpoints = 27
waypoint1 = -1730, 800, 50
waypoint2 = -1730, 750, 50
waypoint3 = -1730, 600, 50
waypoint4 = -1730, 550, 50
waypoint5 = -1730, 500, 50
waypoint6 = -1730, 450, 50
waypoint7 = -1700, 400, 50
waypoint8 = -1700, 350, 50
waypoint9 = -1675, 300, 50
waypoint10 = -1670, 250, 50
waypoint11 = -1630, 200, 50
waypoint12 = -1620, 150, 50
waypoint13 = -1620, 100, 50
waypoint14 = -1610, 50, 50
waypoint15 = -1600, 0, 50
waypoint16 = -1600, -50, 50
waypoint17 = -1620, -100, 50
waypoint18 = -1650, -150, 50
waypoint19 = -1650, -200, 50
waypoint20 = -1620, -250, 50
waypoint21 = -1585, -300, 50
waypoint22 = -1500, -550, 50
waypoint23 = -1490, -650, 50
waypoint24 = -1480, -750, 50
waypoint25 = -1575, -30, 0
waypoint26 = -1737, 380, 0
waypoint27 = -1780, 620, 0
ORE = callous ore
STONE = sandwashed rock
WOOD = wind felled tree
SHRUB = plains shrubbery
FUNGI = plains fungi
ROOTS = plains roots
DEN = critter den
FISH = shoal of fish
MISC = withered bones

[The Enchanted Lands]
UseWayPoints = False
RelaxedRadius = False
MaxWander = 50
NodeStopType = relaxed
Numofpoints = 0
ORE = residual ore
STONE = rhythmic stone
WOOD = wretched arbor
SHRUB = mystical natural garden
FUNGI = fairy ring
ROOTS = velvety roots
DEN = animal den
FISH = throng of fish
MISC = withered bones

[The Commonlands]
UseWayPoints = False
RelaxedRadius = False
MaxWander = 100
NodeStopType = relaxed
ORE = cloven ore
STONE = wind swept rock
FUNGI = oasis fungi
SHRUB = oasis shrubbery
ROOTS = desert roots
FISH = band of fish
DEN = armadillo den
WOOD = wind felled tree
MISC = withered bones

[The Thundering Steppes]
UseWayPoints = False
RelaxedRadius = False
MaxWander = 100
NodeStopType = relaxed
Numofpoints = 0
ORE = stonecrest ore
STONE = wind swept stones
WOOD = felled high plains arbor
SHRUB = high plains shrubbery
FUNGI = high plains fungi
ROOTS = mesquite catch weed
DEN = beast den
FISH = mob of fish
MISC = withered bones

[Zek, the Orcish Wastes]
UseWayPoints = False
RelaxedRadius = False
MaxWander = 100
NodeStopType = relaxed
ORE = ferric ore
STONE = mud stone
WOOD = marred arbor
SHRUB = flattened bed of thistle
FUNGI = flattened natural herb garden
ROOTS = vestigial roots
DEN = lioness den
FISH = fury of fish
MISC = withered bones

[The Feerrott]
UseWayPoints = True
RelaxedRadius = False
MaxWander = 100
NodeStopType = relaxed
Numofpoints = 7
waypoint1 = -36.24, 724.63, 50
waypoint2 = 2.61, 748.76, 50
waypoint3 = 57.26, 800.93, 50
waypoint4 = 80.71, 854.27, 50
waypoint5 = 27.11, 893.36, 50
waypoint6 = -39.37, 882.44, 50
waypoint7 = -63.93, 828.49, 50
ORE = alluvium ore
STONE = hermetic stone
WOOD = putrid arbor
SHRUB = overgrown bed of greenslade
FUNGI = overgrown fairy ring
ROOTS = musty roots
DEN = animal den
FISH = hatch of fish
MISC = withered bones

Feel free to call me stupid if you find something :)


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Posted: June 17th, 2005, 4:10 pm
psouza4's Reps:
User avatar
That looks fine except maybe your autorun key uses a special symbol that may be screwing with the ini sections from reading correctly. Not sure offhand without testing this myself, but we're not at that point yet -- try changing that. If it still tries to go to waypoint 0,0/0, then go ahead and post your LOG file out of the XUnleashed/Scripts directory (again, edit out personally-identifying information).

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Posted: June 17th, 2005, 4:41 pm
nammit's Reps:
User avatar

Thanks, that was it, having the autorun set to that key sent it haywire.

Changed it back to numlock and all is ok now

Thanks again

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Posted: June 17th, 2005, 6:52 pm
thewatcher's Reps:
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Cool, I like the changes to the Ini, the double sem looks cool too. Oh and good eye on the ].

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Posted: June 19th, 2005, 12:22 pm

Total Posts: 47
Joined: February 5th, 2005, 7:52 pm
llew22's Reps: 3
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I am having some trouble, too. Here is my log file (with names changed to ='s to protect the guilty):

6/19/2005 1:01:16 PM] *****
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] EQ2 LOG File Opened: d:\program files\sony\everquest ii\logs\=========\eq2log_======.txt
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] *****
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] **************** Start Processing INI File ****************
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] *****
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] ************ Start Processing Harvester Section ************
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] Debug Level set to 10
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] In GetVal with harvester,avoidplayers,True
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] End GetVal with true
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] Avoid players: True
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] In GetVal with harvester,camponend,False
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] End GetVal with false
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] CampOnEnd: False
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] In GetVal with harvester,erasebadspawns,True
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] End GetVal with true
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] EraseBadSpawns: True
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] In GetVal with harvester,closestfirst,True
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] End GetVal with true
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] ClosestFirst: True
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] In GetVal with harvester,maxharvests,8
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] End GetVal with 10
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] MaxHarvests: 10
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] In GetVal with harvester,runtorange,8
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] End GetVal with 8
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] RunToRange: 8
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] In GetVal with harvester,waitbetween,450
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] End GetVal with 300
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] WaitBetween: 300
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] In GetVal with harvester,quitontells,False
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] End GetVal with false
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] QuitOnTells: False
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] In GetVal with harvester,playontells,True
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] End GetVal with true
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] PlayOnTells: True
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] In GetVal with harvester,tellsound,ding.wav
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] End GetVal with ding.wav
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] TellSound: ding.wav
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] In GetVal with harvester,hotbar,0
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] End GetVal with 8
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] In GetVal with harvester,hotbarreset,0
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] End GetVal with 0
[6/19/2005 1:01:17 PM] Hotbar: 8
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] In GetVal with harvester,timeout,15
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] End GetVal with 15
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] Timeout: 15
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] In GetVal with harvester,quitontimeout,False
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] End GetVal with false
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] QuitonTimeout: False
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] ************* End Processing Harvester Section *************
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] *****
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM]
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] *****
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] ************ Start Processing KeyConfig Section ************
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] In GetVal with keyconfig,autorun,{NumLock}
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] End GetVal with {numlock}
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] AutoRun = {numlock}
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] In GetVal with keyconfig,forward,W
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] End GetVal with w
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] Forward = w
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] In GetVal with keyconfig,backward,S
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] End GetVal with s
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] Backward = s
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] In GetVal with keyconfig,left,A
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] End GetVal with a
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] Left = a
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] In GetVal with keyconfig,right,D
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] End GetVal with d
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] Right = d
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] In GetVal with keyconfig,jump,{SPACE}
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] End GetVal with {space}
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] Jump = space
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] In GetVal with keyconfig,nearestpc,{F7}
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] End GetVal with {f7}
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] NearestPC = f7
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] In GetVal with keyconfig,petspellname,
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] End GetVal with tellurian soldier
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] PetSpellName = tellurian soldier
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] In GetVal with keyconfig,chat,{ENTER}
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] End GetVal with {ins}
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] Chat = INS
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] In GetVal with keyconfig,reply,R
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] End GetVal with r
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] Reply = R
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] In GetVal with keyconfig,shutdownbot,{F11}
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] End GetVal with {del}
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] Shutdown = DEL
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] ************* End Processing KeyConfig Section *************
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] *****
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM]
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] *****
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] ************** Start Processing Player Section **************
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] In GetVal with ======,numofbuffs,0
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] End GetVal with 0
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] In GetVal with ======,logfileoverride,
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] End GetVal with logs\=========\eq2log_======.txt
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] LogFileOverride: logs\=========\eq2log_======.txt
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] In GetVal with ======,server,
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] End GetVal with =========
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] Server: =========
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] No Player Section found for ======
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] ************** End Processing Player Section **************
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] *****
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM]
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] *****
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] ************ Start Processing Resources Section ************
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] In GetVal with resources,collect,1, False, 0, False
[6/19/2005 1:01:18 PM] End GetVal with 0, 6, false

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Posted: June 19th, 2005, 2:08 pm
psouza4's Reps:
User avatar
It looks like you've neglected to set up the 4.00 ini file with your character's name in his own section. If you're sure you've done that, go ahead and PM me your .ini without edits so I can take a look -- don't post it publicly.

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Posted: June 19th, 2005, 11:06 pm
zaboron's Reps:
User avatar
I got it running, but harvesting doesn't work. I play on a german server, so the names of the nodes are different. I thought changing those names in the logfile should be enough, but even though the bot looks for it, it never harvests one.

The EQHarvester doesn't work either, so i guess the german names are broken, or it is me being stupid.
Here are the german names for nodes (Antonica=
ORE = Callous-Erz
STONE = sandgewaschener Felsen
WOOD = windgefällter Baum
SHRUB = Buschwerk der Ebenen
FUNGI = Pilze der Ebenen
ROOTS = Ebenenwurzeln
DEN = Kriechtierhöhle

Is capitalization any problem? The names of the nodes are with the capital letters as shown above, and that's the way i put it in the ini file.
The bot is looking for the nodes without capitals though.

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Posted: June 20th, 2005, 5:28 am
psouza4's Reps:
User avatar
Try version 4.01, just released today.

If it doesn't work, then I would definitely suspect a character translation problem where it's not detecting the node names correctly.

Try to use a radar and see what it shows the node names as. If that doesn't help either, I'm not sure what else I could suggest.

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Posted: June 20th, 2005, 6:41 am
redman's Reps:
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Definitly check the radar. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if the nodes in the radar had english names.

However, i'm not sure if the bot would trip over looking for an english named node in that it found in the radar while tabbing around targetting german named objects.


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Posted: June 20th, 2005, 8:29 am
zaboron's Reps:
User avatar
Thanks for the tipps.
This got really annoying, here are the names i found so far (again, antonica)

ORE = {n,sx!=n}\6401|(get)
STONE = {n,sx=m}\3266|\560|(get) \560|(get)
WOOD = {n,sx=m}\3267|\1645|(get) \1645|(get)
SHRUB = {n,sx!=n}\10128|(get) der Ebenen
FUNGI = {n,sx=m,ct=2}\1754|(ct=2,get) der Ebenen
ROOTS = {n,sx!=f,ct=2}\3149|(ct=2,get)
DEN = {n,sx!f}\8601|(get)
They even seem to work. It's a bit of work writing down all these strange names and adding them to the ini file without any errors. And I have to do this for every zone I want to harvest in.

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Posted: June 20th, 2005, 11:00 am
zaboron's Reps:
User avatar
Here are my Feerrott settings, with waypoints in the harvesting area around bouncer fug spawn:

[The Feerrott]
UseWayPoints = True
Numofpoints = 22
RelaxedRadius = True
MaxWander = 100
NodeStopType = relaxed
Numofpoints = 0
ORE = {n,sx!=n}Alluvium-\7137|(get)
STONE = {n,sx=m}\8656|\1280|(get) \1280|(get)
WOOD = {n,sx=m}\1051|\4706|(get) \4706|(get)
SHRUB = overgrown bed of greenslade
FUNGI = {n,sx!=n}\10147|\258|(get) Feen-\258|(get)
ROOTS = {n,sx!=f,ct=2}\8657|\2947|(ct=2,get) \2947|(ct=2,get)
DEN = animal den
FISH = {n,sx=m}\8619|(get)
MISC = withered bones

Last edited by Guest on June 26th, 2005, 12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Posted: June 20th, 2005, 11:17 am
psouza4's Reps:
User avatar
Be careful.. you're using 'NumOfPoints' twice. In this case, the bot will use the first entry and ignore the second, but this could be confusing later when editing your configuration or for others who are adapting your settings. In general, you should avoid that whenever possible.

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