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Macro Making Guide : Lineage 2 Submissions

Posted: June 3rd, 2004, 2:36 pm
Tault_Tault Community

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This guide is for the unleashed membership. This guide is mainly for noob programmers who want to write their own macros. :) Have fun!

Before we start there is a program you need to download called EZMacros that automates keyboard commands and mouse clicks. You can get this at http://www.americansys.com/ezmacros.htm (If the website or the download is down for some reason, just search for "ez macros download" at google.com and go through links
till you can find a good download).

What you will be doing is recording yourself performing a set of actions and assigning
that recording to a key - I prefer using the plus sign (+) on the far right of the keyboard for my macro key. Then you will need to have your character be in a game, and get a weighted object to put on top of that key that activates the macro. This will play through the macro then replay it over and over until you take the weighted object off the key.

How to use EzMacros:

First hit add macro choose remember mouse and keyboard, choose press a hotkey to launch macro choose what key you want to set off the macro when its done (I use the plus key +), then you'll want the playback speed "as recorded" box checked, and repeat set to once. Then you just hit record to do your macro.

What you will be doing in your recording is to have your character target enemies, kill them, loot them, and then repeat. First you will need to go into your character status window, switch to the actions tab, and drag the actions "Attack", "Target Nearest Enemy", and "Loot" over into your hotkey bar. If you plan to use any special attacks or spells, as they will need to be in your hotkey bar as well. Your choice of enemies to fight will be things that you can kill repeatedly with little time. Preferably, enemies that you could just use your default attack to kill. Or for a mage, something you can kill in one or two blasts. The area you'll be hunting in is also very important because there are two ways your macro can be setup- with movement, or without movement. The limiting factor in your killing will be how well your macro can target enemies. As the target nearest enemy action has a very small range, you will only be able to target & kill enemies when you are right by them. If the spawn you're fighting at is extremely clustered with enemies, a macro without any movement will be good. If you're in a large open field with somewhat spread out enemies then movement will be necessary. When you fight auto-aggressive enemies the targeting will be much easier. However, regardless of which you will be doing in your macro the actual recording will be done on your desktop. You'll want to open a blank text pad document and maximize it to act as your background when doing the recording. Here's what you'll do-

How to record the macro WITHOUT MOVEMENT:

Set your Target Nearest Enemy, Attack, and Loot hotkeys in the sequential order of F1,
F2, and F3.You hit record to start the recording and then EZMacros instantly minimizes
and you should be staring at your open and maximized text document. You simply hit F1 (target nearest enemy), wait a second, and then hit F2 (attack). Then pause for say 10 seconds or however long it may take you to kill an enemy where you're hunting, and
then finally hit F3 a few times with half a second between them and hit pause to finish
the recording. That would be as simple as it gets. As an archer or a mage, you'd likely
hit F1 then start off with a spell or power-hit so you'd hit the designated hotkey for that.
As a melee feel free to hit special attack hotkeys anywhere within that 10 seconds of killing time. You can tailor the specifics of your macro to however you want it to work for your character.

How to record the macro WITH MOVEMENT:

This is where it gets tricky. This is in most cases the superior way to macro. Your
character will essentially be doing everything in the non-movement recording, only he'll
be running forward and backwards while hitting F1 repeatedly to target enemies (use whatever hotkey your target nearest enemy is set to).
To set it up: Once again hit record and you're looking at your text document. Hold down the up arrow key and count around 15 seconds before letting go. Then proceed to attack (F2) and do whatever special attack hotkeys you may want, and finally loot (F3) a few times. Note that this is *NOT* the end of the recording. You then do the exact same
thing AGAIN only this time hit the DOWN arrow key for 15 seconds. This helps to balance your characters movement so that overtime with the macro running he will for the most part stay in the same area rather than running out into the middle of nowhere. Hit pause to finish the macro of course.

Now that you have your macro recording, hit next twice through the next screens to finalize. It'll let you name the macro if you wish but it’s not necessary. Sometimes you have to choose the macro and run it once manually from the EZMacros program before
the macro -hotkey for it becomes active. Now you can bring up the game and hit your macro’s hotkey to run it. Place a rock or weight on the hotkey to make it loop over and over. BAM! Now, if your macro contains movement you'll have to hit Alt-H to make all the windows disappear in the game. Otherwise the chat window interferes with some of the keyboard commands. Once you have done that you can run the movement macro fine. When you want the windows back just hit Alt-H again. For non-movement macros this is not necessary.

Feel free to experiment with different movement macros to see if you like others better. For instance, instead of going forward/backwards, you could have your character rotate in circles by having it go forward to target things, kill/loot, then turn right to a degree and repeat. It would take a bit of trial and error to setup how you want it, but depending on
the spawn you're at it could be a bit more efficient than a forward/backwards macro.

**When the 30 days of using EZMacros is up, you can simply uninstall/reinstall to
continue using it.

***In rare instances for some people macro programs like EZMacros will have a strange problem where the mouse clicks or keyboard commands don't follow through in Lineage 2’s game window. An example would be a macro with mouse clicks where you see the cursor move around but the clicks never register. If you have this problem all you
need to do is find a different macroing program that will work for you. In every instance I've come across with this problem the person was able to find a similar program that would work out of the list I sent them. So here is a list of other macroing programs. After learning how to use EZMacros, working any of these should be self-explanatory.


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Posted: June 3rd, 2004, 3:22 pm
Tault_Tault Community

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Stolen. Nice try.

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Posted: June 3rd, 2004, 3:24 pm
Tault_Tault Community

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Old link from beta:
http://nick.bioviral.net/Lineage/Macros ... ge2kit.zip
Copy into broswer!

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