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 LOTRO Bots: LotRO GetTO Bot (Champion) v1.0 : LOTRO - Bots and Hacks
Posted: October 20th, 2006, 7:50 am
Total Posts: 40
Joined: June 5th, 2005, 7:36 am
tault_jake_craner's Reps: 0
Okay, so I thought I had premium, but for some reason I couldn't post in confirmed. Anyways, this is my first bot, so yes it sucks. However, it did fight for 5 hours last night (but it wandered into grays so I only got a level and a half). I just put in a very simple loot code, but it should work 50% of the time. This bot could be modded for just about any game. I made this bot for myself personally, so no I won't change it for you. For all those who say WTF tault.com, I payed 25 bucks and bots no work, get off your !@#$%^&* and write your own. It only took me about 6 hours, and this is my first attempt EVER! I have botted on other games with the help of tault.com, so I figured I would give something back. Also, for those of you who take my advice and write your own, before you spend 4 hours coding and timing and auto facing mobs for pulls on a melee bot, ask your roommate if the game has an auto travel to mob option  Speaking of which, you need to turn that on. Don't expect my variables to work for you, get your own using GetPixelColor. Save this info as a .vbs, put it in the xunleashed scripts folder and run it. A little info on bots, they like big open spaces with spread out mobs. Not too spread out, just no elites or big camps to aggro. Also, this bot does not check mob level, so put it where mobs are blue (ie 2-3 levels below you) and let it work there. Well, all that being said, here we go!
(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))): '------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------- 'LotRO GetTO Bot v1.0 'Champion 'Jake Craner 'Lord of the Rings Online Bot 'Configured for his Campion 'Started 10/18/06 '1440x900 (Windowed Mode) 'Turn automove to target ON! 'Please share only with Tault.com members 'If you steal it, atleast put my name in it 'This is my first bot, so yes, it sucks 'ZOMG j00 spelled Ghetto wrong! 'I know, STFU noob I mean WTFBBQ!? '------------------------------------------------------------- 'None of the following is required: 'It just helped me for copy/paste 'Only change these vars with the code 'Use GetPixelColor to find this information '(x,y) = colorcode 'mob = xuscripthost.getpixelcolor(476,122) = 15131614 '75%health = xuscripthost.getpixelcolor(218,82) = 631584 'fevour3 = xuscripthost.getpixelcolor(489,810) = 131730 'fevour35 = xuscripthost.getpixelcolor(489,810) = 197509 'fevour4 = xuscripthost.getpixelcolor(508,814) = 65994 'fevour45 = xuscripthost.getpixelcolor(508,814) = 65982 'error = xuscripthost.getpixelcolor(376,185) = 15790320 'lootclick1 = 715,539 'lootclick2 = 715,600 'VK Key Valuces: '(Used for movement) 's = 83 'd = 68 'w = 87 'a = 65 '------------------------------------------------------------- 'Delay for Window Change xuscripthost.sleep 5000
i = 1
'Number of times bot will run Do until i = 500
'Rests till 75% health and if attacked Do until xuscripthost.getpixelcolor(218,82) = 631584
'If attacked while resting If xuscripthost.getpixelcolor(476,122) = 15131614 then
xuscripthost.sleep 100
End If
'Finds Target, see Sub Findtarget Findtarget
'Attacks Target, see Sub Attack Attack
'Loots Target, see Sub Loot Loot
i = i + 1
'------------------------------------------------------------- 'Moves and Tabs for Target Sub FindTarget
Do Until xuscripthost.getpixelcolor(476,122) = 15131614 Scan
'Kicks the bot out of FindTarget sooner If xuscripthost.getpixelcolor(476,122) = 15131614 then
xuscripthost.keydown 87 xuscripthost.keydown 65 xuscripthost.sleep 120 xuscripthost.keyup 65 xuscripthost.sleep 3500 xuscripthost.keyup 87
End If
End Sub
'------------------------------------------------------------- 'Spins and Tabs for Target Sub Scan
i = 0
Do until xuscripthost.getpixelcolor(476,122) = 15131614 or i = 14 xuscripthost.keydown 68 xuscripthost.sleep 120 xuscripthost.keyup 68 xuscripthost.sendkeys "{BACKSPACE}" xuscripthost.sleep 100
i = i + 1
End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------- 'Attacks the Target Sub Attack
'Retargets and runs to mob xuscripthost.sendkeys "{ESC}" xuscripthost.sleep 1000 xuscripthost.sendkeys "{BACKSPACE}" xuscripthost.sleep 1000 xuscripthost.sendkeys "`" xuscripthost.sleep 8000
While xuscripthost.getpixelcolor(476,122) = 15131614 'If health is low and 4 Fevour If xuscripthost.getpixelcolor(508,814) = 65994 or xuscripthost.getpixelcolor(508,814) = 65982 then xuscripthost.sendkeys 5 xuscripthost.sleep 100 xuscripthost.sendkeys 1 xuscripthost.sleep 2500
'If 3 Fevour Else If xuscripthost.getpixelcolor(489,810) = 131730 or xuscripthost.getpixelcolor(489,810) = 197509 then xuscripthost.sendkeys 1 xuscripthost.sleep 2500
'Normal Attack Else xuscripthost.sendkeys 2 xuscripthost.sleep 2500 End If End If
'If the target is too far away/behind you If xuscripthost.getpixelcolor(376,185) = 15790320 and xuscripthost.getpixelcolor(476,122) = 15131614 then
xuscripthost.keydown 83 xuscripthost.sleep 1500 xuscripthost.keyup 83 xuscripthost.sleep 100 xuscripthost.sendkeys "{ESC}" xuscripthost.sleep 2500
End If
End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------- 'Loots the Target Sub Loot
xuscripthost.sleep 1000 xuscripthost.mousemove 715,530 xuscripthost.sleep 1000 xuscripthost.rmousedown 715,530 xuscripthost.sleep 100 xuscripthost.rmouseup 715,530 xuscripthost.sleep 1000 xuscripthost.mousemove 715,600 xuscripthost.sleep 1000 xuscripthost.lmousedown 715,600 xuscripthost.sleep 100 xuscripthost.lmouseup 715,600
End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------------------------
Last edited by tault_jake_craner on October 20th, 2006, 9:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
Posted: October 20th, 2006, 9:12 am
Total Posts: 40
Joined: June 5th, 2005, 7:36 am
tault_jake_craner's Reps: 0
So after searching the forums, currently there is no in game way to loot all like WoW's shift+rclick. So, the loot code i have in place opens the loot window 90% of the time, and hits the loot all button 50% of the time. Hopefully I can change this soon.
Posted: November 7th, 2006, 2:27 pm
Total Posts: 54
Joined: September 24th, 2006, 7:42 am
ryansilva420's Reps: 1
Very interested in this.
Let me know if you can make me a hunter bot =)
Posted: January 15th, 2007, 12:56 am
Total Posts: 63
Joined: March 20th, 2006, 8:52 am
rhodan007's Reps: 0
Noob question...
It's for XUnleashed? How to use it?
(just started LOTRO this WE, so doesn't know exactly how work macros)
Posted: January 16th, 2007, 2:16 pm
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Tault_admin's Reps: 1444
Posted: February 13th, 2007, 3:59 am
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blackmoon's Reps: 9
anyone try this in the LOTRO2 closed beta?? I got into it but havent actually logged into try it out, been busy with some other projects. This looks like a good attempt for a 1st try, so eveyone give him kudos!
I'll try to hop online and see what it does, it could be a completely different game since I've never tried it the first time around. Cheers!
Posted: February 13th, 2007, 6:20 pm
spike18077's Reps:
I am really interested in trying this too! I was able to snag a chance into the LOTRO beta. It really is a beautiful game. :/ I'm patching right now.. 
Posted: February 14th, 2007, 2:15 pm
Total Posts: 40
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tault_jake_craner's Reps: 0
okay, well i wont be playing lotro anymore, ive moved to vanguard. But anyways, feel free to steal whatever you want from it. Hopefully the work i did will help someone make a better bot that more people can use!
Posted: February 14th, 2007, 2:38 pm
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lilfisher's Reps: 63
Posted: April 23rd, 2007, 7:18 am
Total Posts: 297
Joined: March 29th, 2006, 8:59 am
antareus's Reps: 11
Now we just need a working bot. Could not get this one to work at all. When does the lotro exhume come out?
Posted: April 23rd, 2007, 1:41 pm
Total Posts: 6718
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wyvernx's Reps: 21
My LotrExtreme is almost ready for a first release. I just need player health to release. Should have it hopefully before launch of the live game.
Use Search first, ask questions later!
Posted: April 24th, 2007, 12:08 pm
Total Posts: 297
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antareus's Reps: 11
wyvernx (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))): My LotrExtreme is almost ready for a first release. I just need player health to release. Should have it hopefully before launch of the live game.
Well I tried making a bot that uses some of the same aspects as the VSOH bot, yet I couldn't find the player health variable lol, I dont know how you do it.
Posted: April 25th, 2007, 12:19 pm
Total Posts: 297
Joined: March 29th, 2006, 8:59 am
antareus's Reps: 11
Also as a side note, this script is out of date and was written to run on the old Exhume client, therefore you have to convert all the exhume commands into the new exhumes commands, in order for it to run. I tried this and edited the getpixel variables for my bot, yet still couldnt get it to work.
Posted: April 25th, 2007, 6:34 pm
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wyvernx's Reps: 21
Lotroextreme is on the verge of release. see my other thread for the exact eta. But 2-3 days tops. Maybe sooner.
Use Search first, ask questions later!
Posted: April 26th, 2007, 10:04 am
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knightlune's Reps: 0
Dude, stop talking about it and work on it! More talking = less time to work on it. That means longer before it's released!
*clears his throat*
Sorry, I'm just a little too excited for my own good. >_>;
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