Tault_mississippi (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
hmmmmm LOTROExtreme ... Tasty. I finally got me a buddy key to test it out - I should probably post how to do that, hmm?
I'm gonna have to choose between VG and LOTRO ... gonna be tough, I'm starting to dig this. VGExtreme has me favoring VG though, cause it's more fun to write code to play the game for me than it is to *just* play the game.
Yea, I know - my wife and kids think I'm nuts .. but it works for me!
Yeah I know the feeling lol. Tbh writting bot scripts for vg is far easier ( atm ) then writting them for lotro. Mainly due to the new memory offsets (like the health issue). However imo, lotro is more fun then vanguard.
all in all, lotro seems to be a lot easier of a game to lvl in (I've met people with 3 lvl 50s already) and therefore a bot isnt as "needed" if you will. Whereas vanguard is grind hell and where a bot is very usefull.
Finally lotro actually bans botters, whereas vanguard temporarily suspends them from the game.