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SWG Guides - Pet grind in 3 days(pet stims to lvl 90) : Star Wars Galaxies Guides

Posted: February 27th, 2008, 7:11 pm

Total Posts: 41
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This is old out of date and may not work anymore!

this only works with a toon that has not yet ground entertainer above lvl 10 and has a beast that is between lvls 1 and 10

Step 1: Respec to entertainer.
Step 2: Grind to lvl 10.
Step 3: Put expertiece in beastmasters Incubation and attack and the rest in Drama.
Step 4: Hatch pet.
Step 5: Buy a few crates of Pet stims.
Step 6: Kill Lvl 1 NPCs for 3-4 days.
(pet should lvl normally untill lvl 10 and then go over 100% exp without lvling. Your pets lvl cant be higher than yours and you wont level while gaining combat experience because your an ent)
I had an exact number for the % you had to have ot get the pet from 10 - 90 but i cant really remember it was like 450000% ish or slightly more then three 24 hour days(afk).

there are some static spawns of lvl 1-2s in
Dearic, Talus 158 -3016
Dearic, Talus 463 -3105
Dearic, Talus 204 -2857
(Instant Respawn Upon Loot)

Sample Macro to use

/ui action petToolbarSlot0;
/pause 1
/tar corpse
/pause 1
/loot all
/pause 1;
/macro petattack

Last edited by codered5678 on December 16th, 2009, 5:51 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Posted: February 29th, 2008, 7:43 am

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Can members say yay or nay to this being moved to a confirmed section.

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Posted: February 29th, 2008, 2:02 pm

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Would this work for a toon that is an ent as you describe but instead of attacking the lvl 1 NPC's, you could grind on the rryyatt trail and get that pet xp per kill instead?

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Posted: February 29th, 2008, 3:20 pm
bigtwig2k7's Reps:
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i know this works for a fact but i was wondering, were would u afk as lvl10?

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Posted: March 2nd, 2008, 12:03 am

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there are some static spawns of lvl 1-2s in
Dearic, Talus 158 -3016
Dearic, Talus 463 -3105
Dearic, Talus 204 -2857
(Instant Respawn Upon Loot)

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Posted: March 2nd, 2008, 9:05 am

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What AFK combat macro do you use with a Lvl 10 ent?

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Posted: March 11th, 2008, 7:37 pm

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a simple
/ui action petToolbarSlot0;
/pause 1
/tar corpse
/pause 1
/loot all
/pause 1;
/macro petattack

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Posted: April 10th, 2008, 12:17 pm

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This guide is already here

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Posted: June 15th, 2008, 5:39 pm
965473ib's Reps:
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could you do this as a lvl 90 ent?

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Posted: June 15th, 2008, 8:55 pm

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So I don't understand. Once your pet hits level 10 it keeps gaining xp secretly and then what? You level to 90 or respec back to a combat character and it becomes level 90? You gotta explain that part.

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Posted: August 7th, 2008, 8:03 pm
zamijaster's Reps:
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codered5678 (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
this only works with a toon that has not yet ground entertainer above lvl 10 and has a beast that is between lvls 1 and 10

Step 1: Respec to entertainer.
Step 2: Grind to lvl 10.
Step 3: Put expertiece in beastmasters Incubation and attack and the rest in Drama.
Step 4: Hatch pet.
Step 5: Buy a few crates of Pet stims.
Step 6: Kill Lvl 1 NPCs for 3-4 days.
(pet should lvl normally untill lvl 10 and then go over 100% exp without lvling. Your pets lvl cant be higher than yours and you wont level while gaining combat experience because your an ent)
I had an exact number for the % you had to have ot get the pet from 10 - 90 but i cant really remember it was like 450000% ish or slightly more then three 24 hour days(afk).

there are some static spawns of lvl 1-2s in
Dearic, Talus 158 -3016
Dearic, Talus 463 -3105
Dearic, Talus 204 -2857
(Instant Respawn Upon Loot)

Sample Macro to use

/ui action petToolbarSlot0;
/pause 1
/tar corpse
/pause 1
/loot all
/pause 1;
/macro petattack

do you mean that when ure lvl 10 and ure pet is higher lvl it has an xp bonus ?

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Posted: August 12th, 2008, 10:49 am

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Can members say yay or nay to this so we may give tu bucks and/or premium. If you nay the submission remember to include as to why.

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Posted: August 18th, 2008, 8:44 am

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big yay... took a lil onger than 4 days cuz of fed-deb (cl38 db) but it does work thanks for this one

p.s. watch out cuz junk loot farmers steal ur spots

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Posted: August 19th, 2008, 11:18 pm

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Moved to confirmed and 750 points granted.

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Posted: August 20th, 2008, 9:43 am

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What Happens after you get to 450000%? Do you switch to a combat prof or what?

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