yeah a post at 3:45 am when myself or tault_admin are generally asleep. amazing you didnt reply since we are PST not GMT as you are. im going to pm you at a random time between 1am and 5am your time and if you dont reply within an hour i demand you pay me money!
the website is based in the usa, we dont have a huge amount of members based in the UK or europe and none of our "staff" is based in europe or the uk so the chances of you getting a reply at the time you wanted is a dumb idea as we are human.
i know the only reason you made this topic is to have a "reason" to get your money back after getting what you wanted as other people have done in the past.
as for what you wanted. lookie what i found here! ... grams.html
oh my god i think that chances are what you want will be in the forum labeled "World of Warcraft" under where it says "Macros Scripts and
in the other topic you made a post right above yours someone said there was a link to an anti-afk that worked. topic that had it was as he said ... rsion.html