thewonderdude (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
exactly the same issue-_-
If this is a scam site, please kindly delete my account
If you think this site is a scam site,
obviously you did not take the time to look around it. This site is
REAL and has
many useful bots, hacks, guides, ect... for
MANY of the most popular games out there.
You gain access to those sections (premium sections as they are called) by contributing to the site and gaining TU Bucks. Once you gain 1k TU Bucks you send a PM to the Admin and he will grant you premium. Or you can simply buy it. But I suggest contributing to the site instead of just leeching from it. The more people contribute, the more the site has to offer to others.
But you would of known all that if you read the appropriate sections.
And if you
STILL think its a scam site, please by all means find a better one and let me know. This is one of the best sites that has the most content.
@Other people with the problem similar to the first post:Just PM the admin and he will get to you. Just keep in mind he gets ALOT of PMs on a daily basis and it will take time to get to your PM. On top of all that he has to maintain the site. So all in all he is a very busy person. So just be patient.
(!empty($user->lang['QUOTE'])) ? $user->lang['QUOTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'QUOTE'))):
these kinda people dont even deserve to be on this site, I realy dispise leechers...
I agree with you 200%. I absolutely
HATE people who just come and leech material and never see from them again. BUT WAIT! If they have a problem everyone comes out of the bushes. But most dont have the time to say a simple thank you.... I still dont know why I continue to make hacks with leechers around. God knows that if someone makes a hack that I use, I ALWAYS say thank you. Because I know the hard work that goes into creating one and I know for a fact that authors LOVE to read the feedback on their programs.