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Vanguard Bot - VGExtreme Scritping Service : VGExtreme General Discussion - Page 30

Posted: June 22nd, 2007, 9:07 am

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Delete allfiles but the UpdateVGExtreme.exe and run it.

Use Search first, ask questions later!

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Posted: June 22nd, 2007, 6:15 pm

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Be sure to check the faq next time we have everything updated in there already :)

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Posted: August 22nd, 2007, 5:27 pm

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Updated for a few missing API's. Mostly group stuff.

Use Search first, ask questions later!

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Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 11:05 am

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Hmm, I just got in my new Vista computer and VGE doesn't run.

I have removed everything except the updater, but to no avail.

I have tried running in xp sp2 compatability mode, and am running as administrator.

When I run, it just crashes and offers me M$'s support... gee thanks :) lol.

Hope you can provide some insight.

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Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 12:18 pm
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Hmm, I just got in my new Vista computer and VGE doesn't run.

I have removed everything except the updater, but to no avail.

I have tried running in xp sp2 compatability mode, and am running as administrator.

When I run, it just crashes and offers me M$'s support... gee thanks :) lol.

Hope you can provide some insight.

Make a shortcut to VGE and add C:\Users\CrimsonSoul\Desktop\Exhume\VGExtreme.exe /regserver

Like that as the target (in other words, Add /regserver)

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Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 1:02 pm

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I just updated it to fix some bugs. You will need to delete all files (again) and run only the updatevgextreme.exe and let it patch.

It should then work.

The patcher is a pain which i'm rewriting.

Use Search first, ask questions later!

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Posted: August 29th, 2007, 10:04 pm

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August 29, 2007

--Added Crafting.ActionName
--Added Crafting.StepName

If you use ActionName or ActionDescription, be SURE you have the step populated (ie /craftingselectstep xx) first!!!

Use Search first, ask questions later!

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Posted: September 3rd, 2007, 8:01 pm

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September 2, 2007

NOTE: See included Inlcludes/VGParley.vbs on how to use them!
NOTE: See included Inlcludes/VGCrafting.vbs on how to use them!

--Added Crafting Functions
'Function Crafting_AvailableWorkOrderName 'Returns the name of the work order you have selected from the taskmaster
'Function Crafting_AvailableWorkOrderDescription 'Returns the description of the work order you have selected from the taskmaster
'Function Crafting_AvailableWorkOrderDifficulty 'Returns the Difficulty of the work order you have selected from the taskmaster
'Function Crafting_AvailableWorkOrderSkill 'Returns the skill of the work order you have selected from the taskmaster
'Function Crafting_AvailableWorkOrderNeededItems 'Returns what the work order requires to be constructed from the work order you have selected from the taskmaster

--Added Parley Functions
'function Parley_Inspire 'Returns the amount of inspire you currently have
'function Parley_OpponentInspire 'Returns the amount of inspirey our opponent has
'function Parley_Demand 'Returns the amount of demand you currently have
'function Parley_OpponentDemand 'Returns the amount of demand your opponent has
'function Parley_Reason 'Returns the amount of reason you currently have
'function Parley_OpponentReason 'Returns the amount of reason your opponent has
'function Parley_Flatter 'Returns the amount of flatter you currently have
'function Parley_OpponentFlatter 'Returns the amount of flatter your opponent has
'function Parley_Type ' Returns the type of parley you have initiated (entertainment, civic, etc)
'function Parley_Points 'Returns the dialog points you currently have
'function Parley_OpponentPoints 'Returns the dialog points your opponent has
'function Parley_Status 'Returns the purple sticker showing how much you are progressing to the goal
'function Parley_OpponentName 'Returns who you are currently conversing with
'function Parley_hasWon 'Returns True/False if you won the parley
'function Parley_hasLost 'Returns True/False if you lost the parley
'function Parley_inParley 'Returns True/False if you are currently in a parley
'function Parley_hasOpponentPassed 'Returns True/False if the opponent decided to "Listen"
'function Parley_hasPlayerPassed 'Returns True/False if you decided to "Listen"
'function Parley_CardCooldown(int_card) 'Returns the cooldown rounds remaining on the card (Zero-Based index - first card is 0)

Use Search first, ask questions later!

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Posted: September 3rd, 2007, 8:35 pm

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your the man Wyv

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Posted: September 14th, 2007, 7:51 pm

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I have a few questions/problems

getPlayerName is not returning anything, is there a fix for this coming?

is there a way to view incoming text? or is the prefered method to enable logging and read the log? in which case the log is not dumped in real time, is there a way around that? I'm looking to work on a craft and/or diplo bot that doesn't require mouse click locations so this info is gonna be needed pretty bad.


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Posted: September 14th, 2007, 8:27 pm

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what you are going to run into is that there is no way to tell the game you want to choose a certain recipe without just clicking on it. Nor is there a way to select new work orders of begin crafting or buy supplies without clicking on it. So making a crafing bot without mousclicks is probably not possible.

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Posted: October 17th, 2007, 10:48 pm

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Just updated for todays patch. It should fix the start up bugs. Let me know if you find any other missing or invalid values and I didnt do much testing as I wanted to get it out as soon as possible.

strabomeeks, I beleive that there is commands to select and buy via in game commands. I know that there was one to select your crafting recipe.

Use Search first, ask questions later!

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Posted: October 20th, 2007, 11:50 pm

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Just posted a patch.. fixed missing mobs...

Use Search first, ask questions later!

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Posted: November 15th, 2007, 2:38 pm

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I have a patch coming out this saturday (maybe late friday) that will fix refining and diplomacy errors.

Use Search first, ask questions later!

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Posted: November 19th, 2007, 11:22 pm

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November 19, 2007

--Fixed Parley (inspire, demand, etc)
--Fixed Crafting.ActionName

Use Search first, ask questions later!

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