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June 15th, 2005, 6:17 am 
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This is my disruption archer guide

Professions: Ranger / Necromancer

Heavy disruption.


Expertise {P}
Points Spent
Points Unspent

Punishing Shot {E}

Marksman's Wager

Concusion Shot

Pin Down

Desecrate Enchantments

Enfeebling Blood

Shadow of Fear

Rend Enchantments

Game Focus: PvP
Primary Purpose: Disruption with Damage

The Disruption Archer thrives on spreading chaos and disorder throughout the field of battle. His skills are slotted to cause problems for a wide range of opponents from silencing and interruping casters, slowing and weakening warriors, and spreading disruption over more than one character. He also thrives on being able to distribute a few bloody noses in the midst of battle as well.

Remember that the Disruption Archer's main role is not to distribute the damage to your opponents but to support your damage dealers by causing mass disruption to the opponents. Your skills will allow you to cause multiple headaches. Let's take a look at a few of those strategies and skills.

Do you have a warrior or ranger causing havoc in your ranks? If so, there are several skills to take advantage of. Does your teammate need to either escape or catch a fleeing warrior? If so, hit the warrior with Pin Down. His speed will be impacted dramatically allowing your teammate to either flee or catch him.

Is he causing some massive damage? Hit him with a combo of Enfeebling Blood and Shadow of Fear. Not only will you inflict weakness (reducing his physical damage output) but you also lower his attack rate so not only is he attacking less often, but for less output.

Do you have a caster giving you headaches? Hit him with Concussive Shot, if you time it right, you'll not only silence him from casting any more for a while, but you'll interrupt his current spell as well. The other option is Punishing Shot. This skill is great because it causes an additional 8+ damage as well as interrupting the caster. This skill is great for interrupting and causing a large amount of damage.

The Disruption Archer also thrives on punishing opponents who love to cast enchantments. Hit a large group of enchanted opponents with Desecrate Enchantments, everyone in the AoE radius will take 8+ damage as well as damage for every enchantment they currently have. They'll think twice about casting those enchantments next time.

This build is loads of fun to play as you're always looking to thwart someone's plans for greatness and you can not only stop them, but cause them massive frustration in the mean time. Be sure to remember however, that while this character is very strong at what he does, he can't survive alone and this is not a character to try and run solo in PvE. He's focused on PvP action and working with a well organized and distributed team.

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