loop do loop ..... woop de woop
Ok, people .. Easy Money Here.. Or to get easy parchments for your armor... OK Travel to Sardelac Sanitarium and then run out t old ascalon
push alt to see npc named - artisan david.. for
5 wood plus 20 gold u get one parchement. - sell for 80g - make 50g - thats if u are buying 1 wood for 10g
so if u buy 100 woods at 10g thats 1k and 20g for parchement
you pay 1.400 for 20 parchements each for 80g you make 200g ... but there is people out there that still buy parchements for 100 - 110g each... i sold 300 parchements to one guy for 100g - i got 30k, i spend 10g each on wood 1500 - 15k, plus 6k as its 20g each ... 21k in total, i got 9k xtra!
nice little tip for new people who need money =)
thank you . and enjoy.. i love this game