All anti-virus scans appear clean. None of my sandbox alerts or firewalls flared up.
This is simply a macro script. I quote from the help file supplied:
"Guild Recruiter - Guild Wars Macro By JoshDB"
"Macros created by GWMacros.Funpic.Org are created in AC Tool. You are required to have successfully installed the latest version of AC Tool for this, and any other macros created by GWMacros.Funpic.Org, to work."
Unfortunately the zip file does not contain AC Tool so it will not run. The poster took the macro without the macro program
. Better recruiting bots/scripts already exist.
The macro script is as follows:
// Change these
Message = My guild is recruiting! Send me a whisper if you're interested in joining!
Reply = I've just invited you. Thanks for the interest!
// Don't change
MousePosX = 0
MousePosY = 0
All = 0
AllX = 0
AllY = 0
AllPos = 0
WhisperX = 0
WhisperY = 0
WhisperPosX = 0
Whisper = 0
WhisperMessageX = 0
WhisperMessage = 0
WhisperUser = 0
GuildInvite = 0
GuildInviteY = 0
GuildInviteX = 0
LastSender = <name>
Sender = 0
ReplyNeeded = 2
i = 0
// Confirmation
ShowMessage i = Confirmation, YES:NO, Do you wish to run the Guild Wars macro "Guild Recruiter" by JoshDB at GWMacros.Funpic.Org?
If $i = 7
// Invite the player
Procedure Invite
MousePos $GuildInvite
Keys $Sender {return}
// Setting the active window
setactivewindow Guild Wars
delay 10000
// Diagnostics
setconst MousePosX = {MouseX}
setconst MousePosY = {MouseY}
Compute WhisperMessageX = $MousePosX + 75
setconst WhisperMessage = $WhisperMessageX , $MousePosY
setconst WhisperUser = $MousePosX , $MousePosY
Compute AllPos = $MousePosY - 20
MousePos {mousex} , $AllPos
setconst AllX = {mousex}
setconst AllY = {mousey}
setconst All = $AllX , $AllY
Compute WhisperPosX = $AllX + 300
MousePos $WhisperPosX , {mousey}
setconst WhisperX = {mousex}
setconst WhisperY = {mousey}
setconst Whisper = $WhisperX , $WhisperY
MousePos $All
Compute GuildInviteY = {mousey} - 275
MousePos {mousex} , $GuildInviteY
setconst GuildInviteX = {mousex}
setconst GuildInviteY = {mousey}
setconst GuildInvite = $GuildInviteX , $GuildInviteY
// Starting the macro
delay 1000
while 1 = 1
MousePos $All
keys $Message {return}
delay 5000
setclipboard <name>
delay 5000
delay 500
Keys ^C
delay 500
GetClipboard Sender
delay 100
If $Sender = $LastSender
setconst ReplyNeeded = 2
If $Sender = <name>
setconst $ReplyNeeded = 2
GetClipboard LastSender
If $ReplyNeeded <> 2
call Invite
delay 1000
MousePos $WhisperMessage
keys $Reply {return}
delay 500