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Trollfarming with W/? : GW Guide Discussion

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May 11th, 2006, 10:21 pm 
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Cash on hand: Locked

several times when I am in Drocnars people whant to know how to farm the Mountain Trolls. I tryed a lot of builds but no seems to work good with an W (any sec profession). Du you have an hint for me?



May 12th, 2006, 1:25 am 
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Cash on hand: Locked
I have used to following for months as Warrior/Monk:

Sprint - Stance. For 12 seconds, you move 25% faster.
Cyclone - Axe Attack. Perform a spinning axe attack striking for +10 damage to all adjacent opponents
Endure Pain - Elite Skill. For 12 seconds you have an additional 258 Health and an additional 20 armor.
Defy Pain - Skill. For 16 seconds you have an additional 258 Health.
Dolyak Signet - For 18 seconds, you have +34 armor and cannot be knocked down, but your movement is slowed by 75%.
HB - Enchantment Spell. For 10 seconds, target ally gains +7 Health regeneration.
Balthazar's Spirit - Enchantment Spell. While you maintain this Enchantment, target ally gains 3 adrenaline and Energy after taking damage.
Mending - Enchantment Spell. While you maintain this Enchantment, target ally gains +3 Health regeneration

Atts: 12 in Strength, 12 in Axe Mastery, 9 in Healing, 3 in Smite (these are from memory - adjust to maximise)

Armour: Final armour + Super Absorbtion, Super Vigour, Minor Strength, Minor Axe

Weapons: Max Dam Vampiric Axe; Best 'when enchanted' shield, preferably with +45HP and -2 Absorbtion

Key Skills: Mending and Balths for healing and energy management; Endure Pain and Dolyak for armour and HP; Cyclone for damage and Balths.


Use Sprint to reach the cave, running past any Avicara

At the cave, cast Mending and Balths

Engage trolls and position yourself with your back to a wall so that the shield constantly engages. Personally I use one of the thin columns that join the roof to the floor - that way the trolls can surround you without actually getting to your back.

Spam Cyclone - this damages the Trolls and via Balths fills your Adren and Energy back up

Spam Endure Pain - don't wait for it to run out - just hit it everytime it lights up

Spam Dolyak - This gives you +34 armour for 18 seconds; combined with the +20 armour from Endure Pain you have near constant +54 armour. For 2 seconds you'll have +20 armour from Endure Pain. I can live with this ;)

Defy Pain and Healing - rarely used but good backups. Healing is easily interrupted by the Trolls but use it if you wish. Using Defy with Endure gives me 1100HP - more than enough ;)

Final tip: Don' target one troll all the time till he dies. The build works on energy and adren via Balths, so if one troll is getting close to death, target another one. That way they all die via Cyclone but keep giving you energy and adren as a group.

Endure Pain is an easy cap just outside of Beacons Pearch.

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