Well, hello there, I don't know if anyone has found this out but its a GREAT place to gaint Lighbringer Points, Money, Gold Items, and Other Materials.
----------this is my First Time doin this, so bear with me---------
First, u need Nightfall campaing, and must be able to REACH the "
Bone Palace" , not U only need
1 other player with you, it could be a Hero, or an other player(really don't matter), and if U have a hero that is a LOW LVL take them cause U can LVL them fast here. (or u can go by your self and kill them slowly cause
DP does not effect the Wurms you will allways have
3,000hp and
Well now you can head to "
The Alkali Plan" which is located
WEST of the city and use the "WURM Spool" to become a Worm. THIS is where the fun begins,
get the Ghost to give you the ^up on killin elementals and the stone dudes and kill the 2 that are VERY close to you for 168EXP, plus 2 LB Points(YAY), plus on the west side there are other ghosts that give you LB Points for killin Magnorites, now go and kill the groups and keep doin that(try not to go and get killed by the worms(2 or more come out at a time [LVL28]just keep running). The way to defeat the biger groups is to have your Hero or your Buddy, res you with the Juronos Wail as soon as u die, to u can kill them faster.
Now most of the drops are 80-120GP, I got blues, purples, and Golds, from AI and if u have Keys U can collect the chests 2 (keys r 600gp), but after 2-3 runs I got my money back from buying keys
Screen shot
or paste in url
now thats only after doin 1 run with my hero, and the
REDdots represent to where I have seen Chests Spawn, plus the sur Salvage and id kits are MINE
---------------------------sorry if u don't get it but its simple----------------