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How to make a legendary weapon : Guild Wars 2 Guides

Posted: October 6th, 2012, 6:19 pm

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Each of the Legendaries has it's own exotic base weapon. These are always ____ of Rage items, because it's the default Superior Sigil. They can be obtained by throwing 4 rare/exotic weapons above level 76 (research ongoing) of the type you want to obtain into the Mystic Forge (4x Greatsword for Dusk or Dawn) and getting lucky. Or you might be able to obtain them as loot from events or enemies while being out in the world. Either way, you need to obtain the following specific items to craft your Legendary.

Staff - The Legend of Rage - Used for: The Bifrost
Sword - Zap of Rage - Used for: Bolt
Torch - Rodgort's Claw of Rage - Used for: Dragons Maw/Rodgort
Shortbow - The Lover of Rage - Used for: The Dreamer
Shield - The Chosen of Rage - Used for: The Flameseeker Prophecies
Speargun - Rage of Rage - Used for: Frenzy
Axe - Tooth of Frostfang of Rage - Used for: Frostfang
Warhorn - Howl of Rage - Used for: Howler
Dagger - Spark of Rage - Used for: Incinerator
Hammer - The Colossus of Rage - Used for: The Juggernaut
Longbow - Leaf of Kudzu of Rage - Used for: Kudzu
Trident - Venom of Rage - Used for: Kraitkin
Spear - Maw of Rage - Used for: Maw of the Deep
Scepter - Storm of Rage - Used for: Meteorlogicus
Focus - The Bard of Rage - Used for: The Minstrel
Mace - The Energizer of Rage - Used for: Moot
Rifle - The Hunter of Rage - Used for: The Predator
Pistol - Chaos Gun of Rage - Used for: Quip
Greatsword - Dawn of Rage - Used for: Sunrise
Greatsword - Dusk of Rage - Used for: Twilight
Not yet proven: Greatsword - Sunrise + Twilight - Used for: Eternity

Crafting Gifts
Depending on what Legendary you are crafting, you will have to create specific Gifts. These are related to different Crafting Skills. Gifts are Account-Bound, so buying them on the Trading Post is impossible. The Recipes for these gifts are sold by Miyani in Lion's Arch. You can find her next to the Mystic Forge. The list here will link to the Wiki, where you can see what you need. AT THIS TIME NOT ALL WIKI ENTIRES MAY BE CORRECT, SO PLEASE TAKE CARE! The Gifts are used as part of the final 3 components you will make with the Mystic Forge later on.

Legendaries and which Gifts they need:
Just click on the items, it will take you to GW2DB and show you which profession makes which Gift.
Staff - The Bifrost = Gift of Color & Gift of Energy
Sword - Bolt = Gift of Metal & Gift of Lightning
Torch - Dragons Maw/Rodgort = Gift of Wood & ?
Shortbow - The Dreamer = Gift of Wood & Unicorn Statue
Shield - The Flameseeker Prophecies = Gift of Metal & Gift of History
Speargun - Frenzy = Gift of Wood & Gift of Water
Axe - Frostfang = Gift of Metal & Gift of Ice
Warhorn - Howler = Gift of Wood & Wolf Statue
Dagger - Incinerator = Gift of Metal & Vial of Liquid Flame
Hammer - The Juggernaut = Gift of Metal & Vial of Qucksilver
Longbow - Kudzu = Gift of Wood & Gift of Nature
Trident - Kraitkin = Gift of Energy & Eel Statue
Spear - Maw of the Deep = Gift of Metal & Shark Statue
Scepter - Meteorlogicus = Gift of Energy & Gift of Weather
Focus - The Minstrel = Gift of Energy & Gift of Music
Mace - Moot = Gift of Metal & Gift of Entertainment
Rifle - The Predator = Gift of Wood & Gift of Stealth
Pistol - Quip = Gift of Wood & Gift of Entertainment
Greatsword - Sunrise = Gift of Metal & Gift of Light
Greatsword - Twilight = Gift of Metal & Gift of Darkness
How to make/obtain Lodestones:
Lodestones used for crafting weapon-specific Gifts drop from high level Elementals and the following Dungeons (research ongoing):

Twilight Arbor - Onyx Lodestone
Citadel of Flame - Molten Lodestone
Honor of the Waves - Glacial Lodestone
Crucible of Eternity - Charged Lodestone
Arah - Corrupted Lodestone
Sorrow's Embrace - Destroyer Lodestone

Unknown Locations:
Crystal Lodestone

You can also make them in the Mystic Forge if you have Cores (1 Tier below Lodestones):

2x Core + 1x Crystal + 1x Bottle of Elonian wine + 1x Pile of Crystalline Dust

You can obtain Bottle of Elonian Wine from Miyani by the Mystic Forge for 25 silver. She also sells Crystals for 3 Skill points.

How to make/obtain Dungeon Gifts:
Each of the weapon specific gifts needs a specific Dungeon item. Since I don't have the time right now to update this section, just let me tell you the quick version.

You can buy a Dungeon Gift from the Vendors in LA that also sell the armor. Each costs 500 Tokens from their respective Dungeons. Check the Recipe you have bought for what you need.

Ascalonian Catacombs - Gift of Ascalon: Twilight, Sunrise, Bolt, The Chosen
Arah - Gift of Zhaitan: Bitfrost, Maw of the Deep
Twilight Arbor - Gift of Thorns: The Dreamer, Howler, Kudzu
Honor the Waves - Gift of the Sanctuary: Frenzy, Frostfang
Citadel of Flame - Gift of Baelfire: Incinerator
Sorrow's Embrace - Gift of Forgeman: The Juggernaut, Kraitkin
Caudecus's Manor - Gift of Nobleman: The Minstrel, Quip, The Moot
Crucible of Eternity - Gift of Knowledge: Predator, Meteorlogicus

Gift of Darkness & Gift of Light both need Gift of Ascalon to be crafted.

Mystic Forge Gifts & Components
To obtain your Legendary, you will need to use the Mystic Forge to combine a great many things. While none of the components are actually "easy" to obtain, I will still try to list them in the order in which you can most likely obtain them.

Gift of Mastery
The first component for a Legendary is obtained by adding the following materials into the Mystic Forge:

Bloodstone Shard + 250x Obsidian Shard + Gift of Exploration + Gift of Battle

Let's start with the Bloodstone Shard[s, since it's easy. You can obtain this from Miyani right next to the Forge for 200 Skill points.

Obsidian Shard are obtained from Tactician Deathstrider at the Temple of Balthazar in Straits of Devastation
for 2100 Karma each. So you better bring those 525000 Karma with you.

2 Gifts of Exploration is obtained by reaching 100% World Completion. So get exploring!

Gift of Battle is obtained from any Weaponsmith in the WvW area. It will cost you 500 Badges of honor - so better start the queue, if your realm is full.

Congratulations, you are now one step closer to your Legendary.

Gift of Fortune
The second component for a Legendary is obtained by adding the following materials into the Mystic Forge:

77x Mystic Clover + 250x Globs of Ectoplasm + Gift of Magic + Gift of Might

Mystic Clover are made in the Mystic Forge. They are a rare component obtained when using the T6 Crafting Recipe (yields 20-50 T6 Mats or 10 Clovers). KEEP THOSE T6 MATS!
The recipe is:

10 Obsidian Shards + 10 Mystic Coins + 10 Ectos + 10 Crystals

You already know where to get Obsidian Shards from the 1st Component.

5 Crystals can be bought from Miyani for 3 Skill points.

Mystic Coins are rewarded for Daily/Monthly Achievements, you should know this by now.

Globs of Ectoplasm are crafting Materials, gained from salvaging 70+ rare/exotic items with at least a Master's Salvage Kit, probably better to get some Mystic Salvage Kits for this

1x Glob of Ectoplasm + 6x Philosopher's stone + 1x Obsidian Shard + 1x Mystic Coin = 1-3 T6 or a Mystic Clover

Now, all those attempts to get the Mystic Clover you need should've left you win hundred of T6 Crafting Mats. Which is good. Since you will need them now.

Gift of Magic is made from the Mystic Forge by throwing the following into it:

250x Vicious Fangs + 250x Armored Scale + 250x Vicious Claw+ 250x Ancient Bone

Gift of Might is made from the Mystic Forge by throwing the following into it:

250x Vial of Powerful Blood + 250x Powerful Venom Sac + 250x Elaborate Totem + 250x Pile of Crystalline Dust

Congratulations. You have now obtained your 2nd Component. And if you aren't broke yet, you will be soon.

Gift of <Insert Legendary Name>
You need specific Superior Sigil depending on what you want to craft, but they are most likely themed. Also the Mystic Forge won't accept any other Sigils than the one that works with the specific components you threw into it (as far as we know).

This Component needs:

Crafting Gift A + Crafting Gift B + 100x Icy Runestones + Superior Sigil of X.

Icy Runestones cost 1 gold each and can be bought after defeating the Claw of Jormag in Frostgorge Sound.

Now just throw all that stuff into the Mystic Forge after you have spend 100G on it and you can make a Gift of <Insert Legendary Name>.

Gift of Light + Gift of Metal + 100x Icy Runestones + Superior Sigil of Strength = Gift of Sunrise.

Legendaries and which Superior Sigils they need:
Staff - The Bifrost = Superior Sigil of Nullification
Sword - Bolt = Superior Sigil of Air
Torch - Dragons Maw/Rodgort = Superior Sigil of Fire
Shortbow - The Dreamer = Superior Sigil of Purity
Shield - The Flameseeker Prophecies = Superior Sigil of Battle
Speargun - Frenzy = Superior Sigil of Rage
Axe - Frostfang = Superior Sigil of Ice
Warhorn - Howler = Superior Sigil of Accuracy
Dagger - Incinerator = Superior Sigil of Fire
Hammer - The Juggernaut = Superior Sigil of Sanctuary
Longbow - Kudzu = Superior Sigil of Conjuration
Trident - Kraitkin = Superior Sigil of Venom
Spear - Maw of the Deep = Superior Sigil of Agony
Scepter - Meteorlogicus = Superior Sigil of Air
Focus - Minstrel = Superior Sigil of Energy
Mace - Moot = Superior Sigil of Energy
Rifle - The Predator = Superior Sigil of Force
Pistol - Quip = Superior Sigil of Stamnia
Greatsword - Sunrise = Superior Sigil of Strength
Greatsword - Twilight = Superior Sigil of Blood
Obtaining the Legendary
Now just take your exotic base weapon and your components and throw them into the Forge.

Dawn + Gift of Sunrise + Component 2 + Component 3 = Sunrise
Congratulations! - you have now obtained your Legendary, saw on another site and thought i would share it with you guys so i edited made it look better and posted it here and if you end up making a legendary post a screenshot of it here :D

To see the each legendary weapons here they are

Bifrost: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Bifrost
Bolt: http://www.gw2db.com/items/56220-bolt
Dragons Maw/Rodgort: http://www.gw2db.com/items/56221-dragons-maw
The Dreamer: http://www.gw2db.com/items/56207-the-dreamer
The Flameseeker Prophecies: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=The_Flameseeker_Prophecies&action=edit&redlink=1
Frenzy: http://www.gw2db.com/items/56212-frenzy
FrostFang: http://www.gw2db.com/items/56205-frostfang
Howler: http://www.gw2db.com/items/56223-howler
Incinerator: http://www.gw2db.com/items/56208-incinerator
The Juggernaut: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=The_Juggernaut&action=edit&redlink=1
Kudzu: http://www.gw2db.com/items/56206-kudzu
Kraitkin: http://www.gw2db.com/items/56222-kraitkin
Maw Of The Deep: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Maw_of_the_Deep&action=edit&redlink=1
MeteaorLogicus: http://www.gw2db.com/items/56216-meteorlogicus
The Minstrel: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=The_Minstrel&action=edit&redlink=1
Moot: http://www.gw2db.com/items/56213-moot
The Predator: http://www.gw2db.com/items/56215-the-predator
Quip: http://www.gw2db.com/items/56214-quip
Sunrise: http://www.gw2db.com/items/63468-sunrise
Twilight: http://www.gw2db.com/items/63469-twilight

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Posted: July 21st, 2013, 10:26 pm

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