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Setup of the radar? : LOTROExtreme - Page 3

Posted: August 24th, 2007, 1:39 am
zelindar1's Reps:
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So no one else is seeing all the various track-ables as white? I see they are supposed to be color coded but they're not. Everything show up white. Any clue what I might try to fix this?

Will havest items ever have their real names or will they always be shown as they are now?

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Posted: August 24th, 2007, 1:39 am
zelindar1's Reps:
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So no one else is seeing all the various track-ables as white? I see they are supposed to be color coded but they're not. Everything show up white. Any clue what I might try to fix this?

Will havest items ever have their real names or will they always be shown as they are now?

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Posted: August 24th, 2007, 11:17 am

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What names is it showing? Everythign should be their real names.

No clue on the white thing.. take a screenhot and show me what you are talking about.

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Posted: August 24th, 2007, 12:16 pm
icfire6's Reps:
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radar working, at least I've got something on it.
but quite everything appear as unknow-xxxxxxx ....

xp pro, eu client

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Posted: August 24th, 2007, 12:16 pm
icfire6's Reps:
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radar working, at least I've got something on it.
but quite everything appear as unknow-xxxxxxx ....

xp pro, eu client

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Posted: August 24th, 2007, 12:29 pm

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Everything shows up white for me unless I put in a name or partial name into the filter box...the matches show up red. I am still getting some unknowns, ash wood is an example.

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Posted: August 24th, 2007, 1:49 pm

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Turning on Floaty Names resolved the issue of populating the Radar.

However when I ran the test you requested (debuglog target.hp) I got back 0, whether I targeted something or not, and whether I had floaty names on or not.

Windows XP, US Version.

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Posted: August 24th, 2007, 10:17 pm
pulseriver's Reps:
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na,...it is still not working for me.
Turned everything to standart & using the german client.
Maybe someone can help

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Posted: August 25th, 2007, 3:20 am
pimpoo's Reps:
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hi i took a screenshot of unknown objects
- vista
- german client
- book 10 patched

(!empty($user->lang['IMAGE'])) ? $user->lang['IMAGE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'IMAGE')))

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Posted: August 25th, 2007, 5:09 am
zelindar1's Reps:
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Mine isn't quite as bad. For me, the unknowns are mostly harvest items, though sometimes a PC or NPC will show up as unknown, all in white. Also the line of sight line has disappeared. At first, when I targeted something I would see a red line drawn between my dot and the target's dot on the radar screen. Now it's gone. I miss that!

I have rerun the updater a few times but it didn't correct anything.

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Posted: August 25th, 2007, 11:50 pm
gthomas1's Reps:
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Resources are coming across as unknowns for me as well as the other objects are showing as white instead of the specified color. I do get names for npcs/pcs though. WinXP Pro / US client.

I would guess the npc's showing as white might have something to do with Mob.Level not working (thus remarked out). I see at one point you were going to color code the mobs based on con, but because Mob.Level is returning a -1, you remarked that out, but didn't change the remaining code to use the ColorNPC (or whatever it is) value (lLevelDiff is always 0, so its always using m_hMobPen5 (255,255,255) to draw npcs icons.

As far as PC's and objects go, it is showing a number (2/4) instead of an icon (correct behavior with anything that isn't TYPE_NPC/TYPE_PC). The problem seems to be with TYPE_PC, being defined as &H020, where it should be &H02. Fixing this also fixes the problem with calling getNearestMobs(TYPE_PC). (Unfixed, it returns only one self instead of other PCs).

I ran a little quickie script to see what values were being returned for type and these are the results:

(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))):
ImportScript ".\includes\LOTROService.vbs"
Dim m_oMobs
Dim oMob
Set m_oMobs = getNearestMobs(TYPE_ALL)
For Each (oMob In m_oMobs)
  debuglog oMob.Name & " - " & oMob.Type

The compiled results from running this different places seems to be...

All NPC's - 3
All Players - 2 (Sometimes get "Missing Name" instead of actual name)
Milestone - 4

and some resource/unknown examples:
Unknown-232cc332 - 3 (black ash)
Unknown-232cd78e - 3 (ancient ore)
Unknown-232cdec6 - 3 (ancient ore)
Unknown-232cdd4f - 3 (misty silver)
Unknown-232cc934 - 3 (keystone vault - item on ground)
Unknown-232ce265 - 3 (corpse)

I can also verify Tault_mississippi that Target.Name, Target.HP, Target.X (Y,Z) are returning Unknown-00 and 0 values. (tried LOTR.Target, Target, and calling GetTargetName(). The distance one does return a value that does increment as one gets further away, although the number is quite large from Misty Mountains (in the 35000 range), which I'm assuming is my distance from 0,0.

In your function getMobHealth, as well as testing with oMob.Health, I get an error saying that oMob doesn't support the property/method Health. HP does return a 0-100 value though.

If you would like more specifics, etc, just let me know.

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Posted: August 26th, 2007, 2:44 am

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I have target fixed (target.hp, etc).. but I'm very sleepy, so it will be tomorrow before I push it out. I'll also update the TYPE_NPC, PC as well. And tomorrow i'll look into resource names.. they used to work, so its prob just a moved offset.

For unknown names, sometimes you can target it, or hover over it and it will pull in the correct name.

That said, I never had names for doors, and a few other items. I can prob add it, if somebody will add it to the bug tracker so I dont forget.

Feel free to add any other bugs, or features to the GForge tracker page. http://gforge.xunleashed.com/gf/project/lotroextreme/

Use Search first, ask questions later!

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Posted: August 26th, 2007, 8:47 am

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Strange, i have been running around a single area and the unknown mask for the same item keeps changing for example:

22e7a131 / 22e84c7b / 22e7b395 - Ancient Node

What i have so far, how are you meant to come up with a single ID for it? perhaps once i know, i could simply detect object ID and produce text instead.

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Posted: August 26th, 2007, 2:26 pm

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That is strange. Usually the ID doesnt change... unless there is different ones. Ie, if they are statically placed on the map, each one can have a unique ie. The same way that every wolf has a unique id.

I am working on the names to day and putting out another patch to fix a couple of other things.

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Posted: August 26th, 2007, 11:46 pm

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I dont understand it myself either, if i can help in any way WyevenX, let me know, i take it there is not much point in collecting Unknown Object IDs if they are random for each type of object is there? i dont mind doing it but i thought it would be simple to identify objects why there ID for example Misty Mountain = 22e84e75 but it just seems completly random.

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