 August 2010 Contest - Free Membership For A Year : Site News - Page 2
Posted: August 8th, 2010, 9:16 am
Total Posts: 105
Joined: July 26th, 2007, 4:04 pm
karsikin's Reps: 1
1) The left side is fine.
2)No problems, fits my screen perfectly.
3)More cheats, hacks spread to quickly and wind up being useless within a couple days after being posted.
5)Maybe a way to change the background color?
Posted: August 8th, 2010, 9:19 am
Total Posts: 44
Joined: November 10th, 2009, 10:59 am
bardik's Reps: 13
Tault_admin (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))): Its a really simple contest. We have some new style discussions to ask the memberbase. Just reply to this post and answer the questions.
1) If you havent notice the main pages are redone. They are located at the side of the page. We know the norm is the be centered. Is the left side fine for you? Or would you like it centered because it causes a problem?
2) The forums are set to max width. So when you visit them they expand your entire monitors width. Does this cause problems to you? Would it be easier if it was a fixed width like the main pages? If its a fixed width would you want it centered or on the left side?
3) What do you think the best thing for tu would be? More guides, cheats, hacks, or bots? Pick one category.
4) Do you use the news section we have posted on the mmo blog now? If you havent noticed its here http://www.taultunleashed.com/blogs/ and we are updating one new game a day with it. If you dont use it why not please tell us why. Layout of it, ease of use. Ect ect.
5) EXTRA - We are always after new suggestions to improve the site. What is something you think we can do. Saying more cheats is not a valid one hah.
1. I prefer it centered.
2. I like the max width, it works fine on both my computers.
3. I would like some more cheats.
4. I have never used the news secton.
5. Do a better job clearing out exploits and cheats that don't work anymore. Maybe sticky cheats that are working the best for each game currently.
Posted: August 8th, 2010, 4:07 pm
Total Posts: 34
Joined: July 3rd, 2008, 6:11 am
noobz123's Reps: 7
1. No problem
2. No problem
3. For me more guides to make the members more independent .. and use their brain on finding the right method =]
4. For me a section that there is fun,chatting and etc to make sure that they are not bored in the forum =]
Posted: August 9th, 2010, 12:54 am
Total Posts: 27
Joined: February 20th, 2010, 7:08 pm
attoy's Reps: 1
1) No problem at all with Firefox and Chrome.
2) I usually prefer max-width but I upgraded my monitor not long time ago and I noticed I can read fixed-width forum aswell. Not really important if center or left aligned.
3) Bots
4) To be honest I saw the news/blogs section right now due to your question. It's too early to give you a feedback about that.
5) Are you talking about content or layout? About content as I'm a SWG player only I can't give you huge feedback, about the layout it's pretty simple and I like in this way maybe an alternative style to choose it would be great.
Posted: August 9th, 2010, 3:36 am
Total Posts: 2
Joined: August 8th, 2010, 8:25 am
mrlive005's Reps: 0
Posted: August 9th, 2010, 3:44 am
Total Posts: 6
Joined: July 7th, 2009, 2:59 pm
mirim's Reps: 0
1) The table on the left is good, it works fine
2) I'm on 1680x1050 and it works fine on ie and firefox,using 23" acer and 40" hdmi samsung
3) From my point of view, the site needs more guides and tutorials, for new games and perhaps investigate more in possible game exploits.
4) i didnt know about it, ill check later,
5) I think tu is a bit overcharged, too much things in main page, perhaps u should regroup the more important things in main page and create submenus
to dividing it and with this way clarify the lots of info than u have in database 
Posted: August 9th, 2010, 3:34 pm
Total Posts: 29974
Joined: November 9th, 2002, 9:57 am
Tault_admin's Reps: 1444
hokuto - im happy you like the news page.
Splashman - that is being fixed shortly so it will only change colors and underline. No more bold.
dai_kun - Yea a chatbox will be nice we will be adding in a global one for only premium members though because a free one would be spammed to no end. Thats coming with the new forum update.
Karsikin - Why do you want a background color change?
Bardik - Yea centered most sites have but if we center it then the forums need to be changed too because the center to large width throws a lot of people off. As for old exploits we can always move them to nerfed. Also i agree about the top cheats and exploits. How many tho would you think? I dont want to overcrowd it. Maybe top 3 or 5?
Mirim - we are adding in a section for people to request guides for all games. This will help us not only fulfill those wants but also we are going to give people prizes for answering those guides people want. As for the too cluttered it is pretty minimalized. Suggestion as to what you would fix on it? We are always open to suggestions.
Keep them coming people.
Posted: August 9th, 2010, 4:43 pm
Total Posts: 51
Joined: November 27th, 2009, 1:02 pm
runzelman's Reps: 11
1) No Problems here.
2) No problems here.
3) cheats more then anything, cheats are completely viable to everyone you dont have to download anything you dont need to do anything, and hell i brought in the legacy hack for lotro when it worked and you could solo raids without any 3rd party program, cheats are where its at.
4) Im too busy looking through cheats and updating cheats to worry about news
5) If at all possible try to get more advertising so more people come to use the site making it a bigger community and thus more oppurtunities for good bots and hacks and cheats and what not.
Posted: August 10th, 2010, 1:23 am
Total Posts: 2
Joined: August 8th, 2010, 8:25 am
mrlive005's Reps: 0
Posted: August 10th, 2010, 1:30 am
Total Posts: 43
Joined: August 20th, 2007, 12:56 pm
ganoderma's Reps: 1
1) No problems with the left side for me (1280x1024)
2) Max width is great for me, I don't really like it when I got only a small bit used for the forums itself.
3) Not much is posted for some games at all, more guides would be nice.
4) I never knew it was there... Not sure if I'll use it though as I don't care much for news about other games then I play (And the news for those is found on official sites usually  )
5) A live chat (An IRC channel would be nice I think) where people can ask questions about stuff posted here. Maybe with a simple bot that can answer common questions and moderate the channel a bit.
Posted: August 11th, 2010, 2:52 am
Total Posts: 1
Joined: August 11th, 2010, 2:35 am
azurechaoz's Reps: 0
1. easy to navigate through sections. pretty fine.
2. no problems at all. its perfect.
3. more cheats/hacks would be great in my opinion.
4. i read it from time to time. good site to check out games.
5. would love to see a more friendly user interface on the forums.
thanks ^^
Posted: August 11th, 2010, 8:27 am
Total Posts: 1
Joined: August 11th, 2010, 7:36 am
whitewizzard1219's Reps: 0
1) If you havent notice the main pages are redone. They are located at the side of the page. We know the norm is the be centered. Is the left side fine for you? Or would you like it centered because it causes a problem?
I just joined so I don't know what the Site looked before, But I prefer the main content in the center and the navagation to the other pages on the left, as this is the way most things run, (even Favorits on any computer), it makes finding things easier, concentration on the subject you are reading better, and over all user friendly.
2) The forums are set to max width. So when you visit them they expand your entire monitors width. Does this cause problems to you? Would it be easier if it was a fixed width like the main pages? If its a fixed width would you want it centered or on the left side?
The max with is a great idea as more and more ppl are into larger monitors, or even hooking up to LCD TV's.
It makes for easier reading and following the content.
3) What do you think the best thing for tu would be? More guides, cheats, hacks, or bots? Pick one category.
I would like to see Guides as you can do so well in came and have the fun of doing it your self with the ade of a good guide. Lets face it most ppl in game won't help and or share tips on how or what is the best way to play your charactor, to Level up, make gold or even work the Auction House.
4) Do you use the news section we have posted on the mmo blog now? If you havent noticed its here http://www.taultunleashed.com/blogs/ and we are updating one new game a day with it. If you dont use it why not please tell us why. Layout of it, ease of use. Ect ect
I love the section, it is so detailed, and the screen shots help any gamer who is playing that game, Please keep it just as it is.
5) EXTRA - We are always after new suggestions to improve the site. What is something you think we can do. Saying more cheats is not a valid one hah.
Well for me Home page could be full screen, a bit more color to grab attaction and make it easier to find were you left off, or maybe just a bit larger print for those that don't need glasses yet but have a hard time with the smaller type.
The Site over all is great as it is, basic, standard, and easy to understand at first glance. (I hate sites you need directions to get around just to read them).
Posted: August 12th, 2010, 8:30 am
Total Posts: 103
Joined: April 1st, 2009, 9:03 pm
cattboy69's Reps: 22
1) Left side is easy. Do not make to cluttered
2) Max is good. I think for mobile phone it is better to (not sure)
3) More bots. Lots of competitors offer 'they're own bots' and support them.
4) I would make the layout more definied. It blends in to much with the normal site and I personally did not know about blog o.0. I bookmark it now.
5) I do not like how it log me out everytime I leave site. I have cookies enabled. But when I click certain links or close the tab (firefox) it log me out.  (happens on 2 pcs)
Posted: August 12th, 2010, 8:07 pm
Total Posts: 22
Joined: July 30th, 2010, 6:46 pm
kingkarnage's Reps: 0
1. Not bad no problems.. Mabey drop down menu even?
2. I don't mind it being across my whole screen, and im on a 37" tv
3. Guides.. Mabey a feature for ranking submissions for anything else where you can vote on if it works.. get like a % from people..
4. I'm sorry i never knew about it lol...
5. when i look on the forums i like to be able to view when the last post was.
Posted: August 13th, 2010, 10:16 pm
Total Posts: 22
Joined: July 30th, 2010, 6:46 pm
kingkarnage's Reps: 0
sorry delete this post... just trying to see if its letting me type anything.. all posts coming up blank
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