1. I think the off centered main page is different, however I personally am very structured and find the centered main page more appealing visually.

2. The max width is very visually aesthetic. i would see no reason to add a crapton of empty space to either the right or left side.

3. If I had to pick one category, it would probably be the bots because they simply please your demographic, particularly because of the sites origins being the exhume software. Plus, much of the bot software is the only thing on this website which cannot be googled and having the same pirated guide or cheat pop-up like 200 times. Not only that but the guides which end up posted on this site are usually pirated, and as such you end up having to go to 3rd party sites to download things.

4. Although I have never used the blog site before, I did however go there just now. At first glance, probably the only time i will ever look at it, it has no valuable information. At least no information that was not pulled off some other site that I don't visit regularly. I'd say get rid of it and spend time developing something useful.

5. HOW TO MAKE TU AS A COMPANY AND RESOURCE SUCCESSFUL : I realize that the goal of any company is to reach the highest amount of customers with the least expense; however spending time, money, and bandwidth on less than useful forums is a completely destructive business plan. I operate under certain assumption that the entire reason for this forum is to offset some sort of loss of customer base. One reason for this loss of customers, without looking at any data, I can only assume is the lack of content for many of the 50ish games which you supposedly offer exploits, cheats, hacks, bots, etc... for. In my foremost opinion many of these games like, Everquest 2, have not been updated in months (and maybe only a few times within years even) and can easily be removed from the roster. Although this may reduce a few new subscriptions, many of these people will only have an active membership for maybe a month. In my case the first time i had my sub it was for one of these neglected games, of course this was when a yearly membership was the current monthly price. Whereas i would pay maybe 2 dollars a year for a dilapidated forum, 20 dollars is completely ridiculous(I know I'm stingy). I say make your mods work and have them delete old forums/strings which have not been used in years, making the programs, cheats, hacks, etc. which do work more easily noticeable. Second, the majority of users who do use this site just use repeated content to enjoy free memberships. I say remove the who free membership for a crappy tip which no one cares about or already knows policy. Third (which is kinda related to #1), I think that this site has lost its innovative appeal to gamers. Whereas the exhume emulation project was the foremost bot program for a while, what is the point of paying monthly for what you can get for free off other forum sites. I don't know about the revenues of your company since it's privately owned, but surely you must have enough liquidity in resources to maybe put some financial backing in to software/research. Frankly, if a site gave me something that absolutely gave me superiority over every other gamer, i would pay like 12-15 dollars per month. But that would require updated software, unlike the current things which this site currently has available which are a bit expensive at what 1-3ish dollars per month. I could easily go to mmowned and get the exact same software for free. Not only that but the devs on other sites are usually more eager to participate, which is why i think that as a website you should be more ready to give developers maybe some sort of reward system.

In regards to the visual aspect of the site, there are only 2 things which would really help this site. First, move the legend to the right side. In western countries we read left to right so naturally we have a tendency/custom of having right sided indexes. (this may or may not be true, but I just find a right sided index more natural.) Second, make the index collapsible.