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Posted: October 13th, 2005, 11:12 pm
firelord1973's Reps:
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I Read it Buck interesting reading about rootkits,
but in the case of WOW they are looking for window titles of hacking programs. I don't think cpc even if they had such tools would be able to ban people for having Macro scheduler, as it has a lot of other uses.

Blizzards gamea have a history or being hacked to bits, remember diablo it was a mess. I think Blizzard are just becuase of there past, very anti- hacking toolkits now a days, and given there history who can blame them, the hacks in those games destroyed the play for everyone, you could not join a public server without getting killed and looted in town(protected space) at the end.,,


Posted: October 14th, 2005, 6:51 am
greyhound's Reps:
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Ok I still have the warpto issue... my region setting is at English (USA)

Pixel of the Triangle looks like this
(position in the p&p list is 8, including mission Folder):


x497 y431
x498 y431
x498 y432
x499 y431
x499 y433
x499 y433
x500 y431
x500 y432
x501 y431

@upallnite btw the new mousemovement is awesome!

Posted: October 14th, 2005, 9:32 pm
upallnite's Reps:
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by your stats, your warpto button placement and colors are well within the range tested...it should have been detected...


PS you can try to add the Line:




just after line 5205, Module "PPLA", right at the end after the "GoSub>MM_RClick" to add a little wait before menu popup to give the color read a better chance of success if you are lagging a bit...


Had previously thought about floating window ops colors to a variable...but that is not a valid solution if game environment is off, or first window is out of alignment...Say if you are going to set window ops to check for instance the colors on the chat window, being already open, that assumes it is in correct position, if not the whole point of window op checks is mute...

On Overview Lower resizing...you will never ever be able to set that bottom bar to a floating variable, why? because you cannot prove where it is without a starting point. If your assumed starting point is invalid, all following ops are invalid...The bottom bar STARTS in space environment that makes it an invalid target for "settting" a color...And if we are going to check say the top of overview to match bar colors, again we assume that the game environment is aligned...

I did make the error of using a check in new station/space check that waits on the presence of that same color bar, but at bottom of one of the command bar icons...probably in error for your system, if you are displaying different colors...

I already changed the overview check to a color range instead of the color previously used...

Last edited by Guest on October 15th, 2005, 11:02 am, edited 2 times in total.

Posted: October 14th, 2005, 9:43 pm
tault_buckw1's Reps:
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Last edited by Guest on November 23rd, 2005, 10:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posted: October 15th, 2005, 10:57 am
tault_buckw1's Reps:
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Known issue...deleted

Last edited by Guest on October 18th, 2005, 6:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Posted: October 15th, 2005, 11:10 am
upallnite's Reps:
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I was aware that even with one zoom out, sometimes long names interfere with overview...you can try to double zoom module action to double zoom, but I was also getting visual distortions that washed out whole screen, making pixel detects inaccurate...There is no solution for this one...It goes beyond pixel detection, even if we widen pixel check gap, space objects would still interfere with selection...you would end up selecting that same field and opening up upper overview, macro would close, redetect ore, try to select ore, select field instead, open upper overview, yada, yada, yada...

I had a few isolated fields that gave this error because of positioning...only solution is removing the badly positioned asteroid field from P&P bookmarks...


Also, as far as color changes...still evades me...things like Adobe's Gamma loader or somesuch might...also could check to make sure AA & AF are set for Application preference...

Also "Zoom" Feature was not intended to be forced on everyone...use it if you need it...I had quite a few more errors without it than with it...and unfortunately, changing viewpoint is not an option due to interface lighting/CargoHold issues, etc...

And furthermore...some color changes, especially icons, etc, may be first wave of alterations from CCP...pixel colors being off by "1" decimel point is pretty dang hard to come by by any chance coincidence...unfortunately for them, I was intended to rewrite the aged legacy code of the mining laser routines now that we raised the overview window out of the way...


Arkanon's reiteration of the EULA paragraph against macro's:


As you may have noticed, I don't much care for macroers. But that's not the point, this is:

EULA, section 7.a.(3):

(3) You may not use macros or other stored rapid keystrokes or other patterns of play that facilitate acquisition of items, currency, objects, character attributes, rank or status at an accelerated rate when compared with ordinary Game play. You may not rewrite or modify the user interface or otherwise manipulate data in any way to acquire items, currency, objects, character attributes or beneficial actions not actually acquired or achieved in the Game.


The key here is the sentence: "at an accelerated rate when compared with ordinary gameplay"...

Which will be the theme of further enhancements to the macro...

It is my intent that this macro be used as a "playing aid" that would merely accomplish the same effect as normal play, and in many cases, because of the shortcomings of a non-sentient program, be actually quite a bit slower and more error prone than normal play...

At anytime, I myself, without aids, can play more efficiently and faster than this macro runs...

A question would be what do they consider "Normal Play"...I would be quite confident in saying, that outside of the obviously impossible, they are totally incapable of making that distinction...If I spend $20,000 on a dual core/dual cpu opteron gaming machine with lightning reflexes, am I ban bait???If I use a scroll wheel to scroll game scrollbars, am I ban bait? Guess what? Scroll wheels ARE macros...

And on the other hand, what are they saying...that the will ban users who use any of the new game controllers that allow use of "macro keys" or stored game "combo keys"...Are they saying that it is basically against the EULA to use any controller other than a mouse to point, and a basic keyboard...That in itself is a pretty bold statement...

How about hotkeys?If the game defaults an action to 3 keys, and I change it to one key, am I now ban bait for being able to enact a game action faster than the default??? What a frickin farce...

I have an Apoc with 8 Mining Lasers, and I have 5 fingers on each hand, I can easily hit 8 keys with 4 fingers of each hand...but say I'm smart and tape 2 pencils together in a "T", so now I can more easily hit all 8 laser keys simultaneously...now I'm ban bait because I'm not stupid?

Every single word that has ever left the mouths of devs or users against macros has been driven by ignorance and stupidity...Macros don't ruin games, stupid devs and stupid users do...Yes stupid people can be annoying running macros, simply because stupid people are annoying,..period...just as stupid people that are griefers are annoying...just as stupid devs that ruin excellent games are annoying...

I don't grief players, ever...

Every game that I've ever been involved in, macro use enhanced not harmed the game economies...Every single complaint against macros and game economies was proven false over time...

As a matter of fact, user subscriptions went up, game usage became more
active, thrilling, captivating, and interest holding...Macro users tended to fill a gap in games left by stupid devs shredding, and nerfing, shredding, and nerfing, ruining excellent games...

Most business people think alike, not because they are successful business people, quite the contrary...

I can't tell how many games had towns turned into ghost towns, because of stupid devs...In every single game, more lag, and more griefing, and more profanity, and harrassment was generated by "PK's" than any macro users...

In every single game, as long as you were among the first to play the game, you could play as you liked as allowed by the game...but later...oh no now everything is an exploit...Buy something here cheap and sell it there for a profit, oh dear god no, another exploit...

I have a great deal of patience for the naive, but I have no patience for idiot devs that code holes big enough to pass battleships through, yet piss and moan ...If you don't like something, take it out or change it, or go puck yourself...2-3 years with s(t)uckage issues??? Go back to school, and learn some 3D physics...I've seen 10year old games with better physics...

Basically, I don't give a RATS hind end what some bonehead dev with my money in his pocket thinks about how I play the game...and someday someone's going to start a class action law suit to prove it...

They whine about macro's yet they allow vulgar, profane, sexist, and racist user names and chatting...now there's something to brag about for the kids Mr. Dev...

Last edited by Guest on October 15th, 2005, 11:18 pm, edited 14 times in total.

Posted: October 15th, 2005, 11:31 am
tault_buckw1's Reps:
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Ok, known bug, no good solution :(
Well I was gonna mention viewpoint change on any overview error, then return to original viewpoint, but I think you nixed the idea....

Maybe we need to re-think the use of overview and enemy detection?
Goal 1: Detect normal rats. Use left red icon AND the bracket check. Being done I believe. I have no problem with regular rats.

Goal 2: Paranoid, warp if ANY Ship shows in overview...there is the problem since checking the left id column may have many possibles depending on status of who warped in. Checking brackets is no good due to background interference.
Are there any other ways to check for ship presence? Suggestions please.

Will the server hardware upgrade on the 19th mess us up? I bet, somehow, it will :(

Posted: October 15th, 2005, 11:24 pm
upallnite's Reps:
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Well, I'm still debating the issue of game res....

This game was designed to run at 1600x1200...

This would put a larger amount of lines above the background widescreen band...

And also allow for mining lasers to be fully within the band for individual detection ala AB State Detect...

We could do "sorts" of overview...original macro version had sorting use in scanner module...

But this all takes power, and we barely keep the impacted system users going as it is, with constant tweaking...


PS I'm not sure if you remember that far back, but when I first coded the optimized mining routine, we had 8-10 pixel checks, for each line...

That was specifically designed to combat this very issue, but most everyone was complaining about the lag...

Use of the "()" brackets was a minimalistic version of the ore detect routine...Macro is designed now, when using Ninja Mode Ultra to NOT check for RATS/PIRATES, but check for ore/cans...if it isn't ore/cans, it's a ship...Macro is designed to use BOTH RATS/PIRATES Detection AND PARANOIA Detect....PARANOIA Detect should be much faster, but RATS/PIRATES Detection should be more accurate...Both are in the mining loop...

What you are saying is that PARANOIA Detect is failing detection of ore due to interference, and not detecting ore that IS present, thereby assuming the Line of ore is a ship, when in actuality, it is not...Or are you saying that PARANOIA Detect is false detecting the background type/icon as brackets of an ore line?

The best spatial pixel check would be a 4 pixel check that covers 3 "planes"...that avoids the possible interference of crossing lines, or crosshairs(reticles)...but in truth, any detection done in overview with transparency is prone to error...even if you did 10 pixel checks, however unlikely(there's that evil word again...I hear demon's stirring) a combination of "stars/space object icons/space object type" could trigger a false detect...

I'll ponder this...type in overview is generally 14+ Mill values...brackets and curved type fall a bit lower, generally around 12.5-13.5 Mill...Long time ago we checked brackets at 12 Mill, and eventually dropped them to 11 Mill...I even dropped them to 10 Mill in some places, not sure if I did for all...Do you have a value for what's not being detected? If background icons or type pass through the scanned line, it should not change the checked pixel by too much...

On Viewpoint changing...realistically...even though we could use a measured slow pixel by pixel movement to change viewpoint, and maybe even return it to original, we have 2 major problems...

1-Severe game lag/impacted system lag that would make movement erratic at best, if not worse(moving windows by accident, altering P&P contents, etc...)...

2-Also suffers the same if not even more of a problem due to interference from space objects, because we are using the more central part of screen AND we are intending to interact with background, which by default is littered with objects...No matter where you decide to do a mouse drag/viewpoint move, someone will find a conflict...

Devs f*ed up OverView by not making it like other windows, so you make it opaque...I'm not saying that merely for the sake of the macro, I actually hate messing with the piece of crap even when playing without aid...And it didn't help that they turned the scanner module into a totally useless piece of kaka either...

Server upgrade for the database should not be a problem...heaviest use of database comes from mission/market use...even large scale open combat isn't much compared to 13K Users in the marketplace....

Posted: October 16th, 2005, 12:57 am
upallnite's Reps:
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Window ops checks...

Looking into integrating custom ops checks defined by testing each system, had previously discussed this, is already implemented in a very few "sticky" window ops , but they will be automated...

We can use existing windows (Chat/OverView/Command Bar), to set these values, however, they rely on game environment alignment...

Sooooo...we will integrate a game environment test upon game environment detection...

Game Environment Test would be 3 stage...

1-Test for Outside Window Frame...

2-Test for Inside Window Frame...

3-Test for landmarks in game envrionment...

Stage 3 would include setting up custom values for window ops...


Just laying out the plan..will work on tomorrow, but have to work...

Posted: October 16th, 2005, 9:57 am
tault_buckw1's Reps:
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upallnite (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
What you are saying is that PARANOIA Detect is failing detection of ore due to interference, and not detecting ore that IS present, thereby assuming the Line of ore is a ship, when in actuality, it is not...Or are you saying that PARANOIA Detect is false detecting the background type/icon as brackets of an ore line?

Exactly, and it was not just 1 or 2 fields, more like 6 out of 22. I'll examine colors closer and take notes.

Another new issue that I may have introduced somehow is that once a roid is target locked the crosshairs are always onscreen and floating. Unfortunately those crosshair lines tend to move to the top right and eventually cause overview open/close check inteference with a subsequent "Overview error,please contact author" pop-up. I thought you could rclick/lclick on screen and make those go away, but apparently not any more......

Speed improvement: Add GoSub>LOO to very begining of mining routine. Don't delete or move anything, just add. Why? For those instances when you are lucky enough to warp within 10k of the targeted rock, you are instantly mining. Has yet to cause me any problems.

Posted: October 16th, 2005, 10:57 am
upallnite's Reps:
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Looking into ore detection issues...

Also not sure what I'd like to do at this point with the laser firiing, it is next on my list for a rewrite...

The way the macro is set now, even if you do "warp" in within 10k of an asteroid, it most likely will detect and mine another...since overview is reverse name sorted, it appears in most cases to also be reverse distance sorted, so that even if using optimized mining...it will detect/select the first ore "type" available, which most likely is the furthest one away...I've pondered this much, and while the original macro was written to sort by distance and mine the closest asteroid, it drew many complaints from snivelers about mining "their" asteroids, that they had already started mining...While not at all justifying their claims, I had hoped to avoid these kind of conflicts by merely having the macro steady and stable...

Quick mining (using the nearest neighbor under 10k is already in use by the JetCanning Module, but only because it has Ninja Mode Ultra set to "1" and by default, it only starts mining in a field that is unpopulated...The macro has immense capability to be optimized...but unfortunately, it would also be ban bait...There is just too much possibility of abuse by others, that would eventually ruin it for the rest of us...Not to mention the possiblility of scags like the "IGE" network that put hundreds of people, around the world, online, macroing for profit...

I will be considering a mining approach module update that includes an intended choice and approach of "OTHER THAN" the closest asteroid, but followed by 10k Vector mining like JetCanning, so everyone isn't just mining the same closest rocks coming out of warp, but will mine more efficiently thereafter...


We could sort overview as we are until first acquisition, then sort by distance, for remainder of mining, but then we have a RATS detection problem, as I've been in fields so large that 40 lines of overview were occupied by roids within 20k...and now we are down to 30 lines in overview...RATS could be off the bottom of list, and still within firing range...not good...

I've even taken another look at using the original scanner module, but even with opaque windows, and opaque backgrounds, they programmed the interface to show icons of space objects right through the windows, opaque or not...even the widescreen band isn't truly safe of interference...

Posted: October 16th, 2005, 10:50 pm
kiwwa1's Reps:
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i'm having trouble with the script, i've gotten it running, it configures itself, warps out to one of the 8 asteroid belts, but then it targets and approaches he furthest away asteroid, THEN locks onto and tries to mine the closest.

Is this normal behaviour, as what its doing in my case is locking onto the wrong asteroid and shooting far past the 10km radius for mining... :S

Posted: October 17th, 2005, 7:11 am
tault_buckw1's Reps:
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Might try changing ship type. Ship select just determines if you are going to orbit the rock or approach it. Cruisers and slower ships will orbit at 7500k. That is all ship selection does.

Posted: October 17th, 2005, 2:02 pm
ogrestud's Reps:
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Ok, I have tried installing it from scratch 3 times, and each time ends in the same thing. Twice it errored out with the Overview, and once with the Cargohold. Everything is set per the requirements, not sure whats going on. I did a search to see if anyone had the same problem, but havent seen anything close.

Running on a Dell XPS, kinda wide aspect monitor, could that be the problem? Any other info you need just let me know.


Posted: October 17th, 2005, 6:11 pm
ogrestud's Reps:
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This is the exact message I get.

We Have Found An Error While Attempting To Configure Your "CARGOHOLD" Window...

Please Notify The Author.

We Have Found An Error While Attempting To Configure Your "OVERVIEW" Window...

Please Notify The Author.

Any Ideas?

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