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EQ2 UltraBot 3.x Hunter, Buff and Harvest bot, Discussion : EverQuest 2 Nerfed Info - Page 13

Posted: June 13th, 2006, 5:52 am

Total Posts: 1184
Location: Quebec, Canada
Joined: April 21st, 2005, 7:30 am
slam666's Reps: 1
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travelman (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
here is my .ini

; For Function keys, use F1-F12 and it IS case sensative
; Other Special Keys (Must match the spelling and case exactly)
; For Spells on quick bars, 0-9 and -, = are fully supported
; Any items you don't set, use ~ as the value

; Make sure ESCAPE is set as default for the follow setup (this is std game setup, but just in case you changed it)
; Options/Controls/Targeting Keys/Deselect
; Options/Controls/Window Keys/Close Top Window


; TestMode to help debug various issues
; 0 - OFF - Normal mode to run the script in
; 1 - Test new QuickBar logic using SHIFT-# by going through each bar 1 second pause
; 2 - Turn Testing
; 3 - Run Speed LPS testing
; 4 - Run Loc Points Testing
; 5 - LoadLootList() Testing
; 6 - Turn Timing testing
; 7 - Turn() function testing - tests 1 to 180 deg increments
; 8 - Test new RunToLoc() functionality tracking a spawnID
; 9 - Test Mob Difficulty - have to use F12 to break out of this one
; 10 - Use this mode to find the distance of mobs for you pull spells
; 11 - Use this to automatically set your INI turn factors at the end of this INI if you are not turning right
; 12 - internal test
; 13 - internal test
; 99 - This is a goodie, set a ini variable TestSTR in section Test and put what you want to search mob or object
; If it find what you looking for it will display in the status windows with the location.
; Ex: Looking for a ground spawn name beetle, then set the variable to beetle, make sure that you are as much
; specific as possible because it will only display the first one it find.


; What Role is that character in during this scripting
; OFFENSIVE - You fight as a primary fighter - look for things to fight and get the job done
; BUFFBOT - You are there to tag along with a OFFENSIVE bot or real player and respond to commands.
; You will fight back if attacked (and not respond to commands until done fighting)

; YOUR EQ2 Directory - always have trailing \
EQ2Dir=c:\Program\Sony\Everquest II\

; Name of the EQ2 Server you are playing on.
EQ2Server=The Bazaar

; ====================================================
; = Commands to control your BUFF BOT
; ====================================================

; You will want to CUSTOMIZE these to be specific to you so everyone isn't saying the same commands

; When a VALID MASTER sends this string, the "GroupBuffSequenceSTR" below is performed on them
BuffMeSTR=hit me up

; When a VALID MASTER sends this string, the next available "HealSequenceSTR" will be cast on them
HealMeSTR=Heal me please

; When a VALID MASTER sends this string, the next available "HealSequenceSTR" will be cast on them
GroupHealSTR=group heal

; When a VALID MASTER sends this string, the bot will target the MASTER and start their "CombatSequence1STR"
; which will make them fight back
; After the kill is done, the bot will go right back into listen for request mode, so if you are fighting
; multiple targets, send the command again to make them help you again
AssistMeSTR=help me please

; When a VALID MASTER sends this string, the bot will go into STAND DOWN mode, which means you do not
; fight back when attacked. You will still respond to the Assist command. Used to keep a bot from attacking
; when attacked and you didn't want them to fight back and blowing though their mana
; Right now it doesn't work while they are already fighting, but will in the next release
StandDownSTR=stand down

; When a VALID MASTER sends this string, the bot will go into FIGHT BACK mode, which means the bot will
; defend itself if attacked and fight back
FightBackSTR=fight back

; When a VALID MASTER sends this string, the bot will follow you
FollowMeSTR=tag along with me

; When a VALID MASTER sends this string, the bot will stop follow you
StopFollowingSTR=do not follow

; When a VALID MASTER sends this string, the bot will LOG OUT to char screen
LogOutSTR=log out please

; Tell the bot to heal themselves
HealYourselfSTR=Give yourself some lovin

; When a VALID MASTER sends this string, the bot will try to ress him
ResMeSTR=bring me back

; String to send after ress
YouAreRessSTR=you are ressed

; String to send when buffbot get attack
MobOnMeSTR=mob on me

; String to send to pause buffbot
PauseSTR=take a break

; String to send to unpause buffbot
UnPauseSTR=wake up

; String to send for emergency action

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This is the same setup for:
; BeforeCombatSequence1STR, InitialCombatSequence1STR, PerMobCombatSequenceSTR, CombatSequence1STR,
; AfterCombatSequence1STR, HealSequenceSTR, HealSequenceSTR, BuffSequenceSTR, GroupBuffSequenceSTR,
; PowerSequence1STR
; For CastTime and RecastTime, these can be take right from the in-game details window for that spell
; format is:
; QUICKBAR,Name,KEY,CastTime,ReCastTime,QUICKBAR,Name,KEY,CastTime,RecastTime,...
; Example: qb1,Weaken,1,1s,5s,qb2,Dust Blast,2,2s,2s
; This would mean on QuickBar1, cast Weaken which is on Key 1, it takes 3 seconds to cast, 5 seconds to recast
; Then on QuickBar2, cast Dust Blast, which is on Key 2, it takes 2 seconds to cast and 2 seconds to recast
; There is a max of 20 items in any sequence, if anyone finds this a limit, let me know
; The Name is the name of the spell on the KEY you are casting. It is ONLY used for debugging as it will display
; what spell it is casting in the debug window and you can visually see if that is the spell being cast
; Very handy when you code the KEY wrong or move your hot keys around and not sure why the wrong spells are
; going off. You can visually see that you expected to caste a Dust Blast, but a Heal is going off, oopss!
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; BEFORE Combat Seq - a sequence done ONCE before a fight takes place (buffing up, pre-heals etc.)
; This will not take place if you are jumped as there is no before fight
; This sequence will automatically target the BOT before casting...
; Not sure what type of char will use this, but you never know... I used it to do a Cut Throat before the fight
; which was pretty funny looking
; If you don't want this to "hang" on the recast timer, just set it to 1s, and if this spell isn't ready,
; it will just try to cast it again, won't work, but not lock on it

; INITIAL Combat Seq - a sequence done ONCE at the opening of a fight
; For the OFFENSIVEBOT, use it for you PULL moves - Bow, thrown weapon, etc.
; If you are using PullToSafeSpot, set the CASTTIME of the pull to something small like 1s
; If you are NOT using PullToSafeSpot, then set CASTTIME to a few seconds to allow the mob to get on you
; before it goes into Melee mode and might think it's too far. If you find yourself running TO the mob
; before it gets to you, increase the CAST time
; For OFFSENSIVEBOT, will not take place if you are jumped
; For BUFFBOT, this is a good place to put things things you want to START during combat
; and use the Response Strings below to keep active as they finish.
; Examples are reactive heals, wards, etc.
; For BUFFBOT, these will take place even if you are jumped


; Use this for Bows and any other attacks that use the actual RANGE Attack button
; Have to have a special setting just for pulling with Range Attacks as they work different than spell
; pulls. A Range Attack locks you onto the mob and you have to hit Escape() to clear that and be able
; to run back to your starting point. This can be set to TRUE even if you use a spell to pull it will
; just take longer to get your target back (ie. until the mob hits you again and becomes the target)


; Per MOB Combat Seq - a sequence done ONCE per Mob. This happens if you are fighting multiple mobs, the
; InitialCompbat above will only happen once, the PerMob will happen at the beginning of each mob.
; Good for DOT, DeBuffs, etc.
; If you have a pet, put your pet attack on a QB and use this to send the pet after the target - works well
; These will take place even if you are jumped


; Combat Seq - a sequence done OVER and OVER during the main fight
; Used for all attacks - Direct Damage, Kick, Taunt, etc.
; You can also use Heroic Opps in here - if you have a multi-stage Heroic opp, use the ResponseStrings below
; and when it matches the stage 1 string, use it to do the stage 2 opp - works pretty cool


; Combat Seq GROUP - a sequence done OVER and OVER during the main fight with group mob
; Used for all attacks - Direct Damage, Kick, Taunt, etc.
; You can also use Heroic Opps in here - if you have a multi-stage Heroic opp, use the ResponseStrings below
; and when it matches the stage 1 string, use it to do the stage 2 opp - works pretty cool

; Combat Seq - a sequence done AFTER the fight is over
; Not sure what it will be used for yet, but in here just in case!

; In EQ2, healing is different, so give options for heals
; Put all your direct heals here, it will do them in order if they are all ready.
; Always put your BEST/FAST heals first, then your weaker heals.
; The way it works is, if the timer is up for the first (best) heals, it will always cast them first
; If not ready, it will keep going down the list until a heal that can be cast is ready
; If you ask for a heal and your health is > 90%, the bot will tell you you don't need a heal. This was put in
; so valuable power isn't wasted if you mash the heal key 5x during a fight, you will get your heals till you are
; > 90%, then it ignored the rest

; What Health percent do you or your group mates have to be before you will auto heal them
; Only matters if you have the HealSequenceSTR setup - if not setup, this is ignored

; This is a second level of healing if you want to cast a different set of heals when health is even lower
; than the one above. Examples of uses are for a Monk, you can put your MEND in the HealSequenceSTR and set
; HealPercentSTR=75, then set this heal as Feigh Death and HealPercent2STR=15. Other uses could be for
; Reactive heals in the one above, and direct heals in this one... if it is not set, the regular heals
; above will always be cast
; One big note is that it will continue to try to do this sequence until you are above HealPercentage2STR
; If you only have one thing in here with a long recast timer, it will appear to "lock" as it has nothing else
; to cast...

; What Health percent do you or your group mates have to be before you will auto heal them using Seq2

; Set to TRUE if you want to AUTOMATICALLY heal everyone is the group.
; Set to FALSE if you just want to HEAL yourself when needed (ie. below HealPercentSTR
; What this can be used for is if you are a Monk and use Mend, it only works on you, so set it to FALSE so
; it doesn't try to trigger a mend when other people need a heal. Another reason would be if you had multiple
; bots in a group and some you only wanted to heal themselves
; If a person ASKS for a heal, you will still respond, just not automatically heal them when needed

; This is a check made when people manually ask for a heal, if their heal is above this number, then the bot
; respond saying they are not getting a heal. Is is good for when a person spams heals to the bot, the bot
; will ignore the heal requests once you are healed above this number, thus conserving mana.

; Put all your GROUP heals here, it will do them in order
; If the bot sees more then 1 person hurt, it will choose a group heal instead of a single person heal to try to
; get everyone healed up. If you don't have a group heal, then it will continue to use single heals

; At what POWER % do you stop fighting back and just be available for heals (so you don't blow all your power)
; What it will stop doing is the CombatSequenceSTR. All AUTO heals, AUTO group heals ResponseSequenceSTR and
; CombatResponseSequenceSTR are still active as you want to still respond to events, just not burn up power
; Set to 0 if you just want the bot to blast forever
; For Offensive Bots, set to 0, you want to fight until you are out of power, right?

; At what power do you kick in the PowerSequence1STR
; Used to cast any spells that need to trigger off you running low on power, such as a power draw from
; a pet

; When Power is belo wPowerTriggerSTR, do this sequence
; Used to cast any spells that need to trigger off you running low on power, such as a power draw from
; a pet

; This is the buff sequence for YOU when you first start the script, and after each wears off
; The timing is a little different then the Heal or Combat sequence as you want to put the recast
; time as the time the buff lasts so it knows when to recast it. If a buff lasts 15 mins, you would put
; 900s so it recast every 15 mins. If it lasts 12 hours, just put some large number.

; This is the sequence to cast after being ressed.

; Buff that you cast on another player when they ask for it using commands at top
; Treat the setup just like Heal and Combat where the recast is the actual recast so you can be ready
; to cast them again on another player

; Put pet heal spell here

; When do we heal pet

; Spells you wanna cast after harvesting a node

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This is the same setup for:
; ResponseSequenceSTR, CombatResponseSequenceSTR
; format is:
; StringToSearchFor,QUICKBAR,Name,KEY,CastTime,ReCastTime,TargetType...

; For CastTime and RecastTime, these can be take right from the in-game details window for that spell
; MASTER means to cast on whoever sent the request
; YOURSELF means, well, cast on YOU!
; TARGET means to cast on current target, which in OFFSENSIVE mode is your mob target and BUFFBOT mode
; is usually whoever you are Assisting as you keep them targetted
; NONE means there is no need to target anyone to cast this spell, just cast it!
; NOTE: You really don't want to use YOURSELF during combat responses as it messes up who is targetted,
; since you can cast a beneficial spell on what you are attacking, just set it to NONE and it will
; cast on yourself by default
; Example: scare em off,qb6,Phantasm,8,1s,900s,MASTER,hits a Bloodskull,qb9,Orc Master Strike,3,2s,60s,TARGET
; This would mean when you see "scare em off" from a valid MASTER, change to QuickBar6, cast Phantasm,
; which is on Key 8, it takes 1 second to cast and 900 seconds to recast. Also, it would look for
; "hits a Bloodskill" and if seen, change to QuickBar9, cast Orc Master Strike, which is on Key 3, it takes
; 2 seconds to cast and 60 secods for recast
; The Name is the name of the spell on the KEY you are casting. It is ONLY used for debugging as it will display
; what spell it is casting in the debug window and you can visually see if that is the spell being cast
; Very handy when you code the KEY wrong or move your hot keys around and not sure why the wrong spells are
; going off. You can visually see that you expected to caste a Dust Blast, but a Heal is going off, oopss!
; These are both VERY powerful as now you can write your own triggers
; It can be used for simple MASTER commands you want to write, or more sophisticated rules such as responses
; to multi-stage heroic events. You can also use it to do things such as when to cast a MASTER spell.
; If you see you are attacking a certain type of creature, (ie Orcs, skels, zombies),
; put it in CombatResponseSequenceSTR and it will only do these when it sees text that you are attacking them.
; You can think of all kinds of things to do in here. Watch for Spectral Ward wearing off and recast it, setup
; MASTER's asking you for SOW, or a cure or a group heal, etc. Be creative and SHARE your ideas on how you are
; using this so others can think of ideas.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; These are looked for at any time, always active whether in or out of a fight

; These are looked at ONLY during combat - for things like keep your ward on your while fighting,
; Master speels, etc.
; NOTE: You really don't want to use YOURSELF during combat responses as it messes up who is targetted,
; since you can cast a beneficial spell on what you are attacking, just set it to NONE and it will
; cast on yourself by default

; ====================================================
; =Other Mapped Keys ================================
; ====================================================
; These are other mapped keys you must configure not on Quick Bars (Can ONLY be lower case!!!)

; In EQ2 - this is set to target Self
; Found under -> Options/Controls/Targeting Keys/Select Self
; Default is usually F1

; Target nearest player

; Attack Key mapping
; Found under -> Options/Controls/Command Keys/Auto Attack
; Default is usually not set - so set it!

; Found under -> Options/Controls/Command Keys/Consider
; Default is usually not set - so set it!

; Target Monsters
; Found under -> Options/Controls/Targeting Keys/Select Next PC
; Default is usually TAB

; In Keyboard setup - used to loot
; Found under -> Options/Controls/Command Keys/Trigger Default Action

; Run Lock - toggles run on and off - default is Insert
; Found under -> Options/Controls/Movement Keys/Auto Run(toggle)
; If you hit INSERT in the options menu in game, it shows is <NUMPAD>, but you can still set as INSERT in this
; script and it works fine

; Key to Exit Script

; Key to Pause/UnPause Script

; Sprint QB & Key - Used when a member of the party yells for help, you want the bot to Sprint and follow you
; at full speed to try to get away

;Ressurection spell QB & Key - used when asking for ress

; If these are set, will use them instead of the /follow command which can mess things up at times due
; to the way XU sends text when lagging... this is faster and less in the log, so use it!

; Manually have the bot find all Master's again - because people can zone, create pet's, etc and not all create
; a trigger event to find everyone's spawnID again, if you see people are missing in the Health window, then
; manually force the bot to reread everyone - doesn't take long. If someone isn't in the healh window, they
; will not be able to issue commands and not be being watched for health to be healed

; You keys mapped to Left/Right turning & Strafing.
; Found under -> Options/Controls/Movement Keys/TURN Left
; Found under -> Options/Controls/Movement Keys/TURN Right
; Found under -> Options/Controls/Movement Keys/MOVE Left
; Found under -> Options/Controls/Movement Keys/MOVE Right

; Assist - if not set, will use "/assist", but using a key is MUCH better, less text to the log
; Found under -> Options/Controls/Command Keys/Assist

; Target Previous Mob - if not set, will not use it, but less intelligence in targetting
; Found under -> Options/Controls/Targeting Keys/Select Previous Target

; Close Game Windows - if not set, will use "/close_top_window", but using a key is MUCH better, less text to the log
; Used due to new LORE/NO TRADE items where if you hit escape on the window, it just opens another message
; makes a mess of the screen, so this will close top windows if you can't loot them
; Found under -> Options/Controls/Command Keys/Close Game Windows

; Key to initiate chat, normaly its ENTER but I sugest something else.

; What key on quickbar you want for Pet Attack

; What key on quickbar you want for Pet Backoff

; What key on quickbar you want for Pet Guard Me

; What key on quickbar you want for Pet Guard Yourself

; Quick bar where you put your pet commands

; What key on quickbar you want for your spell to summon pet

; Emergency action QB and Key, you can use Emergency to cast Evac, feign death etc.

; ====================================================
; =Fighting Variables ===============================
; ====================================================
; These are other Variables you need to configure based on how you want to fight

; Do we hunt or not

; Do you fight Back if you are in BUFFBOT mode if you are attacked
; By default, you will always fight back if you are in offensive mode

; Number of time it will loop in targetmonster, if you want to harvest do not put a number above 2-3
; If you dont harvest then you can put a very high number

; Se to true if you wanna turn while targetting for monster

; Number of Hours until the game auto quits & Logs out - 0 mean unlimited

; 0-100 - how much % health you want to have before you begin a battle.
; You will stay in Recover mode until you hit this %
; If you have problems reading the health, set to 0 to keep the script running until you figure out the problem

; 0-100 - how much % power you want to have before you begin a battle.

; 0-100 - how much % power your GROUP needs to all have before you begin a battle.

; 0-100 - how much % health you want your pet to have before you begin a battle.
; You will stay in Recover mode until you pet hit this %
; If you have problems reading the health, set to 0 to keep the script running until you figure out the problem

; Separate with commas, no spaces between entries
; These are the ONLY people who you will respond to for commands
; The name IS case sensitive, so match it exactly or the target will not work

; Separate with commas, no spaces between entries
; Used to SEARCH for any mobs - not fully implemented yet

; Log out when you die
; If this option is set to TRUE, if you die, you will log out
; If set to FALSE, when you die, the script will end, but you won't log out.

; Number of minutes to wait before logging off if nothing happend, buffbot only

; Log out if you ask for ress and didnt get one in 10 minutes

; Ressurection setup, RessMaxTime is the number of time you can be ress in a session

; Leader
; The name IS case sensitive, so match it exactly or the target will not work

; Follower
; The name IS case sensitive, so match it exactly or the target will not work

; Do you want the buffbot to folow the leader when script start.

; ================================================================================================
; ================================================================================================
; = The commands from here to the end are for OFFENSIVE bot only
; ================================================================================================
; ================================================================================================

; Used to determine how close you need to be before you start combat. Depends on what you are using in
; InitialCombatSequence and what the range is. Might need some experimentation to get it right.
; If the bot keeps stopping too far away to engage, make this smaller.
; If you set it to 0, it will run right up to a mob before attacking (thought if the mob is aggro, it will
; jump you first and the bot will stop then and there and start fighting)

; Used to pull mobs back to a safe spot. Right now, the safe spot is defined as your starting loc when you
; start the script. The way it works is the bot will find a mob to fight, go after it, do your InitialCombatSequence
; first item only, turn and run back to safe spot and fight.
; If you turn this option on and the InitialCombatSequence isn’t set, it will ignore the option as you have no set pulling mechanism.
; Good in tough areas where you don't want to dig
; youself in too deep fighting.
; If RandomRunMode below is set to SAMESPOT, this is ignored

; How many kills (it takes +/- 20 %) before we pause for a few mins to look like a real person taking a break?
; Default of 25 is a good number, but up to you!
; Not used for BUFFBOT

; If SAMESPOT, just fight in the same place - good for camps
; If ROAMAROUND, then it will fight in the area define by RandomRunRange but will not come back
; to start point after killing.
; If CLOSESTSCON, then it will go towards the closests monster if you have it set to fight them
; Not used for BUFFBOT


; *** Big chagne from all version before v2.6 ***
; Set in LOC POINTS now - was the only thing in seconds with distance, so made it consistent with everything
; When RandomRunMode=RANDOMPOINTS or CLOSESTCON, this sets the maximum radius you want to run around
; Imagine a circle drawn around you with the radius how far you can run, that is your
; hunting ground. When monsters are spread out, I set this to a high number (maybe 60). When things are
; packed in tight, or there or tougher cons that I don't want to engage, I set it lower (10-15) so my hunting
; circle stays tight.
; When RandomRunMode=RANDOMSQUARE, this sets the size of the square (not used much) - this is a test mode anyway
; Other modes it is just ignored
; Not used for BUFFBOT


; Do we stafe when we cant see monster

; Do you use a pet
; Do we pull with our pet

; Type of pull for pet
; Type are PETPULLWAIT, pull pet after TypePetPullSTR sec
; PETPULLMOBHEALTH, pull pet when mob health is below TypePetPullSTR
; PETPULLPETHEALTH, pull pet when pet health is below TypePetPullSTR



; Do you want to fight non aggro monsters?

; Do we fight named monster

; Do you want the buffbot to move closer to target to engage in hand-to-hand combat

; Number of SECONDS used as a BASE number for when you stop at each CHECKPOINT (no matter the mode) and
; look for a con using the target closet key. If you don't set it or set it to zero, it will do 2-8 seconds
; at each location. If you set it to 1, it will do 1. If you set it to > 1, then it will do the number +- 50%
; For CLOSESTSCON - 5-8 is a good setting. For SAMESPOT - 8-15 is a good setting.
; Not used for BUFFBOT

; When you reach your loot weight limit (ie. you are being encumbered) stop looting if set to TRUE.
; If set to FALSE, will loot until all slots are full and stacks are full... and you might not be able to move!
; Not used for BUFFBOT

; set to true if you want to loot monster

; set to true if you want to loot chest

; Set to true if you want the buffbot to hit the ENTER key every 30 seconds when not in combat to participate in lotto.

; You do not need to put anything in this list, the script will create and update the INI as it finds
; objects that are not attackable. The purpose it to keep the bot from trying to "consider" these objects each
; time it targets them - since the bot can see the name, it will compare and just quickly skip them.
; It is also used in the retrieval of valid mob targets - sometimes things come up that are not attackable, but have
; a level that fits into your fighting range, but comparing to this list, they will not be a valid target the bot
; will try to run to
NonAttackableObjects=a Bit of Flotsam

; List of mob you dont want to fight.
IgnoreMobList=Outlander Vaughn

; Use emergency action when you reach this health or below

; ====================================================
; = Color Con Monsters to Fight & Herioc ops =========
; ====================================================
; Do we Fight this con?
; What level of Heroics do we fight
; 1 mean only fight normals or below (^ and below)
; 2 means fight (^^) ups or below
; 3 means fight (^^^) ups or below
; 4 means fight it all!
; Of course it is ignored if the FightCOLOR is set to FALSE








; ========================================================
; = These are variable you usually won't need to =
; = change, if you do, follow the instructions for each =
; ========================================================


; =========================================================
; = Variable to set for waypoint navigation =
; = Max number of waypoint is 500 =
; =========================================================

; NavigationType
; NAVLOOP At last waypoint will go back to waypoint 1, ex: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
; NAVSTOP Will stop at last waypoint
; NAVCOMEBACK At last waypoint will come back backward, ex: 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 etc.



; Waypoint locx, locy, facing angle, time to stay there, max harvesting range





; =========================================================
; = Variable to set for harvesting =
; = =
; =========================================================


;Harvest quickbar

;Range to harvest if you dont use waypoint

; Maimum number of try per node

; Range to check if Player near ressource

; Do you want to harvest that ressource True/False, key on hotbar for harvesting this ressource

FUNGI=natural herb garden,high plains fungi
ORE=blemished ore,stonecrest ore,cloven ore
FISH=array of fish,mob of fish
ROOTS=damp roots,mesquite catch weed,sun bleached roots,desert roots
DEN=creature den,beast den,critter den
SHRUB=natural garden,high plains shrubbery,parched shrubbery,oasis shrubbery
WOOD=aged arbor,felled high plains arbor,arid timber
STONE=unearthed stones,wind swept stones,wind swept rock
MISC=withered bones



First of all, dont post name.

Second, ini seem fine, so I will need your debug log.



Author of EQ2Ultrabot, NOW WITH CRAFTING!!!
Read this before asking for help

Posted: June 15th, 2006, 6:05 am
monkiesee's Reps:
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I logged in this AM and tried to run Ultrabot, and i got some funny wierdness going on.

it dosnt appear to be able to find my name.

I'll try to post my debug.txt if you need my INI i'll hand that over too.

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Posted: June 15th, 2006, 10:06 am

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Location: Quebec, Canada
Joined: April 21st, 2005, 7:30 am
slam666's Reps: 1
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Eq2services need to be fix and Wyvernx wont be back until Sat. So sit back and watch TV in the mean while :(


Author of EQ2Ultrabot, NOW WITH CRAFTING!!!
Read this before asking for help

Posted: June 15th, 2006, 10:48 am
paxenon's Reps:
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Slam, I believe I hit this same bug as the guy posting about "running off into the sunset" and fixed it. BTW - it has been a pleasure to work with your code - it is very well done. I have modified the script fairly extensively to work in the more specific case of conjurer solo.

Here is the issue (it is in location routines vbs)

if (dx >= 0) and (dy >= 0) then
' Do nothing to tmpFloat
end if
if (dx >= 0) and (dy < 0) then
tmpFloat = PI - tmpFloat
end if
if (dx < 0) and (dy <= 0) then
tmpFloat = PI + tmpFloat
end if
' <= above need to be changed to <. As it is coded both the if statement above and the if statement below will be executed. When movement is only along x axis, dy=0, so ArcSin of Tempfloat+ pI = ArcSin of 2PI-tempfloat. However, if these are excuted in order, tempfloat iwll be equal to 2pi - tempfloat -pi = PI-tempfloat which is not equal to tempfloat +PI. This caused my char to "run off to the sunset" whenever I was moving across the x axis only. Eliminating the equal in either clause would fix the problem, so I did this in the first clause

Posted: June 15th, 2006, 12:11 pm

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slam666 (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
Eq2services need to be fix and Wyvernx wont be back until Sat. So sit back and watch TV in the mean while :(

I have been have major lag/chop issues since the update yesterday (6.14.06). I dont use the the scripts everyday, so it maybe been borked a while.

I dont belive its just with Ultrabot, but with the client program itself. Would the EQ2Services be one of the reasons?

Posted: June 15th, 2006, 4:53 pm
monkiesee's Reps:
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If they changed the pathing for all the services, then we could just be hosered `a... until the Wyvern returns!!!

Posted: June 17th, 2006, 11:49 am
viliden's Reps:
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my bot isn't reading the log file anyone else have this problem?

Posted: June 17th, 2006, 10:29 pm
monkiesee's Reps:
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viliden (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
my bot isn't reading the log file anyone else have this problem?

It would read it just fine if the service worked to find your name.

Posted: June 17th, 2006, 11:06 pm
viliden's Reps:
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I wonder when they are going to fix the service. Its been umm 3 or 4 days now and I'm getting kinda aggrivated that I can't use something I paid for to use.

Posted: June 18th, 2006, 9:04 am

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It is already fixed viliden.

Posted: June 18th, 2006, 10:56 am
viliden's Reps:
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woot just logged on for today looks like its all good now :D



Posted: June 18th, 2006, 3:49 pm

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I am not getting a script log, but here is the last portion of my xunleashed log:

'[propget, id(35), helpstring("property MobAggro")] HRESULT MobAggro([in] LONG SpawnID, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal);

function getMobAggro(ByRef obj, SpawnID) '//Returns true/false if the mob is aggro to the player

on error resume next


getMobAggro = obj.MobAggro (SpawnID)

if Err.Number <> 0 then

getMobAggro = false 'Defaults to false

end if

on error goto 0

end function

06/18/06 07:42:42 PM SCRIPT ERROR: ActiveX component can't create object: 'Scripting.FileSystemObject'
Src: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Line:137 Error:0 Scode:800a01ad

06/18/06 07:42:42 PM SCRIPT ERROR: ActiveX component can't create object: 'Scripting.FileSystemObject'
Src: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Line:220 Error:0 Scode:800a01ad

06/18/06 07:42:43 PM SCRIPT ERROR: Object required: 'objLogFile'
Src: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Line:188 Error:0 Scode:800a01a8

06/18/06 07:42:43 PM SCRIPT ERROR: Object required: 'objLogFile'
Src: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Line:188 Error:0 Scode:800a01a8

06/18/06 07:42:43 PM Failed to Parse the Script. Check it for errors.

Thanks, symptom is it just crashes when I try to start the 3.1 ultrabot.

Posted: June 19th, 2006, 4:41 am
hadush's Reps:
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viliden (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
I wonder when they are going to fix the service. Its been umm 3 or 4 days now and I'm getting kinda aggrivated that I can't use something I paid for to use.

Its a few days after a major LU, Im sure you could have coped.

And we barely 'pay' for this service as it is, what is it? like $2 a month?

Posted: June 20th, 2006, 3:22 am

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New version 3.2 is out


Author of EQ2Ultrabot, NOW WITH CRAFTING!!!
Read this before asking for help

Posted: June 20th, 2006, 5:07 pm

Total Posts: 29974
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500 to you sir :)

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