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Auto Attack [Revision 1.8] : EverQuest 2 Nerfed Info - Page 13

Posted: February 15th, 2005, 10:38 am
tault_pickled's Reps:
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The main goal of this post?

Posted: February 15th, 2005, 11:25 am

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tault_lonelane's Reps: 0
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Pickled I just wanted to thank you for this script. It only took me a few minutes to set it up and it works great. The work you out into this is greatly appreaciated by many people, myself included.

Posted: February 15th, 2005, 11:29 am
tault_justanotherbia's Reps:
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That post really didn't have a point, just thought you would like correct grammar for some reason, but i do have a question. I can get the combat to work perfectly, except the character won't target mobs. I have the commands set correctly to the corresponding keys in the script, yet the info bubble continues to tell me I am not ready to fight, when clearly i am. Im just looking for some ideas i could test. The character is ready for combat, just doesn't seem to hit F8.

I dunno if this helps, but heres the Script.


I have a feeling the reason for the macro not targetting is because of the pixels, but im a noob and tired of messing around will the script heh.

Posted: February 15th, 2005, 1:19 pm

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ok maybe i talk weird english but ^ that right there is my exact question it will cycle through mobs but will not attack and will cycle past harvesting items but will not harvest.

Posted: February 15th, 2005, 4:51 pm
tault_pickled's Reps:
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FullHealthCheck=0 Your health full
FullManaCheck=0 Your mana full

These are both SOLID black(0 is black), something is wrong with your UI.

UI reset? Diff UI mod... hmm I dont know, all i know is that is not your health and mana it's reading.

Gubs, your one simply dosent work because you have never set a proper consider key in EQ2/Script so it will never know any information about the mob, therefore it will cycle through them forever.

Posted: February 15th, 2005, 6:11 pm

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Pickled i set my consider key to Z but theres probably something else im doing retarded thats not letting me let it work. ill post the script when i get home later today. (btw pickled i love you Crafting bot)

Fear the Wrath


Posted: February 18th, 2005, 6:08 am

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Hey Pickled

I just downloaded your AutoIT3 application, as well as the combat.au3 file. I've never used anything like this before, and I read everything i could on how to use it, and figured some of it out by trial and error. I did what the thread said, downloaded the combat.au3 file, converted it with autoit3.exe, went to edit script, set unlock to 1, copied everything, pasted and saved it correctly on a new notepad, and then ran it.

First message I get is:

We have detected that your EQ2 window is not positioned correctly, The script will not function correctly, please logout to the EQ2 login screen.

-- I am at the login screen where I enter my username and password, so I clicked ok.

Second Message I get is:

Are you at the EQ2 login screen?

-- I click Yes

Third Message I get is:

Now setting the window to proper location for the script to function correctly, please make sure that you are at the EQ2 opening/Login screen before clicking ok.

-- I don't know of any other login screen I could be at, so I clicked ok (this may be where I went wrong???)

Last message I get is:

Could not set location of window properly. Script will not function properly, please posst details on Forum.

So I think I am missing some directions. Is there a certain place I need to put the script file that I saved? what do I need to do to get this to run? Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm a st00pid n00b =P Please help me =)

Posted: February 18th, 2005, 6:50 am
tault_pickled's Reps:
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The EQ2 Login screen is referring to the screen where you log in your character, the screen whereby you see you character outside a building.

You are at the wrong login screen, that is called the sony login area .

Posted: February 18th, 2005, 7:27 am

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ok cool got that to work, now it says i need to create a new .ini file by selecting option 1 from main menu? which main menu? im lookin in options in game, but dont see anything.

got past that, but i didnt create a new .ini file...

how do i change my pixel colors and stuff? i got throught he whole setup until the end.

also how do i know what my consider key is? or do i choose that when filling out the setup portion?

Posted: February 18th, 2005, 8:38 am
tault_jabst192's Reps:
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quest2 (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
ok cool got that to work, now it says i need to create a new .ini file by selecting option 1 from main menu? which main menu? im lookin in options in game, but dont see anything.

got past that, but i didnt create a new .ini file...

how do i change my pixel colors and stuff? i got throught he whole setup until the end.

also how do i know what my consider key is? or do i choose that when filling out the setup portion?
please read the manual

Posted: February 18th, 2005, 9:07 am

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I did, theres nowhere that explains how to make a .ini file, or change pixel colors

this is the manual I read: www.hiddensoft.com/autoit3/doc

is there another manual ur talking about?

Posted: February 18th, 2005, 10:22 am
tault_nummy95's Reps:
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you have to first go into your eq2 file and delete your charname-uisettings-ini file, then when it tells you to select "1" in main window , its the same window where you make selection 1-5 in the Combat.au3 window, example
1 create new ini text file
2 run script
3 pixel
4 tweak mode
5 i forget what 5 was, but you should know now what im talking about

its all pretty easy and the guide is the huge post pickled wrote explaining all this in the same place you dl Combat.au3 ,, the very first post in this thread

Posted: February 18th, 2005, 6:39 pm
tault_vukodlac's Reps:
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quest2, just to clarify. like nummy said...go into your eq2 directory, and find your .ini folder...i think it has your charname and your server together then .ini Change the name to something else, like put the word "old" on the end of it (before the .ini) then when you start running the script, a popup window will appear (its the script popup, not an eq2 popup). On that popup are like 5 options. the first time you run the script you pick option 1 and you will be asked several questions. The answers you provide are automatically put together and make up a new .ini file. By changing pixel colors, I guess you are talking about the "health always red"? In your eq2 push the options button. Then go thru and you'll see the option. Its probably marked something like "Health" "Show in levels" or something that indicates your health is broken down in percentages by color. Changed that to "always red". good luck

Posted: February 23rd, 2005, 5:54 pm

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This script is set up to run for win xp only. Our window bar is slightly bigger and need to be adjusted. This is very easily done, all you have to do is remove 6 from each Y coordinate. X:123 Y:108 becomes X:123 Y:102. If you do this for all your commands you will get proper color pixel checks

Posted: February 23rd, 2005, 6:18 pm

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currently not working for me, just sits there after activated. If i were to guess i would say it has to do with the new con system. I set it to the old style but it still will not list solo or group under the target.

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