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WoW Cataclysm 4.1.0 Patch Notes With Maps : World of Warcraft General Discussions

Posted: March 9th, 2011, 10:40 pm

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(!empty($user->lang['IMAGE'])) ? $user->lang['IMAGE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'IMAGE')))

The latest major wow cataclyms patch has finalyl came out. This patch has a ton of new things. Including new dungeons for the game. We even have a link to all those new maps. Check out the link here. http://www.wowhead.com/blog=184720/patc ... -raid-maps . The major changes in this patch are.

(!empty($user->lang['QUOTE'])) ? $user->lang['QUOTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'QUOTE'))):
* All non-damaging interrupts off the global cooldown will now always hit the target. This includes Pummel, Shield Bash, Kick, Mind Freeze, Rebuke, Skull Bash, Counterspell, Wind Shear, Solar Beam, Silencing Shot, and related player pet abilities.
* Zul'Aman has returned as a level 85 5-player heroic dungeon featuring a revamp of the original dungeon and improved loot!
* Zul'Gurub has returned as a level 85 5-player heroic dungeon featuring all-new encounters, achievements, and improved loot!
* Both dungeons will be in a new dungeon finder difficulty tier above the current level 85 heroic dungeons and offer epic-quality item level 353 loot.
* Work has begun on a new Looking for Guild system. Further details will be provided when we are ready for feedback.
* Spells bound to a key now start to be cast when the button is pressed down by default, instead of waiting for the key to go up. This is an option that can be turned off in the Interface menu under Combat. Mouse-clicking has not changed and operates on mouse click up.

Here is the entire list of the patch notes.

(!empty($user->lang['QUOTE'])) ? $user->lang['QUOTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'QUOTE'))):
Classes: General
  • All non-damaging interrupts off the global cooldown will now always hit the target. This includes Pummel, Shield Bash, Kick, Mind Freeze, Rebuke, Skull Bash, Counterspell, Wind Shear, Solar Beam, Silencing Shot, and related player pet abilities.

Death Knights
  • Dark Simulacrum now works on numerous additional spells in dungeon encounters.
  • Talent Specializations
        Death Strike self-healing no longer generates threat.
    • Frost
        Blood of the North (passive) now permanently converts both Blood Runes into Death Runes. There is no longer any proc interaction with Blood Strike required to activate Death Runes.

  • Efflorescence has a new spell effect.
  • Talent Specializations
        Solar Beam is now more responsive when enemies move into or out of it.

  • Explosive Trap now has a new spell effect.
  • Master's Call now has a new spell effect.
  • Tame Beast now tames pets to match the hunter's level, rather than 5 levels below.

  • Talent Specializations
        Ignite is no longer triggered from periodic critical effects.

  • Word of Glory now has a 20-second cooldown.
  • Talent Specializations
        Walk in the Light (passive) removes the cooldown of Word of Glory.
    • Protection
        Divine Guardian cooldown is now 3 minutes, up from 2.
    • Retribution
        Divine Storm now generates 1 point of Holy Power if it hits (i.e. successfully lands on) 4 or more targets.
      • Sacred Shield's internal cooldown has been increased to 60 seconds, up from 30.

  • Divine Aegis duration has been increased to 15 seconds, up from 12.
  • Dispel Magic can only be used on the casting priest as a baseline effect.
  • Holy Word: Sanctuary has a new spell effect.
  • Power Word: Shield duration has been reduced to 15 seconds, down from 30.
  • Talent Specializations
        Absolution (new passive) enables priests to use Dispel Magic on up to 2 harmful effects on friendly targets.
    • Holy
        Absolution (new passive) enables priests to use Dispel Magic on up to 2 harmful effects on friendly targets.

  • Recuperate base effect now heals 3% per tick, up from 2%.
  • Stealth base cooldown has been reduced to 4 seconds, down from 10, and the movement penalty from being in Stealth has been removed.
  • Tricks of the Trade now has a 100-yard range, up from 20.
  • Talent Specializations
        Improved Recuperate now adds 0.5%/1% to the health restoration effect of Recuperate, down from 1%/2%.
    • Subtlety
        Nightstalker now reduces the cooldown of Stealth by 2/4 seconds, and instead of negating the movement penalty from Stealth, it adds a 5/10% movement speed bonus (stacking with other effects) while Stealthed.

  • Fire Nova has been redesigned and decoupled from shaman Fire totems. Instead, it now pulses that same area-of-effect from each target that is afflicted by the shaman's own Flame Shock debuff. It now damages all enemies except the target hit by Flame Shock. The ability's cooldown has been reduced from 4 seconds, down from 10.
  • Magma Totem now lasts for 60 seconds, up from 21.
  • Stoneclaw Totem's area-of-effect threat pulse no longer affects critters.
  • Talent Specializations
      Elemental Combat
        Earthquake is no longer a channeled spell. It now has a 2-second cast time, lasts for 10 seconds, and has a 10-second cooldown. Its damage has been reduced by 40% from its channeled version.
    • Enhancement
        Improved Fire Nova has been redesigned and replaced by a talent called Seasoned Winds. When an enemy spell cast is successfully prevented with Wind Shear or Grounding Totem, the shaman gains magical resistance (in an amount equal to what a protection totem/aura would grant, stacking with such buffs) to the spell school(s) of the interrupted spell (except for Holy spells), lasting 10 seconds.

  • Charge and Intercept no longer have diminishing returns on their stun effects.
  • Colossus Smash now ignores 70% of an opponent's armor, down from 100%.
  • Inner Rage is now available at level 56.
  • Intercept now has a 1.5-second stun, down from 3 seconds.
  • Overpower damage has been increased to 140% weapon damage, up from 125%.
  • Rallying Cry (new ability) is available from trainers at level 83. It temporarily grants the warrior and all party or raid members within 30 yards 20% of maximum health for 10 seconds. After the effect expires, the health is lost. It has no cost, no stance requirements, and is not on the global cooldown. It has a 3-minute cooldown, but also shares a cooldown with Last Stand.
  • Whirlwind now has its cooldown reduced by 6 seconds when it deals damage to 4 or more targets. The Whirlwind effect caused by Bladestorm remains unchanged.
  • Talent Specializations
        Improved Hamstring now reduces the global cooldown on Hamstring by 0.5/1 seconds in addition to its current effects.
      • Improved Slam increases Slam damage by 20/40%, up from 10/20%.
      • Juggernaut no longer adds 2 seconds to the Charge stun, but instead lowers the cooldown of Charge by 3 seconds (to 12 seconds total).
      • Mortal Strike damage has been increased to 175% weapon damage, up from 150%.

Dungeons & Raids
  • New dungeons available for partial testing.
      Zul'Aman has returned as a level-85 5-player Heroic dungeon featuring a revamp of the original dungeon and improved loot!
    • Zul'Gurub has returned as a level-85 5-player Heroic dungeon featuring all-new encounters, achievements, and improved loot!
    • Both dungeons will be in a new Dungeon Finder difficulty tier above the current level-85 Heroic dungeons and offer epic-quality item level 353 loot.
    • These dungeons may only partially be available for testing at this time. Stay tuned for additional updates.
  • Blackwing Descent
      Flash Bomb (Golem Sentry ability) now has a more clear warning visual.
    • Magmaw now triggers a raid emote when summoning Lava Parasites.
    • Further improvements have been made in the Maloriak encounter to avoid Flash Freeze targeting the tanks.

  • The Guild Perk, Cash Flow, no longer prints out text to the Chat Log. Instead, the daily amount deposited is shown in the Guild Vault Money Log. In addition, players can view the weekly contribution in a new window at the bottom of the Money Log.
  • We have added two new custom guild tabards as Guild Rewards. The tabards are account bound and offer a bonus to gaining guild reputation.

  • The PvP Horde and Alliance trinkets have a new spell effect.

  • All major cities will now have every type of profession trainer and their associated trade supply vendors.

  • Battlegrounds
      Twin Peaks
        Graveyard Changes
          Players will now only spawn at their base graveyard when they die in the enemy base.
        • Defending players will respawn at the middle graveyard.
        • Midfield players will respawn at the middle graveyard.
        • Attacking players will respawn at their base graveyard.

  • The gnomish racial ability, Escape Artist, is no longer affected by the global cooldowns triggered by other abilities.
  • The human racial ability, Every Man for Himself, has a new spell effect.

User Interface[list][*]Work has begun on a new Looking for Guild system. Further details will be provided when we are ready for feedback.[*]Spells bound to a key now start to be cast when the button is pressed down by default, instead of waiting for the key to go up. This is an option that can be turned off in the Interface menu under Combat. Mouse clicking has not changed and operates on mouse click up.

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