In this post we are going to talk to you about leveling guides. Keep in mind if there is a leveling guide out there chances are good we already carry it in our forums so you have little to nothing to worry about when it comes to finding the perfect wow leveling guide here. So be sure not to waste your money on these guides and just sit back and enjoy reading about all the world of warcraft leveling guides on the market.
Brian Kopps World of Warcraft leveling guide – This guide was actually the first guide out there and it originally was deemed just for the Alliance and it was a great guide when it first came out but the updates have seemed to slow down on it.
Joanas WOW Leveling Guide – This was the first wow guide to help players level for the horde it gave you all the things you needed and made leveling in the game all the easier. However there is a good chance that this guide is owned by brian kopp by no one is 100% sure.
Team Idemise WOW leveling guide – These guides where one of the biggest guilds out there and one of there members came out and released all their great hunting spots. This guide is still referred to as the best out there as it has an in game mod to make finding out where to level next even easier.
Spugnorts WOW leveling guide – This guide is much akin to idemise. Some people have said that spugnort has actually used the idemise guide to make his own, but once again thats not sure so no one is quite sure. there guide is updated constantly as well and they have a nice weekly news letter of updates they have done which gives an extra nice touch.
Anyways those are the major wow leveling guides out there. We tend to have most every world of warcraft leveling guide out there and this is just a way for you to know whats out there and how the guides all differ. Enjoy!