Premium Members Please Click Here To Go Directly To This Item At taultunleashed we have multiple items and one of our biggest ones is going to be the lineage 2 walker bot hack we have so you can have it for free. We have a special version of lineage 2 walker that every user can enjoy on the site with this hack. Perks of lineage 2 walker are. – Full working with windows – … Read More »
Server mergers are something all players want but tend to hate the same time. To help players with this giant transition all palyers will be given new free server transfer codes. But these do come with some conditions as outlined below. – All linage 2 game accounts have to be active for at least 12 months and they will be given on free server transfer code. This is based on a per account basis. … Read More »
Razer has finally decided to enter the MMO market for keyboards with there brand new release. This is not your normal keyboard when you start looking at all its features. – You have 7 configurable modifier keys right below the space bar that can help with your key binds in the game. – You have 100 programminble easy keys that can be programed int he game. – One button profile switching with a … Read More »
Lineage 2 has its big Halloween event starting this Wednesday October 27th. All players will be getting a golden jackolatern mask for being apart of it. Also you will be able to run the event for 3 days. Enjoy and have fun. Lineage II : The Chaotic Throne
All lineage 2 servers will be taken down on october 26th at 8am pst. The downtime will be around 3 hours while the servers undergo a routine maintenance.
All lineage 2 servers will be going down on tuesday oct 12 at 8am pst. They will be down for around 2 hours while they update is applied. You can read about the catch a tiger event to see whats going to be happening. Also all account services will be working except server transfers during this update.
On Tuesday Sept 14th at 8am PST all game servers will be taken down for a major maintenance thats needed. They downtime is going to be approximately 2 hours. More information will be given as needed. Lineage II : The Chaotic Throne
Lineage 2 made a giant annoucement that the NA and EU servers are merging to just one per region. This means 2 things. First of all all you people still playing are going to have a giant new server to enjoy with tons of new people. The bad part is this means that lineage 2 is slowly going the way of most MMOs and its dying to a degree. If NCSoft did a … Read More »
NCSoft announced that on sept 1st all character transfer services will be halted until further notice due to the upcoming server merges. Well people are still waiting for a major announcement to when this service will come up again. Lineage II : The Chaotic Throne
All servers will be down for maintenance Tuesday, August 31st at 8am PDT / 10am CDT / 11am EDT / 3pm UTC/GMT. Estimated downtime is approximately 4 hours. Lineage II : The Chaotic Throne
Today the Lineage II update servers were moved to Dallas as part of our data-center relocation. Because of this move, some users may difficulties connecting to the patcher. This can… Lineage II : The Chaotic Throne
Lineage II Freya has arrived on the live servers, and there is much new content to explore! The Freya Screenshot Contest asks you to travel to the new and re-vamped areas to take screenshots. By winning this contest, you will not only be awarded with some fun and useful in-game items as prizes, but also your winning screenshots will become Official Screenshots, forever immortalized on the Lineage II website! Get your screenshot folder ready, … Read More »
Filed under: Fantasy, Lineage 2, Expansions, News items Fans of NCsoft’s long-running Lineage II title are no doubt aware of the game’s free (and extensive) expansions, and the latest, Freya, is coming to a server near you today. The titular Ice Queen is now handing out presents to players who visit her in towns, including vitality maintenance potions designed to give your character a temporary kick. Additionally, heart-warming gifts found while hunting may be … Read More »
The latest Lineage II expansion, Freya, will be launching tomorrow! All servers will be down for an extensive maintenance Tuesday, August 24th at 6am PDT / 8am CDT / 9am… Lineage II : The Chaotic Throne
On Tuesday, August 24th, 2010, the live servers of Lineage II will welcome the latest game expansion: Freya! The new Freya client will be available for download on Monday. Log in on Tuesday to experience the exciting new content and take part in the