Lineage 2 made a giant annoucement that the NA and EU servers are merging to just one per region. This means 2 things. First of all all you people still playing are going to have a giant new server to enjoy with tons of new people. The bad part is this means that lineage 2 is slowly going the way of most MMOs and its dying to a degree. If NCSoft did a few lawsuits to shut down private servers it might help the cause but thats about it.
The us servers seem to have five total and eu seem to have 3 total. This is going to be down to two at the end of the month. If you want also you can help pick a new server name. Some big things with the server faq is if you are under level 20 and havent logged into the servers in a year you will be deleted and you can only have a total of seven characters total so if you have more than that you should start deleting toons.
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