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Sin` skill rotation : Aion - General / Guide - Discussions

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 10:54 am

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First off there are three main things you have to take into account before you use a specific rotation, and they are:
1.) Is the mob KoS? (Will it attack me when I get close?).

2.) Is the mob a caster or a melee?

3.) Does it have a special attack I want to specifically avoid?
Depending on the answers to the above questions you will know what skill rotation to use.


Must Know Tips: Things you should read through regardless of whether or not you continue to the rotations section.
- The one thing you must always remember is to utilize your buffs. They are Focused Evasion, Killer's Eye, and Devotion up until level 22 which is when you get Clear Focus.

- You should only use Follow-Up Strike with Swift Edge, Surprise Attack, and Whirlwind Slash. The other skills won't gain nearly as much from it. I've done 800-1000 damage Swift Edge crits with Follow-Up quite often, against lvl 26/27 mobs.

- If the mob doesn't have a special ability worth avoiding, use Focused Evasion A.S.A.P. in order to put both Counterattack (or Whirlwind Slash) and evasion on cool as soon as possible.

- If a mob is not KoS, infer that Surprise Attack will be the first attack (not buff) used in your rotation, always. If it is KoS, you use your Surprise Attack only after you have landed a stun and have positioned yourself behind them.

- After the last buff has been executed (devo), engage the mob as fast as possible. If it's not a KoS mob, this is much easier to do because you can buff on top of the mob, which in turn optimizes the amount of time your Devo is up.

- If at any time during your rotation you evade, and your Counterattack or Whirlwind Slash are up, use them A.S.A.P., then resume your rotation. Reason being that these skills not only hit very hard, but the stun allows you to get into position for a SA, as well as decreasing damage intake.

- When opening up with swift edge chain (KoS mob) + Evasion, make sure to use your swift edge chain quickly in order to use Counterattack before it wears off. If you don't feel confident enough (or are lagging) to use Evasion prior to starting the fight, there's no problem with using it the second after you use your Swift Edge chain. It will only slightly slow your damage output/efficiency.

- Never use your DP skill (Strike of Darkness) without first using Clear Focus and Killer's Eye. It can easily crit for 3k+ at the mid 20's. Always keep at least 2k DP if farming in the Abyss in case you come across a player and feel the need to gank them.
Skill Rotations: All the following rotations (unless otherwise expressed) will be shown as though the target does not have a skill worth evading, and will list Evasion use as such. If you engage something with a skill that you should avoid (Back Attack, Poison, Knockdown, Stun, etc.), you must adjust accordingly.

Killer's Eye ---> Evasion ---> Devo --> Swift Edge Chain ---> Counter ---> Dash (if up) ---> Repeat.
- Makes sure you use the buffs in that order. Devo should always be last in the buff chain.
- From here on out the buff chain shown in 10-12 will be abbreviated as "Buffs".
- Until you obtain Fang Strike, using Pain Rune won't be very efficient at all.


Buffs --> Swift Edge Chain ---> Counter ---> Rune Carve ---> Dash (if up) ---> Swift Edge --->

Rune Carve ---> Pain Rune --> Repeat.

Buffs ---> Swift Edge Chain ---> Fang Strike ---> Rune Carve --> Swift --> Fang Strike --> Pain Rune

--> Repeat.

20-24: Upon hitting 22, you'll always want to use Clear Focus first in your buff chain.
Buffs ---> Swift Edge Chain ---> Fang Strike ---> Carve Chain (Runic Carve + Sigil Strike)--->

Pain Rune ---> Repeat.

Here is where things get a good deal more complicated. You get a ton of new skills and I highly advise that you rebind your keys accordingly to compensate them. Furthermore, whether or not you're fighting a KoS mob will further dictate how you open up on them, and which buffs to use and when to use them.

Here's an example of an opener I would do on a KoS mob with a strong ability (like the first Balaurs you fight in the Abyss):
Buffs ---> Ambush --> SA --> Fang Strike ---> Carve Chain ---> Pain Rune ---> Swift Edge --->

Fang Strike ---> Carve Chain ---> Binding Rune (Swift Edge if not up).
That's just one way to open up on a KoS w/ strong ability. Another would be to save Ambush for the strong attack, and use Evasion+Whirlwind Slash or Counter to setup the initial SA. It's all based on personal preference, and what cools are up when you engage.

Here's a typical opener on a non-KoS mob, with no special attack:
Clear Focus --> Killer's Eye --> Evasion --> Devo ---> SA ---> Whirlwind Slash (Counter if not up) -->

Fang Strike --> Carve Chain --> Pain Rune -> Swift Edge --> Ambush --> Fang Strike -->

Carve Chain (Swift Edge if not up) --> Repeat.
Or, if you don't have ambush:
Clear Focus ---> Killer's Eye ---> Evasion ---> Devo ---> SA ---> Whirlwind Slash --->

Fang Strike --> Carve Chain ---> Pain Rune --> SE Chain --> Fang Strike --> Carve Chain --->

Binding rune (Swift Edge if not up) ---> Repeat.
The rotations may appear pretty long and intimidating at first. However with practice the rotations become pretty comfortable and fluent. You'll know which one to apply on which mob, and in what scenarios in no time.


Buffs --> Ambush (if not up go directly to swift edge) --> Swift Edge -->

Carve Chain --> Fang Chain (Fang Strike + Beast Kick) --> Pain Rune -->

Swift Edge Chain --> Carve Chain --> Fang Strike ---> Binding Rune (Repeat)

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Posted: September 21st, 2009, 4:42 pm

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