Rob Pardo Dreams Starcraft Film by James Cameron
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Rob Pardo Dreams Starcraft Film by James Cameron

Russ Frushtick from Multiplayer.MTV interviewed Rob Pardo recently in relation to the progress on the Warcraft film.

Naturally, with the recent release and success of Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty, MTV asked if there were plans for a Starcraft film.

Rob Pardo surprisingly responded Blizzard Entertainment has always wanted to go this route with its franchises, but they really need to find the right production team.

Rob Pardo would love if James Cameron took the reins of a StarCraft film project. Read it over at MTV.

Blizzard Quote:
"We've always had an interest in seeing our stuff on film or TV. It's just tricky to find the right partners. We probably could have made a ['StarCraft'] movie or something on TV years and years ago, but it's really important to us that we find creative people that are really talented but also really excited about our properties. That's always been the challenge for us. I think if Jim Cameron came to us tomorrow and said, 'You want to make a 'StarCraft' movie?' we'd probably sign that."

James Cameron is currently planning a sequel to the record-shattering "Avatar".

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