Star Wars The Old Republic Dupes | SWTOR Dupes
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Star Wars The Old Republic Dupes | SWTOR Dupes

SWTOR DupesMany players have heard about dupes for SWTOR but they have no real clue what they are or how to do them. Star wars the old republic dupes are allowing you to make copies of items or experience in the game. So for example taking 1 credit and turning it into 2 credits instant is an example. Imagine taking 1 billion credits and instantly turning them into 2 billion credits. With good SWTOR dupes you can do this and more. Imagine becoming the riches player on your server.

Now when you are using star wars the old republic dupes for experience that is a total different ball game. You can dupe a quest item then turn it in to gain xp for a specific quest. Or dupe certain items needed to help you farm higher level monsters in the game. You will be able to keep up with the competition when it comes to staying high level. You can also trade your duped items to have players go out and power level you in the game. Also there are xp dupes in the game. For example you can find a way to dupe a quests rewards so you can constantly turn in an item that gives you some easy experience. Then you just make a macro that will dupe the item and turn it in for you. Run that for a few hours and watch your character hit max level. Because players are always trying to reach the next level and become richer you can see why SWTOR dupes are so big in the game.

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