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Harvest Bot : EverQuest 2 Premium Discussions - Page 13

Posted: March 26th, 2005, 1:03 am
thadious's Reps:
User avatar
Yea, im workin on that too atm. I think i finally got the go to spot 1 and then 2 etc working. Only thing i would like to fix is to be able to after a specified # of attempts to restart the script automatically so it can reset the bad resource array. Is there a VB command I can use to tell the script to go. I know "restart" will stop it but I dont know what to use to start again. Thx.

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Posted: March 26th, 2005, 1:45 pm
thedoorman's Reps:
User avatar
Hey everyone..
I'm new to the forums.. just bought xunleashed... i used the crafting bot and that is awesome! but i can't get this to work at all.
i edited the resource part of the script from one of the posts made in here so it looks like this

(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))):
'Resources to look for.  Syntax:  HOTKEY, ResourceName
Resources = array( _
   array("1", "alluvium ore"), _
   array("4", "arbor"), _
   array("1", "callous ore"), _
   array("4", "decrepit arbor"), _
   array("1", "dusky ore"), _
   array("3", "fairy ring"), _
   array("4", "felled high plains arbor"), _
   array("4", "fetid arbor"), _
   array("1", "hermetic stone"), _
   array("3", "high plains fungi"), _
   array("3", "high plains shrubbery"), _
   array("3", "mesquite catch weed"), _
   array("3", "musty roots"), _
   array("3", "mystic natural garden"), _
   array("3", "natural garden"), _
   array("3", "natural herb garden"), _
   array("1", "ore"), _
   array("3", "ovegrown fairy ring"), _
   array("3", "overgrown bed of greenslade"), _
   array("3", "piperaceae"), _
   array("3", "plains fungi"), _
   array("3", "plains roots"), _
   array("3", "plains shrubbery"), _
   array("1", "residual ore"), _
   array("1", "rhythmic stone"), _
   array("1", "rigid stone"), _
   array("3", "roots"), _
   array("1", "sandwashed rock"), _
   array("3", "stody roots"), _
   array("1", "stonecrest ore"), _
   array("3", "velvety roots"), _
   array("4", "wind felled tree"), _
   array("1", "wind swept stones"), _
   array("4", "wretched arbor") _

Then i jumped in game to run it and my character did nothing. The script didn't stop.. it is running, but it doesn't do anything.. my character just stays in one place. Not sure what i did wrong. Here is my log

(!empty($user->lang['QUOTE'])) ? $user->lang['QUOTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'QUOTE'))):
03/26/05 09:47:23 AM XUnleashed Client: Launching. . .

03/26/05 09:51:46 AM Found Target Process: EverQuest2.exe

03/26/05 09:51:47 AM Initializing COM Objects. . .

03/26/05 09:51:47 AM Setting up DirectX Hooks. . .

03/26/05 09:51:47 AM Found Target Process: EverQuest2.exe

03/26/05 09:51:47 AM Setting up DirectX Hooks. . .

03/26/05 09:51:50 AM FOUND: Direct3DCreate9

03/26/05 09:51:50 AM Starting Services. . .

03/26/05 09:51:50 AM ------->FOUND A StandardSERVICE: XUnleashed Windows Input Service

03/26/05 09:51:50 AM CXUWinInput::Initialize()

03/26/05 09:51:50 AM ------->FOUND A StandardSERVICE: XUnleashed TCP/IP Packet Sniffer

03/26/05 09:51:50 AM CPacketSniffer::Initialize()

03/26/05 09:51:50 AM Starting the 3rd Party Services...

03/26/05 09:51:50 AM ------->FOUND A 3rd Party Service: Wyvern's EQ2 Servicer

03/26/05 09:51:51 AM Starting Plugins. . .

03/26/05 09:51:51 AM ------->FOUND A 3rd Party Plugin: EQ2Crafter Plugin

03/26/05 09:51:51 AM Loading Window Schema. . .

03/26/05 09:51:51 AM ------->FOUND A STANDARD Plugin: XUnleashed V2 Triggers

03/26/05 09:51:51 AM Loading Window Schema. . .

03/26/05 09:51:51 AM ------->FOUND A STANDARD Plugin: XUnleashed V2 Macros

03/26/05 09:51:51 AM Loading Window Schema. . .

03/26/05 09:51:51 AM ------->FOUND A STANDARD Plugin: XUnleashed V2 Scripts

03/26/05 09:51:51 AM Loading Window Schema. . .

03/26/05 09:51:51 AM Attempting to lock onto Client. . .

03/26/05 09:51:51 AM WARNING: Requested DirectX9 Screen Format may not be compatable with XUnleashed.

03/26/05 09:51:51 AM FOUND: Direct3D9::CreateDevice()

03/26/05 09:51:51 AM DETECTED: Direct3DDevice9 Reset

03/26/05 09:51:51 AM WARNING: Requested DirectX9 Screen Format may be incompatable with XUnleashed.

03/26/05 09:51:51 AM FOUND: Direct3DDevice9::Present

03/26/05 09:51:51 AM Releasing XUnleashed DX9 BackBuffers.

03/26/05 09:51:51 AM Released XUnleashed DX9 BackBuffers.

03/26/05 09:51:51 AM Initializing DX9 BackBuffers...

03/26/05 09:52:56 AM DETECTED: Direct3DDevice9 Reset

03/26/05 09:52:56 AM WARNING: Requested DirectX9 Screen Format may be incompatable with XUnleashed.

03/26/05 09:52:56 AM FOUND: Direct3DDevice9::Present

03/26/05 09:52:56 AM Releasing XUnleashed DX9 BackBuffers.

03/26/05 09:52:56 AM Released XUnleashed DX9 BackBuffers.

03/26/05 09:52:56 AM Initializing DX9 BackBuffers...

03/26/05 09:53:02 AM XUScriptHelper->Creating Script Engine (VBScript). . .

03/26/05 09:53:02 AM XUScriptHelper->AddScriptItem: XUScriptHost

03/26/05 09:53:02 AM XUScriptHelper->AddScriptItem: Win32API

03/26/05 09:53:02 AM XUScriptHelper->AddScriptItem: VirtualKey

03/26/05 09:53:02 AM XUScriptHelper->AddScriptItem: Memory

03/26/05 09:53:02 AM XUScriptHelper->AddScriptItem: SystemInfo

03/26/05 09:53:02 AM XUScriptHelper->AddScriptItem: MemoryBasicInformation

03/26/05 09:53:02 AM XUScriptHelper->AddScriptItem: XUScriptPlugin

03/26/05 09:53:02 AM XUScriptHelper->Executing Script: 'EQ2Harvest Bot. version 1.1

'By WyvernX

' Install Instructions

'1. You MUST install the EQ2Service plugin. Get it from the downloads on the web page.

'2. Configure your data below

'Various Varying Variables

Dim oServiceObject, File, temp, FTarget, TargetID

Dim ResourceIndex, SpawnID, Resources, MobName, ResourceName

Dim HarvestCounter, MaxHarvests, MaxWanderDistance

Dim bQuitOnMaxHarvests, WanderDistance, bIgnoreWanderDistanceIfResourceFound

Dim BadSpawnArray, NumberOfBadSpawns

Dim RX, RY, PX, PY, RH, PH, IX, IY 'Resource, Player, Initial X and Y values

'Notes: If using patrol route, use a tight/small WanderDistance. If using wander method, use a larger one. Just remember you will wander any where in a square - distance away from the origin!!!

bIgnoreWanderDistanceIfResourceFound = true 'If a resource is outside of our wander area, harvest it anyway. (This could cause to you to move FAR away from home point!)

WanderDistance = 100 'How far the char is allowed to wander around

MaxWanderDistance = 300 'How far to stray away from starting point (if bIgnoreWanderDistanceIfResourceFound is true)

MaxHarvests = 60 'Will attempt to harvest MaxHarvests times.

bQuitOnMaxHarvets = false 'Log out after MaxHarvests is reached.

'Resources to look for. Syntax: HOTKEY, ResourceName

Resources = array( _

array("1", "alluvium ore"), _

array("4", "arbor"), _

array("2", "badger den"), _

array("1", "callous ore"), _

array("2", "critter den"), _

array("4", "decrepit arbor"), _

array("2", "deer den"), _

array("2", "dire wolf den"), _

array("1", "dusky ore"), _

array("3", "fairy ring"), _

array("4", "felled high plains arbor"), _

array("4", "fetid arbor"), _

array("1", "hermetic stone"), _

array("3", "high plains fungi"), _

array("3", "high plains shrubbery"), _

array("3", "mesquite catch weed"), _

array("5", "mob of fish"), _

array("2", "molerat den"), _

array("3", "musty roots"), _

array("3", "mystic natural garden"), _

array("3", "natural garden"), _

array("3", "natural herb garden"), _

array("1", "ore"), _

array("3", "ovegrown fairy ring"), _

array("3", "overgrown bed of greenslade"), _

array("3", "piperaceae"), _

array("3", "plains fungi"), _

array("3", "plains roots"), _

array("3", "plains shrubbery"), _

array("1", "residual ore"), _

array("1", "rhythmic stone"), _

array("1", "rigid stone"), _

array("3", "roots"), _

array("1", "sandwashed rock"), _

array("5", "school of fish"), _

array("5", "shoal of fish"), _

array("3", "stody roots"), _

array("1", "stonecrest ore"), _

array("5", "throng of fish"), _

array("3", "velvety roots"), _

array("4", "wind felled tree"), _

array("1", "wind swept stones"), _

array("4", "wretched arbor") _















'Set the Log file for our output if necessary

logFilename = GetXUnleashedDirectory() + "\Scripts\EQ2Test.txt" 'debug log file

'Simple Log writing function

function writeLogLine (msg)

Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8

Dim FTarget, File, MyDate, MyTime, temp

MyDate = CStr (FormatDateTime (Date, 1))

MyTime = CStr (FormatDateTime (Time, 3))

Set FTarget = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set File = FTarget.OpenTextFile(logFilename, ForAppending, True)

temp = "[" & MyDate & " " & MyTime & "] " & msg & vbCrLf

File.Write temp


end function

function WithinRoamArea()

'Check Distance

if (bIgnoreWanderDistanceIfResourceFound = true) then

if (distDiff(IX,RX) < MaxWanderDistance AND distDiff(IY,RY) < MaxWanderDistance) then

WithinRoamArea = true


WithinRoamArea = false

end if


if (distDiff(IX,RX) < WanderDistance AND distDiff(IY,RY) < WanderDistance) then

WithinRoamArea = true


WithinRoamArea = false

end if

end if

end function

sub HandleNoResourcesNearby

writeLogLine("No Resources in this area. Taking a nap!")

for s = 1 to 30

XUScriptPlugin.staStatus.Text = "No Resources nearby. Sleeping " & 30 - s

sleep 1000 'Sleep for 30 seconds.


XUScriptPlugin.staStatus.Text = "Going to random spot near origin"

NavigateXY oServiceObject, IX - WanderDistance + Random(0,WanderDistance * 2), IY - WanderDistance + Random(0,WanderDistance * 2)

end sub

sub HandleBadResource()

'This will take us back to "near" our starting point.

writeLogLine("HandleBadResource Called. Avoid that resource node.")

XUScriptPlugin.staStatus.Text = "Bad Resource/Target! Avoiding it for now. . ."

'NavigateXY oServiceObject, IX - WanderDistance + Random(0,WanderDistance * 2), IY - WanderDistance + Random(0,WanderDistance * 2)

BadSpawnArray(NumberOfBadSpawns) = SpawnID

NumberOfBadSpawns = NumberOfBadSpawns + 1

end sub

'How to find Resources.

'Note, it looks for preference items (lower index in the array) first.

'Might customize this later to look for nearest resources first.

sub FindResource()

writeLogLine("Finding Resource...")

XUScriptPlugin.staStatus.Text = "Looking. . ."

for i = LBound(Resources) to UBound(Resources)

SpawnID = findNearestMob(oServiceObject,Resources(i)(1))

for b = LBound(BadSpawnArray) to UBound(BadSpawnArray)

if (BadSpawnArray(b) = SpawnID) then

writeLogLine("Avoiding this resource, we couldnt get it last time!")

SpawnID = findNextNearestMob(oServiceObject)

if (SpawnID < 0) then 'No more of that type of resource!

exit for

end if

end if


if (SpawnID > -1) then

ResourceIndex = i

writeLogLine("Found Something...")

RX = getMobX(oServiceObject,SpawnID)

RY = getMobY(oServiceObject,SpawnID)

PX = getPlayerX(oServiceObject)

PY = getPlayerY(oServiceObject)

if (WithinRoamArea) then

writeLogLine("Woot! Found a " & Resources(i)(1))

XUScriptPlugin.staStatus.Text = "Found " & Resources(i)(1)

exit sub


writeLogLine("Nope, too far away!")

SpawnID = -1

end if

end if


if (SpawnID < 0) then


end if

end sub

sub GotoResource()

writeLogLine("Moving to it...")

If (Index > -1) then

if (RX = 0 and RY = 0) then

writeLogLine("Bad location?")

XUScriptPlugin.staStatus.Text = "Skipping, bad location?"

Sleep 2000


NavigateXY oServiceObject, RX, RY

end if

end if

end sub

sub HarvestResource()

if (SpawnID > 0) then 'Make sure we still got a target


XUScriptPlugin.staStatus.Text = "Harvesting. . .Only " & MaxHarvests - HarvestCounter & " more!!!"


HarvestCounter = HarvestCounter + 1 'One down!

sleep 5000 + Random(500,1500) 'Wait 5 seconds to harvest + a random delay of .5 to 1.5 seconds

end if

end sub

'Load in the helper functions

writeLogLine("Loading in Library: Navigator")

XUScriptPlugin.staStatus.Text = "Loading libraries... (EQ2Harvest-Navigator)"


writeLogLine("Loading in Library: EQ2Service")

XUScriptPlugin.staStatus.Text = "Loading libraries... (EQ2Harvest-EQ2Service)"


writeLogLine("Creating EQ2Service Object")

XUScriptPlugin.staStatus.Text = "Loading EQ2Service..."

set oServiceObject = XUScriptPlugin.GetService("EQ2Service.Service")

if Err.Number <> 0 then

XUScriptPlugin.staStatus.Text = "EQ2Service Failed to load!"

Sleep 5000


writeLogLine("Doing 1 time init.")

'Any and All initialization

HarvestCounter = 0

IX = getPlayerX(oServiceObject)

IY = getPlayerY(oServiceObject)

NumberOfBadSpawns = 0

redim BadSpawnArray(MaxHarvests)

writeLogLine("Lets do this.")

'Heart of the Script.

Do while HarvestCounter < MaxHarvests


if (SpawnID > 0) then

Sleep 2000


writeLogLine("Targeting Resource")

SendKeys("{TAB}") 'To Target the Resource

TargetID = getTargetID(oServiceObject)

if (TargetID > 0) then

MobName = getMobName(oServiceObject, TargetID)

writeLogLine("Targeted Resource: " & MobName)

end if

ResourceName = Resources(ResourceIndex)(1)

if (TargetID <> SpawnID) then

'Try backing up a little and try again:

writeLogLine("Wrong Target! Trying to back up a little...")




SendKeys("{TAB}") 'To Target the Resource

TargetID = getTargetId(oServiceObject)

if (TargetID > 0) then

MobName = getMobName(oServiceObject, TargetIndex)

writeLogLine("Targeted Resource: " & MobName)

end if

ResourceName = Resources(ResourceIndex)(1)

if (TargetID <> SpawnID) then


writeLogLine("ARG!!! Could not target the resource!!!")

end if

end if

TargetID = getTargetID(oServiceObject)

if (TargetID = SpawnID) then HarvestResource

TargetID = getTargetID(oServiceObject)

if (TargetID = SpawnID) then HarvestResource

TargetID = getTargetID(oServiceObject)

if (TargetID = SpawnID) then HarvestResource

end if

sleep 200


if (bQuitOnMaxHarvets = true) then


end if

set File = Nothing

set FTarget = Nothing

set oServiceObject = Nothing

end if

03/26/05 09:54:10 AM Stopping Plugins. . .

03/26/05 09:54:10 AM Stopping Services. . .

03/26/05 09:54:10 AM CPacketSniffer::Terminate()

03/26/05 09:54:10 AM CXUWinInput::Terminate()

03/26/05 09:54:10 AM Releasing XUnleashed DX9 BackBuffers.

03/26/05 09:54:10 AM Released XUnleashed DX9 BackBuffers.

03/26/05 10:06:14 AM XUnleashed Client: Updating 3rd Party Plugins and Services...

03/26/05 10:06:14 AM XUnleashed Client: Patching EQ2Crafter Plugin

03/26/05 10:06:14 AM XUnleashed Client: Retrieving the file: update

03/26/05 10:06:15 AM XUnleashed Client: Patching Wyvern's EQ2 Servicer

03/26/05 10:06:15 AM XUnleashed Client: Retrieving the file: update

03/26/05 10:06:15 AM XUnleashed Client: Redirecting to alternate patch server. . .

03/26/05 10:06:15 AM XUnleashed Client: Retrieving the file: EQ2ServiceNews.txt

03/26/05 10:06:15 AM XUnleashed Client: Redirecting to alternate patch server. . .

03/26/05 10:06:16 AM XUnleashed Client: Patching complete. . .

03/26/05 10:06:17 AM XUnleashed Client: Updating 3rd Party Plugins and Services...

03/26/05 10:06:17 AM XUnleashed Client: Patching EQ2Crafter Plugin

03/26/05 10:06:17 AM XUnleashed Client: Retrieving the file: update

03/26/05 10:06:17 AM XUnleashed Client: Patching Wyvern's EQ2 Servicer

03/26/05 10:06:17 AM XUnleashed Client: Retrieving the file: update

03/26/05 10:06:17 AM XUnleashed Client: Redirecting to alternate patch server. . .

03/26/05 10:06:18 AM XUnleashed Client: Retrieving the file: EQ2ServiceNews.txt

03/26/05 10:06:18 AM XUnleashed Client: Redirecting to alternate patch server. . .

03/26/05 10:06:18 AM XUnleashed Client: Patching complete. . .

03/26/05 10:06:31 AM Uninitializing XUnleashed. . .

any help would be appreciated!!
Awesome program so far though!

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Posted: March 26th, 2005, 2:36 pm
twilightadmin's Reps:
User avatar
re. IDing the node, and selecting the right ability: why not use legit in game commands? I have 2 marcos I use in-game (as in legal marcos using the SOE macro tool). Both are one liners, taking advantage of the 'empty emote, followed by commands seperated by space semi-colon, space, omitting the customary forwardslash' method of stacking commands. The first targets the nearest targetable and harvests it, the second leaves out the targeting bit for when things are too tight:

/: ; target_nearest_npc ; useability Gathering ; useability Trapping ; useability Foresting ; useability Mining ; useability Fishing ; useability Collecting

/: ; useability Gathering ; useability Trapping ; useability Foresting ; useability Mining ; useability Fishing ; useability Collecting

Your code is targeting already, so all this does it put all the harvesting skills on one hot key, eliminating a decision cycle, and cutting down on hot bar clutter. Its useful (IMHO) even if your harvesting by hand.

[edit] didnt notice the length of this thread, and Im not going to slog through 13 pages just to ensure this hasnt already been discussed. So if its redundant, disregard [/edit]

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Posted: March 26th, 2005, 2:41 pm
thedoorman's Reps:
User avatar
actually it was mentioned a few times.. but announced that using the "/useability" command could get you banned.. it's a dead give away you are using a script

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Posted: March 26th, 2005, 6:16 pm

Total Posts: 169
Joined: January 17th, 2005, 11:44 pm
tazman076's Reps: 1
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Active User > 50 Posts
hmm doorman i'm not sure... usually if your if it stops the script after you start it and your character never does anything. it has classically been an error in the syntax somewhere... but everything appears to be ok so i'm not sure... is that the only thing you touched was the node designation part?

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Posted: March 27th, 2005, 6:10 pm
dacat77's Reps:
User avatar
Wondering if I can get some help. I have reloaded the eq2services, verified that the version is 1.2.0.

Everytime I try to load the harvester..it runs through and than displays all scripts stopped.

(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))):
03/27/05 08:54:12 PM   Looking for 3rd Party Service for services\EQ2Service.Service

03/27/05 08:54:12 PM   SCRIPT ERROR:  Type mismatch: 'LBound'
Src:  Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Line:110 Error:0 Scode:800a000d

03/27/05 08:54:12 PM   Failed to Parse the Script.  Check it for errors.

Is what my log is showing.

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Posted: March 27th, 2005, 9:07 pm
elwood's Reps:
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I get the same exact error when trying to use Sbens edited version. The normal version runs but doesnt work all that well for me. :(

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Posted: March 28th, 2005, 11:34 am

Total Posts: 11
Joined: March 19th, 2005, 7:03 am
nuttso's Reps: 0
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I tried inserting the script you posted to find the closest node but my script abruptly ends right after starting. I think there may be some error in the modified script and since I am by far no expert I was wondering if you could post your script? :?: I would like it to target the closest resource rather than running by them. Other than that this is just a trully amazing script to have.

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Posted: March 29th, 2005, 3:30 am
masamour's Reps:
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hello i'm french and no chance i'm in azerty :)
my char jump and go to the left and right
Can you explain me what bouton in keyboard i must put to
forward, left right and back

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Posted: March 29th, 2005, 5:31 am

Total Posts: 169
Joined: January 17th, 2005, 11:44 pm
tazman076's Reps: 1
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Active User > 50 Posts
nuttso,elwood,dacat77 you guys should use sben's modification

but where all the lines for the arrays are... take out the


at the begining of the line. not sure how or why they got added to his script but they are screwing up syntax

if you have trouble getting it to run make sure your using the latest version of wyv's service tool.

i don't have any experience on a euro config keyboard.. but you might want to see if your game lets you use an english/US as default for config of default keys... then you could go into the keys and write down what each of the keys does as seen by US default. Then switch it back to your normal config and go in and change the keys you'd use...

of top of my head these are what i can think of
a = left
w = forward
d = right
tab = switch targets
space bar = jump

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Posted: March 29th, 2005, 7:58 am
masamour's Reps:
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as i said, i'm french and i must put the french named but , they are name with the caracter " é " and this caus eme a lot of dicult can anyone help me plz ^^

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Posted: March 29th, 2005, 8:14 am
dacat77's Reps:
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I am using sben's script, took out the ' before the array. And still nothing. Just starts, says loading libraries than "all scripts stopped". Will reloaded XUI and see if that helps. Forced update of the servcies plugin as well. Radar and crafter works just fine. Thanks for the assistance.

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Posted: March 29th, 2005, 10:59 am
thadious's Reps:
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I will post my script but attach some warning labels :) I have really chopped it up and added some different things:

1) It always runs back to a specific spot (which you can change by putting the x,y loc in the sx, sy variables) I did this because most of the time I know where the nodes will repop and by the time the harvesting is done from wandering, it will run back and basically start over.

2) Once it returns "home" it clears the badspawn array. I did this because often times, even with the new targeting and such it will miss a node and add it to the badspawns. If you are harvesting for hrs on end, you could miss lots of good nodes b/c of this.

3) Tabs 8 times to make sure proper target is selected.

The script is far from perfect, but I am still workin on it. If any of you pros dive into it I am sure there is lots to fix but I am a hobbiest :)

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Posted: March 29th, 2005, 11:03 am
thadious's Reps:
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I noticed another thing when I first started playing with this. Even if you take out the ' before the arrays if you have a Blank Line in there anywhere it will do the exact same thing. Once you add the resources you wish to harvest make sure that the array looks like this:

Resources = array( _
array("1", "alluvium ore"), _
array("1", "sedimentary ore"), _
array("1", "hermetic stone"), _
array("1", "lithic stone"), _
array("3", "musty roots"), _
array("3", "insidious roots"), _
array("2", "manticore den"), _
array("2", "dire wolf den"), _
array("4", "putrid arbor"), _
array("4", "corrupted arbor"), _
array("5", "?") _

Not this:

Resources = array( _
array("1", "alluvium ore"), _
array("1", "sedimentary ore"), _
array("1", "hermetic stone"), _
array("1", "lithic stone"), _
array("3", "musty roots"), _
array("3", "insidious roots"), _
array("2", "manticore den"), _
array("2", "dire wolf den"), _
array("4", "putrid arbor"), _
array("4", "corrupted arbor"), _
array("5", "?") _
<----- no blank lines....

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Posted: March 29th, 2005, 12:19 pm
masamour's Reps:
User avatar
Please help me ://// problem with french name when they have an "é" into :'(:'(: what i must do:(

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