Starcraft 2 Hacks – SC2 Hack
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Starcraft 2 Hacks – SC2 Hack

Starcraft 2 Hacks - SC2 Hack

If you are like many players that enjoyed sc1 then you know all too well about all the major hacks that they had in the game. The major ones where basically how to remove the fog of war, how to set up bots to help you build faster, and how to slow down other players so you can easily win. Well now is your time for revenge because with SC2 all those hacks are back with even more danger to follow them. Here we will tell you a little bit about them and how you can use them to help your game play.
While you may or may not enjoy using starcraft 2 hacks you will have other players that will use them against you. So its more of a personal quandary that you will be dealing with. Keep in mind we are not saying you should be using starcraft 2 hacks all the time. Or are we saying that you should ever use them. We just want to enlighten players as to some of the major sc2 hacks that are out there and you can choose if you want to use them or not. Remember as always if you use a hack you can get your account banned so be careful because links all your accounts together so if you loose one game you loose them all.

So the first major exploit out there in starcraft is going to be the fog of war exploit. This exploit is going to allow players to see all other players in the game. What this does is basically remove the little shroud in the game that hides others from you. So instead of wondering if your opponent is going to rush or if they have no air defense you now know. Its evil, its useful, and people are using it all the time.

The second major exploit is going to be the one that allows you to micromanage units faster. For example instead of being forced to hit your keyboard shortcuts you can set the game to automatically take care of setting up your units perfectly in the beginning of the game. You can ever set up certain rush cycles. Like do a zealot rush and the game will start setting you up perfectly to win with a zealot rush.

The last major hack in the game is slowing down your opponent. What you do is basically set your comp up to make it seem like you are disconnecting from the game so they have the wait screen. However you actually are not stuck in that screen and you can continue playing the game while your opponents cant do anything for a minute or 2. That basically gives you the game if you can play right.

Keep in mind those are only 3 major hacks that are in both starcraft 1 and starcraft 2. There are many other hacks in the game currently and we just wanted to give you an example of some of the major things we have in our forums at

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