Aion Leveling Guides
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Aion Leveling Guides

Aion Leveling Guides

This post is going to just talk about Aion leveling guides in the game. With Aion your going to be using a leveling guide much akin to world of warcraft. Most people actually compare Aion to lineage 2 meets world of warcraft with flying. With Aion the current max level cap is currently set at level 50 however its expected to be upgraded shortly in the near future. The game is actually following a lot of the thins they have had in world of warcraft.

Our guides are going to mainly be a step by step instruction as where you should go in the game. They will also have in game pictures which will help you know exactly what we are talking about when we mention certain aspects of the game. We are going for the starting leveling time of a week or 2 of in game play time but as certain new hunting spots and and leveling tricks are discovered these numbers are going to grow quickly.

The guides for Aion are going to start coming closer to its release however we are going to work on having one available for our members to use closer to the actual release date. As well be sure not to actually go out and pay for those so called leveling guides that will be released soon as those are just going to be mainly scams of players that have played the game but dont actually know where to level. When those guides are released we will work on actually having them listed here so you wont be forced to waste your days trying to find a decent leveling guide.

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